How-To: root the Asus Transformer Prime

Jerry Hildenbrand

Space Cowboy
Staff member
Oct 11, 2009
You know what's really cool? When people who review Android devices are also Android nerds. Prime is rootable, and it's just as easy as the OG transformer. Check it:

Download Razorclaw v1. I've attached it below, in case newer versions don't work. But be sure to visit the site and thank the developers.

Allow the installation of unknown sources.

Install the Razorclaw app and run it.

Now enjoy the most kick-ass mobile hardware on the planet, the most customizable OS, and root all at the same time. Try not to let your head explode.

Big thanks to:
from, and to Phil for having the balls to try rooting review unit loaners :)
Thats great news! Forgive the newbi here, but how do I unroot, or go back to factory default settings?
Thats great news! Forgive the newbi here, but how do I unroot, or go back to factory default settings?

Remounting system as rewritable (try Remount by Stericson in the Market), then delete /system/xbin/su and /system/app/Superuser.apk, and rebooting. Since you can't remount as read-only, given you deleted su, the reboot will remount for you. Uninstall any updates to Superuser you may have installed.
Another Newbi do we download that straight to the TP or do we download it to our computer and then transfer it to the TP from there...sorry, 100% totally new to this and dont want to brick my TP the 1st time I use it!

TIA for your help/support!
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Awesome ;)

Phil, I'll send you a PM for some more digging, if you don't mind.
Remounting system as rewritable (try Remount by Stericson in the Market), then delete /system/xbin/su and /system/app/Superuser.apk, and rebooting. Since you can't remount as read-only, given you deleted su, the reboot will remount for you. Uninstall any updates to Superuser you may have installed.

Thanks Josh!!! That is alot of help to us newbe's! There are all kinds of info on how to root, but its almost impossible to find info on how to undo it. Heres my next question. What is the down side of rooting my TP? Can I still get all my factory updates? Can I still upgrade to icecream sandwhich later?
Not working on my prime.. Any ideas? Error 256

Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk
ok a dumb question...but why root it? And I have a bunch of apk games that wont work...any ideas? Sorry -got my prime yesterday and have 30 books on it now and 3000 songs but trying to get games to work as well.....
Allows you to do things that require root access (that might be obvious to you, sorry if it is)

- Big thing to me is PS3 Bluetooth Controller support. Unfortunately with ICS coming so soon I figure I will wait till that comes to mess with rooting
ok yep not obvious--what does require root access or is that like asking why the sun shines? is the answer limitless? thanks
Root access on an Android Device is similar to being an Administrator user in Windows. A regular user does not have access to run certain files, programs, etc. If you have heard of the term 'jailbreak' it is essentially the same thing. It unlocks the phone so you can do things not originally meant by the manufacturer for normal users.
This works on Firmware up to .23. Most now ship with at least .27. The latest OTA is .29.
So if it's not working for you check your ROM version. Mine came with .27 :(:'(:mad:

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