All about Incredible batteries (Replacements, Charging..ect)


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May 31, 2010
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What exactly is "cycling the battery"? All I've ever done with previous phones is charge them when they're near dead...never heard of doing any fancy strategy with regards to charging. Anyone wanna elaborate?


Apr 8, 2010
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I ordered the 1500mah battery off of ebay from this link The battery fit (snuggly), however the phone will not boot up or take a charge. Anyone else have this problem? The part number is 35H00123-00M.


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Apr 19, 2010
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1st week long vacation is coming in October, so I have time... But today, for example... My unplug time on the stock battery is 13H 40M... I have exactly 50% battery left... This is after Bump Charging this morning... GPS, WiFi, have been enabled all day... Many text messages, a few voice calls... Just spent the last hour on Facebook refreshing every 10 seconds to keep up with a "Comment Chain"... I've also taken 7 pictures with flash, and uploaded them to Facebook and 1 hour streaming Pandora... I can't really complain at this point...

Cell Standby: 21%
Wi-Fi: 21
Phone Idle: 18%
Android System: 18%
Camera: 16%
Display: 6%

Whoa Nelly!! How are you able to achieve that kind of battery life?? I have only had my phone for 5 days, but I am no where near that kind of battery life. Did you see the battery life improve substantially over time? Your advice would be greatly appreciated1 :)


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Apr 9, 2010
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Oh, and my Seido 1750 report. Used it extensively over the weeekend, never dropped below 45% after a full day of use.

Yeah, I gottas say it. Upgrading the battery on the Incredible to the 1750 is the right move. It's enough juice to get you through the day easily. Not gonna last 2 days straight, but can easily crank out 12-15 hrs for me. That's exactly what I needed. If you're on the fence, get it. You won't be sorry.



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Mar 23, 2010
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Oh, and my Seido 1750 report. Used it extensively over the weeekend, never dropped below 45% after a full day of use.

Yeah, I gottas say it. Upgrading the battery on the Incredible to the 1750 is the right move. It's enough juice to get you through the day easily. Not gonna last 2 days straight, but can easily crank out 12-15 hrs for me. That's exactly what I needed. If you're on the fence, get it. You won't be sorry.


@beef5stew: May I ask you some questions?

1. Is your battery broken in (charged 5-7x)?
2. what is the longest you have gone w/o a charge on this battery?
3. Do you think it can go 24hrs WITHOUT a charge under moderate to heavy use?
4. are your results while using standard/NON-bumping charging? (plug in at bed time, unplug and go in am?)

I am on the verge of buying the 1750 you have but am still considering waiting for the Seidieo 3500mA big boy and its cover


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Apr 9, 2010
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@beef5stew: May I ask you some questions?

1. Is your battery broken in (charged 5-7x)?
2. what is the longest you have gone w/o a charge on this battery?
3. Do you think it can go 24hrs WITHOUT a charge under moderate to heavy use?
4. are your results while using standard/NON-bumping charging? (plug in at bed time, unplug and go in am?)

I am on the verge of buying the 1750 you have but am still considering waiting for the Seidieo 3500mA big boy and its cover

I've had this bad boy for 5 days now. I've been charging it every night for 8 hours, no bumping. Just bedtime, to out the door in the AM.

Day one 7am - 9pm; Moderate usage; 20% at End of Day
Day two 7am - 9pm; Moderate usage; 30% at EOD
Day 3 10am - 9pm; light use: 42% at EOD
Day 4 1pm -9pm; (forgot to grab my phone on Sunday); Very light use 64% EOD
Day 5 9am - 9pm; light use: 48% EOD.

Day 3,4,5 were a weekend and a it's hard to say if they count as a good statistic. I started today with 100%, and 8 hours in, I'm down to 44%. But I've been playing some "Age of Empires" and that chews up battery like nobody's business.

I think that if I used it fairly lightly (text and phone only) I could get 22-24 hrs out of this battery before it went completely ka-put. I still have the stock battery, so If I'm going on a fishing trip or vaca, I'll probably charge that up too and have it as a spare.

If you are doing Heavy usage, you'll get 12 hrs out of it. Moderate usage (most normal people); 16-17 hrs.

This battery should be sufficient for most people's normal routines day-to-day (IMHO), if a "thicker" phone appeals to you, then you should wait for the larger battery. If you are looking for a full day's worth of juice, this will make it happen.



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May 1, 2010
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My 1750 has went through the prescribed 5-6 cycles per Seidio. And after a week and half of usage I can get by 12 hour under moderate to high usage. This includes doing everything but playing games for extended periods or streaming any type of internet video, mainly youtube.

If I stay to web surfing, messaging, phone calls, and some camera shots my 1750 has no issues pushing me out to 14-16 hours in a day. At the end of those hours I normally have about 20% left on the battery. So I'm seeing about double the life of the 1300maH stock battery.

If I do heavy usage pattern for instance streaming a podcast for an hour while I play a game the phone has no issue dropping 25-30% in an hour. So it all depends on your usage patterns. So depending on usage you will get 6-20 hours from my estimates going from extremely heavy usage no little-light usage.


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Apr 20, 2010
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I just ordered the Siedo 1750.

One thing I noticed with the stock battery. As discussed in the other thread (it may have been merged into this thread, not sure), when I do the "trick" of charging to 100%, unplug, turn it off, orange light comes back on to indicate charging, green light, turn back on... that seems to work.

Another thing I noticed with the trick: if I unplug, turn off, charge back from orange to green, and then leave it plugged in at "100%" for a couple of hour ... I can then unplug, turn off, and get the orange light again.

To me this indicates that once I turn it back on and continue charging, the battery is being allowed to go back down to what the software indicate is "100%", when in reality it is not.

Not sure if it is the battery having the issue, or the software. But I'm ordering the better battery and hope to eliminate the issues that way.


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Mar 23, 2010
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I've had this bad boy for 5 days now. I've been charging it every night for 8 hours, no bumping. Just bedtime, to out the door in the AM.

Day one 7am - 9pm; Moderate usage; 20% at End of Day
Day two 7am - 9pm; Moderate usage; 30% at EOD
Day 3 10am - 9pm; light use: 42% at EOD
Day 4 1pm -9pm; (forgot to grab my phone on Sunday); Very light use 64% EOD
Day 5 9am - 9pm; light use: 48% EOD.

Day 3,4,5 were a weekend and a it's hard to say if they count as a good statistic. I started today with 100%, and 8 hours in, I'm down to 44%. But I've been playing some "Age of Empires" and that chews up battery like nobody's business.

I think that if I used it fairly lightly (text and phone only) I could get 22-24 hrs out of this battery before it went completely ka-put. I still have the stock battery, so If I'm going on a fishing trip or vaca, I'll probably charge that up too and have it as a spare.

If you are doing Heavy usage, you'll get 12 hrs out of it. Moderate usage (most normal people); 16-17 hrs.

This battery should be sufficient for most people's normal routines day-to-day (IMHO), if a "thicker" phone appeals to you, then you should wait for the larger battery. If you are looking for a full day's worth of juice, this will make it happen.


Thanks for answering my questions. You pretty much put the last nail in the coffin for the 1750mA meeting my needs. It will cost a chunk more but really need the 24hr w/o a charge. The DI is quite thin and light in my opinion, much lighter than my BB Storm was, so going a bit thicker wont be too noticeable.


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Mar 23, 2010
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@ping pong

Any progress on the 3500mA Eris battery and back mod? Just curious and looking for a quicker option than Seideio in July. thanks


Well-known member
May 2, 2010
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Whoa Nelly!! How are you able to achieve that kind of battery life?? I have only had my phone for 5 days, but I am no where near that kind of battery life. Did you see the battery life improve substantially over time? Your advice would be greatly appreciated1 :)

Sorry for the late reply... Since I have the time to do it every morning, I do the bump charge of the phone... It really does help the battery life. Today is a good example... I didn't bump charge this morning, and with identical usage... Heavy text, few webpage, several emails, etc... I was in the Orange by 10pm where as by this time with bump charging, I have an additional 10 - 15% battery left... Twitter, Facebook, and Friendstream update every hour and Gmail constantly pushes... So I don't know if I'm lucky or what, but the battery is ok for me right now. Oh... and I run Advanced Task Killer... seems to help with some of the background stuff eating the battery.


May 15, 2010
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I just got the incredible and am on day 2 of the stock battery. One thing I noticed is that with the phone on I can charge it to 100 percent and turn it off and the light will be orange indicating not a full charge. The phone will charge another 20 some odd minutes before the light will turn green indicating a full charge with the phone still off.

So in essence the phone is not receiving a full charge when it's left on to charge. Is this the issue you guys are referring to? Is this present only with the stock battery? I have the 1750 on the way.


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May 1, 2010
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I just got the incredible and am on day 2 of the stock battery. One thing I noticed is that with the phone on I can charge it to 100 percent and turn it off and the light will be orange indicating not a full charge. The phone will charge another 20 some odd minutes before the light will turn green indicating a full charge with the phone still off.

So in essence the phone is not receiving a full charge when it's left on to charge. Is this the issue you guys are referring to? Is this present only with the stock battery? I have the 1750 on the way.
This is an issue with the phone and has been identified almost every page in this thread. If you look back at the previous posts all your questions should be answered. Don't worry about it as it is not a huge problem. Also we are hoping that bug gets fixed in the 2.2 update coming out soon.



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Jun 2, 2010
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I always find my battery dies on me when I most need the phone and I never remember to bring my charger with me to work! I'm only new to HTC so not an expert, are there extension batteries, longer life batteries etc available??


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May 3, 2010
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This is an issue with the phone and has been identified almost every page in this thread. If you look back at the previous posts all your questions should be answered. Don't worry about it as it is not a huge problem. Also we are hoping that bug gets fixed in the 2.2 update coming out soon.


FWIW, I'm not sure it's a bug. I think the phone just stops charging when it's full, like the Samsung Omnia.


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Apr 14, 2010
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Any news on the 2150 mah battery and door that Verizon was supposed to have?

No news yet... i can't find anyone at all that can give me a solid date and I have some deep contacts in corporate too. There is some sort of a "manufacturing delay" with the battery. Maybe this delay is because they found something with the circuitry of the battery which would alleviate all stock battery problems as well. One could wish right?

I am waiting for the 2150mAh as well. Late June to middle July would be my guess though.


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Apr 9, 2010
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Just for fun, I charged my phone to 100% yesterday at 3pm. Used it very lightly since then (some podcast, some calls). and it just got to 20% at 11:45am today.

So for light use, the 1750 will give you 21 hrs. 100% to 20%. I could probably squeeze a few more hours until 0, but I need to have the phone working later today, so I'm gonna put it on the charger now.


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