Candid first impression vs Evo 4G LTE


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Sep 9, 2010
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Way to dismiss everything I just wrote.

EDIT: And make up issues. Seriously, reboots? Lag? Point me to these oh so plentiful threads you speak of.
On one hand you say people who say they're not experiencing issues you are, are not being honest, then on the other hand when a poster lists issues he's noticed on a device you use, you say they're made up.
So you get to choose which issues are made up and which are real based the device in question? It doesn't quite work that way. Why aren't that posters issues as real as yours?
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Oct 26, 2010
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However, there is no 16:9 on the 8mp setting.

Almost all cameras do this, I think it's because of the sensor shape. Even with my Sanyo HD1000 the highest widescreen photo option is lower than the megapixels available for a regular picture. Makes sense, but I kind of wish 16:9 photos would become the de facto standard. I'm finding these days I do most of my picture viewing on my 52" Samsung TV with the pics and videos loaded onto my PS3. Even my computer monitors are both 1920x1080.



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May 11, 2012
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Almost all cameras do this, I think it's because of the sensor shape. Even with my Sanyo HD1000 the highest widescreen photo option is lower than the megapixels available for a regular picture. Makes sense, but I kind of wish 16:9 photos would become the de facto standard. I'm finding these days I do most of my picture viewing on my 52" Samsung TV with the pics and videos loaded onto my PS3. Even my computer monitors are both 1920x1080.


Oh I see.. I thought it was odd because the EVO LTE shoots 16:9 on 8mp. When I first started using the camera, I thought something was wrong or it was preset to a lower setting. Is the camera on the S3 not capable of this via hack or something?


Sep 18, 2011
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I returned the EVO 4g LTE for the S3. So far I'm pretty happy with the S3. I prefer touch wiz of sense, but I installed Apex launcher(feels more like stock ICS). The screen on the HTC appeared more Sharp but the screen on the S3 is a lot more vibrant. The 2 gig of ram really helps this phone which was the main reason I chose it over the EVO. The EVO was a great device it just lagged a little too much for me.

Love Divine

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Apr 24, 2011
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After trying both, I'm going with the Evo. Both are great phones. Here are some of my thoughts:

-Screen, screen, screen. The screen on the EVO is a clear step up from that on the S3. No ifs, ands or buts about it. The S3's is nice, but just can't match the EVOs.Complete oversaturation and blacks taking over, making pics with lots of shadows far too black.The EVO's screen slaughters the S3's in daylight readability as well. To each his own, but I just can not comprehend how anybody can prefer the S3s screen after seeing them side-by-side.

-Sense>Touchwiz. That's always held true, and it's still true now. It seems to work with ICS rather than against it. My biggest gripe with touchwiz is its lack of a consistent design language. Apps can look wildly different than each other. The nature theme is just weird, and doesn't do the best job of conveying the vibe I think they intended to convey. Overall, it just seems gimmicky instead of actually increasing function. S-Voice sucks, and even more so in light of the recent improvements Google has demonstrated in Google Now.

Other than that, it's pretty even. Both are fast, and the cameras are close. The battery life is great on both. Didn't spend enough time with the S3 to get a good radio assessment yet.


Nov 13, 2011
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No FM Radio? Are you kidding me? Why on Earth would Sprint require the removal of the FM Radio? I've already put my order in for the phone, and now will cancel, if I can.

I do a lot of trail running, in an area that doesn't have good 3G coverage, so streaming isn't an option. And I get sick of the same old music I have on my play lists, and enjoy the variety that FM radio brings without continually updating my song lists. That, and listening to the radio doesn't drain my battery like streaming does.

Major fail Sprint, once again.

Guess I'm going with HTC Evo 4G LTE. What a shame. I really liked the looks of the SG3. Major muck up Sprint.


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Jun 8, 2010
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Being a previous owner of an Evo 4g LTE (who returned it for a SGS3), I have a few reasons why you should go with the SGS3.

1.) Sense is laggy. There's no way around it. Everyone knows this, I don't know why some people pretend that it's not there, or that it doesn't affect day-to-day usage. I'm talking slower than my OG Evo opening and loading apps, rendering web pages, you name it. Everything from opening the app drawer, to the stuttery and inconsistent transitions moving between apps and windows (sometimes it blinks, sometimes it zooms, sometimes it fades), to it's severe multitasking woes, it will make you wonder why you blew $600 for a phone that causes more inconveniences than it's supposed to alleviate. Touchwiz is nearly unanimously praised by reviews worldwide for its fluidity and speed. Even though it's not a quad-core, it feels like a quad-core device.

2.) If battery is your issue, here's another scenario you probably didn't think of. Charging up the Evo 4g LTE takes FOREVER. It takes anywhere from 3-5 hours to charge from 0-100%. With the Evo, not only do you not have a spare battery to switch out, but your phone is also rendered tethered (that is if you're lucky enough to be near an outlet with a charger in hand to begin with). I thought these were supposed to be mobile devices? Not so, if you have to leave it behind for that long. The SGS3 charges very quickly, taking half that time, or even less. And that's a last resort option if you don't already have a spare battery.

3.) The battery is schizophrenic. I get decent results one day (15+ hours), and then the next day for no reason at all, it drops to 8 hours. That's without installing or updating apps or doing anything at all. It's so inconsistent that it makes me wonder if there's some sort of CIQ-like software that syncs in the background all my info during those days when I have those massive drops in power. Okay, maybe this one might be a little out there, but HTC has been known to not give a @#$ when it comes to these types of spyware programs built into their terrible skin (and if I recall correctly, they had their own type of built-in spyware in ADDITION to CIQ on nearly every HTC phone up until the One Series... as far as I know).

So there you have it. Three reasons why I returned my Evo and probably will never go back to them again unless it's a Nexus or what-have-you.

Where do you get all this from? I have to agree with Mercury81, aside from the occasional Sense reload I have experienced NONE of this on the EVO LTE. I am not "pretending" it's not there as you say. Not saying it didnt happen to you but it must be an app you had installed or a defective phone. My EVO is fully charged in about an hour, what are you using, a car charger? Also, my EVO's battery consistently lasts 15-20 hours with moderate use and Sprint removed Carrier IQ from ALL devices last year and new devices do NOT include it. The only well documented issue with the EVO LTE is the multitasking/reload issue which should be fixed via OTA update.

BTW, I think you have that backwards, most reviewers and people in general praise Sense over Touchwiz, I realize it's mostly a personal thing, just setting the record straight : ).
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Jun 8, 2010
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After trying both, I'm going with the Evo. Both are great phones. Here are some of my thoughts:

-Screen, screen, screen. The screen on the EVO is a clear step up from that on the S3. No ifs, ands or buts about it. The S3's is nice, but just can't match the EVOs.Complete oversaturation and blacks taking over, making pics with lots of shadows far too black.The EVO's screen slaughters the S3's in daylight readability as well. To each his own, but I just can not comprehend how anybody can prefer the S3s screen after seeing them side-by-side.

-Sense>Touchwiz. That's always held true, and it's still true now. It seems to work with ICS rather than against it. My biggest gripe with touchwiz is its lack of a consistent design language. Apps can look wildly different than each other. The nature theme is just weird, and doesn't do the best job of conveying the vibe I think they intended to convey. Overall, it just seems gimmicky instead of actually increasing function. S-Voice sucks, and even more so in light of the recent improvements Google has demonstrated in Google Now.

Other than that, it's pretty even. Both are fast, and the cameras are close. The battery life is great on both. Didn't spend enough time with the S3 to get a good radio assessment yet.

I would agree with everything you said. Also, the EVO's radios are A LOT stronger than the S3's. My fiancee had the GS3 for a week before she returned it and it wasn't even close. The EVO's radios are almost as good as the Photon's.


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Jan 12, 2011
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On one hand you say people who say they're not experiencing issues you are, are not being honest, then on the other hand when a poster lists issues he's noticed on a device you use, you say they're made up.
So you get to choose which issues are made up and which are real based the device in question? It doesn't quite work that way. Why aren't that posters issues as real as yours?

Except, he doesn't own the SGS3. Or ever even tried it. In fact, he posted about the phone before it even came out. I'm basing my opinion based on two facts: 1: That I owned the Evo. 2. Reviews review reviews. Notice how I never glorified the SGS3 on any so-called "experience" of my very own with the phone? If I buy this phone and it turns out to be over-rated crap, I have no problems, no loyalties to bring it up. The common denominator in every review video I've seen is that Sense bloats the system, slows it down, and causes occasional to frequent hiccups. These experiences reviewers had lined up with mine. And when I say "I don't know why some people pretend [lag] is not there", it's because people completely gloss over the fact that the lag IS pretty frequent. And that is with a stock device. It's even in the reviews themselves. I mean, YOU CAN SEE IT IN THE VIDEOS. The app drawer, the opening and loading of apps, the web page rendering, do I need to keep repeating myself? Where in all this had I "made up" these issues that are widely documented? Sounds like you're fishing for anything to hold onto for an argument and resorting to personal attacks, rather than actually talking about the phone itself.

Where do you get all this from? I have to agree with Mercury81, aside from the occasional Sense reload I have experienced NONE of this on the EVO LTE. I am not "pretending" it's not there as you say. Not saying it didnt happen to you but it must be an app you had installed or a defective phone. My EVO is fully charged in about an hour, what are you using, a car charger? Also, my EVO's battery consistently lasts 15-20 hours with moderate use and Sprint removed Carrier IQ from ALL devices last year and new devices do NOT include it. The only well documented issue with the EVO LTE is the multitasking/reload issue which should be fixed via OTA update.

BTW, I think you have that backwards, most reviewers and people in general praise Sense over Touchwiz, I realize it's mostly a personal thing, just setting the record straight : ).

Sounds to me like you're not running stock. Doesn't matter either way, the point is is that I have yet to talk to a single Evo user who is even willing to budge and admit that there's ever any kind of annoying frequency with the slowness of app loading, laggy app drawer opening, flickering, choppy, and inconsistent transitions, and THAT is why I said that I didn't know why SOME people pretend like it's not there. You're starting to sound like one of those illusioned Apple users who say "it just works". YOU may be okay with those things to the point where you don't notice them, but for someone like myself who doesn't want to throw around hard-earned money, I am allowed to be very particular about the things I want in something worth $600.

Anytime someone like myself brings up these issues and complaints, they get dismissed EXACTLY like how it happened in this thread. Every single time. Doesn't matter if I post the 20 zillion links to review videos where these issues are pointed out, doesn't matter if I reply with all the "Galaxy s3 vs Evo 4g LTE" videos on youtube and on mainstream mobile news sites where they favor the Galaxy for exactly the reasons I posted. It just keeps getting these butt-hurt responses and anything valuable that I add to the conversation gets dismissed. Do you know how immensely INFURIATING that is? Especially on the one forum I expect not to hear from people like yourself? Oh well, it's a free country, after all.

The response from Evo users like yourself is always, "WELL IT DIDN'T HAPPEN TO ME, URS MUST BE BROKEN LULZ." How bout you acknowledge it and move on? Or are you feeling personally offended that I do not view the Evo in the same perspective as you? I'm not trying to convince you to be discontent with your device, why are you trying to convince me that I should be content with yours?

And just to respond to your ridiculous flaming, NO HTC is not going to "release an OTA to fix multitasking." According to them, it's "working as intended." HTC says it purposefully made multitasking broken on the One X

Probably just like how the lag is intended too. But personally for me, I think it's gross over-sight and sloppy coding. Up to you what you want to believe though.
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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2012
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Well you haven't asked me about my evo! I've had no problems with mine at all, and I could care less what phone people get, I just happened to be up for an upgrade when the evo came out, I have been reading about every ones problems with the evo, and I myself have experienced none! I am extremely pleased with my phone, I've also read peoples complaints about the SIII, but I'll probably get one of those when my wifes upgrade is due in September, just hope I get another flawless phone right out of the box !

Sent from my LTEVO using Android Central Forums


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May 17, 2010
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The poster who said that the evo lte lags more than the og evo is a damn liar. There is no way a device with better hardware all across the board is gonna be slower than a phone with 2 year old hardware. It's just impossible. And add the fact that ics adds speed and performance improvements. With that being said there is lag in a few places like opening the app draw for the first time. There is a little stuttering but after that first open it's butter smooth after that.

All my apps open instantly when I tap the icon so I don't know where some of these folks are getting these problems from
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Sep 30, 2010
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Who better to speak on the Evo4GLTE than the people who are using them.;)

Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2

Then you know what, I'm going to go get a Evo LTE, use it for 2 weeks and then go on the HTC forums and bash the S*%T out of it! You think that is right? All I'm trying to say is if you prefer HTC, stay in those parts of the forum. I dislike HTC phones! You don't see me hanging around over there bashing their phones any chance I get! Why do you guys feel the need to hang around here and bash a phone you obviously dislike??


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Mar 4, 2011
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When the GS3 was first announced, there was massive disappointment across the web about its perceived lack of hardware upgrades (720p HD Super AMOLED display rather than rumored 1080p Super AMOLED Plus display; keeping an 8 MP camera with f/2.0 aperture; dual core processor for the US variants). I really thought that I would be making the switch to the HTC Evo 4G LTE for better display + better camera. However, because I already owned a Samsung Galaxy phone and liked the form factor and UI, I was subconsciously looking for reasons to get the GS3 instead. As more info started coming in, I found reasons to justify that bias for me.

This could be a very long post, but in the effort to keep it brief:
Evo wins:
Display (specifically in auto-brightness and visibility in bright sunlight; however I am used to the contrast and saturation of an AMOLED display so I like the S3 display well enough except for the sudden dimming)
Radios (probably, but I don't have first hand experience with comparing the two side by side; the GS3 radios are so superior to my old phone that I am happy)
Still photos (though in head to head comparisons I've seen online, they are not that different and the flash photos on the S3 have seemed to be better)

S3 wins:
Video (important for me as I am recording a lot of my daughter's "firsts")

Plus I like the settings in the drop-down menu and the camera UI in TouchWiz. I like that S-Voice, motion controls, etc. can all be turned off to speed up the phone. The blue color is awesome, and the curvy shape is really appealing to me. I think the "build quality" thing is mostly just subjective because what is really important is 1) how many units have factory defects 2) how long does the hardware last and 3) how does it survive falls/accidents, none of which has seemed to be different for HTC phones as compared to Samsung phones historically in everything I have read. (I dropped my old Epic on concrete twice: the "plasticky" battery cover flew off, but it survived both times with minimal scratches.)

However if you are an HTC fan, like Sense and the look and feel of their phones and don't mind the multi-tasking issue, then the Evo 4G LTE is probably a better phone for you.


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Jul 1, 2010
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I have both phones on my desk (along with a few dozen others) since I have to develop and test for them. I decided not to wait for the SGS3 and just buy the EVO LTE for my personal phone.

On day 14, when the return-it-or-live-with-it alarm went off, I returned the EVO LTE and got my money back. These are my experiences. They may help you, they may not. Not all EVO LTE users are experiencing the same problems. Just be sure you beat the heck out of any phone during the 14-day trial to see if you have any of the same.

1) Hardware. Thanks to Qualcomm, there's only one CDMA/LTE radio chip on earth. Sprint and VZW are both stuck with it. Thanks to that one chip and its required drivers, there's only one multicore CPU that it works with -- Qualcomm's Krait processor. Both the EVO LTE and the SGS3 are variants of Qualcomm's reference platform:

AnandTech - Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 (Krait) Performance Preview - 1.5 GHz MSM8960 MDP and Adreno 225 Benchmarks

That's why GS3 users on Sprint and VZW don't get the quad-core Samsung CPU. However, the Krait actually beats the Samsung CPU in several benchmarks, so it's not a bad choice.

Thanks to the CPU, radio, and associated drivers, there isn't a wide variety of multi-function radio chipsets (bluetooth, wifi, and GPS) left to choose from to fill in the rest of the motherboard.

Honestly, there's only a nickel's worth of difference between these two phones' guts. That nickel, by the way, goes to Dr. Dre for the sound chip in the HTC. Otherwise, they're stuck with the same CPU, GPU, and multi-radio chipsets. I'm not sure where all the complaints about signal really come from. It's probably just down to how the antennas are routed in the cases, and the local deployment of carrier towers. Both forums are riddled with anecdotal evidence that both phones have terrible radios.

I seem to have the opposite experience from other forum posters. Samsung phones never gave me any radio trouble, HTCs have. Those of you who love the radios in your HTC, more power to you.

Beyond the guts, there are differences in the displays and the camera that you may or may not notice. I think the HTC had a nicer display, and better camera software.

The HTC seems to get higher benchmark scores than the SGS3. It's debatable whether or not you'll actually see a performance difference running real-life applications, especially since all or nearly all of them depend on the network. Sense (see below) will water down the user experience to the point that benchmark differences are meaningless.

2) Sense. There are a lot of folks who like Sense. I can respect that. The debate is a matter of taste. What's not a matter of taste is that Sense re-loads itself every time a memory-hogging app exits. What's not a matter of taste is that Sense is really, really aggressive at killing background tasks. Don't try to connect to a MS Lync server, for example, and expect to pretend you're at work when you're not. You'll disconnect in the background. What's not a matter of taste is that Sense is laggy, crash-prone, and chock full of widgets and processes that love to update themselves in the background.

Again, plenty of users never report seeing any of these problems with Sense, and like it a lot. It really depends on how you configure it, what widgets are running all the time, and what your favorite apps are doing in the background. Beat the hell out of it during that trial window to see if it happens to you.

3) Memory. Both the SGS3 and the EVO LTE have an odd partition of their memory. Part phone, part internal storage, and part mounted as a pretend external SD card. Plug in a real SD card, and it mounts as sdcard2. The SGS3 at least allocates more memory as phone memory (2Gb vs. 1Gb). Add the smaller phone allocation to the memory- and network-hogging widgets, and you get some idea of why Sense is such a beast, and why it has to kill background tasks so aggressively.

4) Battery. EVO's is glued in, SGS3's is removable. Both get unbelievably hot, especially when using GPS.

So, I knew all of the above when I bought the EVO, so why'd I go with it? Because the differences are trivial, livable, and mostly a matter of taste. I decided not to wait a month and just jump on the EVO.

So, why'd I return it? The EVO's GPS didn't work. At all. It couldn't go more than about 4 minutes without the phone overheating and losing GPS signal. Now, this could just be a sample defect and not a problem with all EVOs. But the store would not reset the 14-day clock if I exchanged it. I'm not going to spend the rest of my contract trying to find the one example that works. I'm better off getting my money back now, and trying again when the SGS3 lands in stores.

My decision to return the phone was determined more by the store's policy than any glaring defect in the EVO LTE itself. If the GPS worked, I probably could have lived with Sense and the glued-in battery. Or at least it would have taken me more than 14 days to decide that I absolutely hated them.

There is one other LTE option: The Galaxy Nexus. It's a really nice phone, even though it has slightly inferior hardware and no SD card slot. The lack of Sense maladies makes it feel just as responsive even with a slightly slower CPU. Since the perception of performance is almost always a matter of the network, I would go with the GNex if you hate both TouchWiz and Sense. I don't think you'll be unhappy with the results.

(Please don't chime in with the LG Viper as an LTE option. The LG Viper is a turd. If you can't afford any other phone, then save your money until you can.)

I don't hate TouchWiz, so I'm going to go out and try to pick up a 32Gb SGS3. We'll see.


EDIT: I forgot to add, Google Wallet doesn't work on the EVO, nor does it come with the $25 credit if it did work. Take that for what it's worth.
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Sep 30, 2010
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Qfg, just curious, what are you developing and testing them for??

Thanks for sharing your thoughts/reviews on both phones!


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2011
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You EVO guys are crazy if you don't notice your browser being laggy as hell. The samsung web browser is near flawless in speed of pinch to zoom and scrolling. It really isn't even close.

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