NFC tags don't work in sleep or lock state, then repeatedly if attached to dock. Non-Root Fix?


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Dec 11, 2012
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I use nfc task launcher as well but I simply use it as a trigger for my tasker tasks. Tasker has almost unlimited functionality. I would suggest getting it and using NFC task launcher to trigger a task.

I, for example, have a tag on my pro-clip in my car. When it reads the tag I have it change a variable in tasker (CarMode) to On. The next part of the task is a Wait for 1 minute action then change CarMode to off. Now, the way that I actually have my actual car mode task fire is when the variable CarMode is on and I plug my phone into the car charger. My CarMode task will fire if power mode is any and the variable %CarMode = On. If I plug in my phone anytime within that first minute of it reading the NFC tag it will switch to my car mode and perform the actions I want. When I unplug my phone to take it out of my vehicle it fires my exit task to reverse anything I want to set it to my normal mode.

If you are unfamiliar with tasker there are a couple of tutorials on how to use it around the internet. I suggest reading up on it and getting familiar with it because in my opinion, Tasker is the most useful app in the smartphone world.

Having one of the same issues as the OP - I have an NFC tag on my car mount set with NFC task launcher to enable bluetooth, gps and launch google voice search (so I can say where I'm navigating to). While driving with the phone docked my phone occasionally picks up this NFC tag and will run voice search again, interrupting my music and nav. So I want to find a solution that picks up the first tag swipe but doesn't initialise it again while it's within close proximity to the tag.

Is the above the best solution to this? My NFC tag sits about 1cm from the back of the phone - would having it sit right up against the phone reduce this issue?



Sep 4, 2009
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On the Tasker discussion: I don't think there's any question Tasker is the most complete program of the ilk. Nor that it's the most complicated and most difficult to configure. I think other, easier to use apps, like Settings Profile (my choice) or Llama, will do what most people need more easily, and for free.


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Aug 9, 2011
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I can't speak to most of this thread. But I am using NFC Task Launcher, and there are times that I forget to scan my tags. The app has a widget that allows you to trigger your tags away from them. I use this when I forget to scan a tag. It will not change the state of a switch, so if you scanned a tag, and it was A, then used the widget to do B, the tag will still scan as B even though you triggered it with the widget.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Android Central Forums


Dec 28, 2012
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I've just discovered that tags cannot be read from a locked phone. Rooting or leaving the phone permanently on is not for me so I won't be using my tags.


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Dec 21, 2010
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I've just discovered that tags cannot be read from a locked phone. Rooting or leaving the phone permanently on is not for me so I won't be using my tags.

This is a security measure. If NFC was active with the screen off, someone could walk up and activate something without you knowing. There have been reports of links to malicious websites and such. By only having NFC active while on and unlocked, you control when a scan can be used. Could you imagine the uproar if someone could obtain your credit card information via NFC while the phone was locked?


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Jul 20, 2013
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For anyone that wants to use tags without turning their phone on and without rooting it you could just shake it.
Use a Tasker profile based on a shake, then a Secure Settings action to wake the phone, then the tag to unlock.
Might suit some.


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2014
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hey can you explain what yo mean by secure settings action? I tried "wake device" but it says not available for my phone (galaxy s5)

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