Evo HDMI out mirroring?

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Feb 10, 2011
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@Bradley, that is amazing!!! I'm on his testing list and don't even have a freakin hdmi cable. At the rate he's moving with the project it will be ready for prime time before I get the cable in the mail, lol.

It would smoke if the hardware acceleration built into the evo could be tapped.

That's something that would have to be applied at the kernel level probably. Hopefully the next official release of android will enable it.
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Jun 24, 2010
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I posted another video. Forgive the out of focus areas, and the changing light. I need to do this with a better camera. I am using my brothers Evo as the video camera, and I am in a poorly lit area.

YouTube - Using fullHDMI and a remote desktop app

My idea here was to use the fullHDMI app along with a remote desktop app. What I did was logged into the server here at work from my Evo. On my evo, if I zoom completely out, everything gets degraded at full resolution.

Which in turn means that it gets degraded on the monitor. I found the optimal resolution to be one step higher than the native res of the Evo. 800x600 was the setting I used in the remote desktop app.

The result was pretty cool. I was able to use the screen of the Evo as sort of a multi-touch mouse. If I had a bluetooth keyboard, I could pair that up, and do some serious remote desktop use from the phone.

The advantage to doing this with orrebmas app is that I could use a full monitor. The monitor lets you look at the whole desktop from the remote without squinting. When you zoom out fully on the Evo the icons are actually pretty small, which is why the app supports pinch to zoom. By projecting it on to the monitor, it allows you to be more productive, and instead of focusing on small areas of the desktop, you can look at the whole desktop at once.

I have been working on projecting some AVI files using V-player. The problem I am running into is not with the fullHDMI app alone, it's that with the app running, plus V-player running, my processor starts to lag.

Even with all this going on, it's not terrible, some minor tweaks, and I think it would be very useable. On a smaller AVI file it actually ran pretty smooth with the only exception being that the video would lag behind the audio periodically. On higher definition videos, I started to see alot more pixelation, but the audio kept up better.

I am going to try a few other file types, and other players. I will also be putting on a kernel that lets me overclock, to see if that helps. Again, this forum will be the first to hear of any new updates.

Oh man, that is sweet! How were you switching between the computer desktop and the Android desktop?

Oh, I see it now. Looks like you opened a Remote Desktop app. That is slick! Can't wait for this to hit.


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Jan 19, 2011
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Oh man, that is sweet! How were you switching between the computer desktop and the Android desktop?

Oh, I see it now. Looks like you opened a Remote Desktop app. That is slick! Can't wait for this to hit.

It's just an app. So it's basically multi-tasking. You open the remote desk top app, which pulls up the desktop of the computer you are remoting into, and then you can just hit home to go back to Android.

Then long hold home again, and your recent apps will come up. The remote desktop will be in there. Just click on it, it will re-initialize the connection, and then you will be back to the desktop.


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Feb 11, 2011
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i figured i would clear some things up here.

So about that whole thing on xda, i figured i would clear that up. His posts were deleted and locked simply because he broke the rules.

simply... if you donated you got the beta, if not you didnt. On xda you can't make people pay for something your offering... so thats why it was deleted. The thread that shows what went on was deleted... so i can't link to anything, but that is what happened. He said all those who donated gotta beta, and other people may get one if he wanted any more testers. clearly broke xda rules, so the one thread was closed, and the other deleted.

I am not saying i agree with the mods choices or anything... but this is what happened. (Couple other people do the same thing and get away with it over their... so kind of unfair)


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Feb 10, 2011
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So about that whole thing on xda, i figured i would clear that up. His posts were deleted and locked simply because he broke the rules.

simply... if you donated you got the beta, if not you didnt. On xda you can't make people pay for something your offering... so thats why it was deleted. The thread that shows what went on was deleted... so i can't link to anything, but that is what happened. He said all those who donated gotta beta, and other people may get one if he wanted any more testers. clearly broke xda rules, so the one thread was closed, and the other deleted.

I am not saying i agree with the mods choices or anything... but this is what happened. (Couple other people do the same thing and get away with it over their... so kind of unfair)

To clarify that, he was responding to another members comment and saying that yes everyone who donated would of course get the test/mid builds. He was currently looking for other testers to test out the very incomplete build and would be enlarging his test base as he refined it and needed more feedback. He'd also stated, various times, before that non-donaters would still get the app as it became stable. (not looking to start anything, and not disagreeing with above post - just clarifying one item from it. Gonna go back to lurking now :) )


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Feb 11, 2011
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lol. accept for the part when no one else got to test it besides the people who donated. He never followed through with what he said he was going to do. There was a whole thread of people that said they would test, and no one that didnt donate got to.


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Feb 10, 2011
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lol. accept for the part when no one else got to test it besides the people who donated. He never followed through with what he said he was going to do. There was a whole thread of people that said they would test, and no one that didnt donate got to.

We did not move to AC to bash XDA away from home, we are here for project specific updates and to discuss its development and needed features. Whatever happened on XDA is done, lets not fall into the he said/she said debate.

I asked for testers on XDA and already have more than enough people waiting for beta. It will be very counter productive to release an apk to the masses with known significant bugs that need to be ironed out. Beta is coming soon and, in due time, more people will be able to give feedback when more feedback is needed.


Feb 11, 2011
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Hey orrebmas, I followed you here from xda, glad to see your still making progress. I'd love to be one of your testers from now on, let me know any info you need. Thanks!


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Jul 23, 2010
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Orrebmas, welcome to AC. I will be looking for your outstanding work. From what you started with and from what you have now is amazing! Keep up the good work!


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Sep 24, 2010
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I've been a member of this site since a little after I got my Evo, but mostly a lurker. I'm here from XDA, too, as he seems to be the only one making any real progress with this and I am very interested in full HDMI out for my phone.

Whatever happened on XDA is done, lets not fall into the he said/she said debate.

+1. I'm just glad you're still working on this and didn't let that deter you away from this.


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Feb 10, 2011
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We did not move to AC to bash XDA away from home, we are here for project specific updates and to discuss its development and needed features. Whatever happened on XDA is done, lets not fall into the he said/she said debate.

I asked for testers on XDA and already have more than enough people waiting for beta. It will be very counter productive to release an apk to the masses with known significant bugs that need to be ironed out. Beta is coming soon and, in due time, more people will be able to give feedback when more feedback is needed.

Man you got a lot of class.

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Jun 24, 2010
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@orrebmas: Welcom to AC man. Your work is awesome and people here are very interested in what you do. If we can help in any way just make a post! ;) Keep up the great work and please keep us posted on your HDMI progress.
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Jun 10, 2010
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We did not move to AC to bash XDA away from home, we are here for project specific updates and to discuss its development and needed features. Whatever happened on XDA is done, lets not fall into the he said/she said debate.

I asked for testers on XDA and already have more than enough people waiting for beta. It will be very counter productive to release an apk to the masses with known significant bugs that need to be ironed out. Beta is coming soon and, in due time, more people will be able to give feedback when more feedback is needed.
100% class. Thanks for your hard work


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Jan 19, 2011
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Man you got a lot of class.

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk

Not only classy, but this shows that he is smart. Regardless of what happened, he is taking the high road. There are a lot of people, that if they were placed in the same situation, would just burn that bridge with their middle finger in the air!

But orrebmas is smarter than that. XDA is still a great venue, and down the road, he may still want to use it as a resource. His calm demeanor keeps the thread on track and keeps his options open.
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Jan 19, 2011
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I did one more video of the app in it's current state. This was testing the ability to play an .avi file using one of the media players that supports this codec.

Natively, the Evo can't handle this file type, which means that without Orrebmas, we could never have done this.

This video is VERY MUCH a work in progress. I am still using his Alpha version. The developer has said that there is a BIG update on the horizon. I was pleased with this performance, but I am sure the next update will be huge. To do this, I actually turned my camera sideways, because the frame rate is better in portrait than landscape.

YouTube - playing an .avi file using arcMedia player, and fullHDMI

I am also very certain that once he feels confident in the app, he will do a public beta, or a full release.

Rest assured that the app in it's current state is good, but not quite everyday use good. Everyone is so patient and supportive, and it will pay off. Orrebmas is motivated by support from everyone here, in XDA, and anywhere else where people have spent the past 9 months hoping for this to come true.

Again this is just a small progress update, nothing on this video really showcases what orrebmas actually has planned for the app.
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