After GB, I'm permanently Low on Space


Well-known member
May 17, 2010
I'm getting permanent "Low on Space" warnings meaning I don't get Gmail anymore. I've got 20 unread messages I can see on the PC that aren't on the phone. I've uninstalled more than I'd like to have already and moved anything that can go to the SD card with no change. It's just too fat. Suckage.

I used the rooted update method, wiping cache and Dalvik, and but not data. I've used Titanium to remove Nova, Blockbuster, and the Sprint sports stuff, but I'm still at about 35 MB free space, meaning no email for me. What to do?
That's odd... because with GB I actually went UP in storage space. I used to run at like 42mb but now it's at 50mb or so.
After the initial update I had about 3 MB free! (Usually have 40+) I rebooted and thought I was OK, but Market updates started failing. I uninstalled some stuff and cleared data caches (it seems browsers on the SD card cache to system) and the updates worked, but I woke up to the current mess. Email is more important than the phone part and until I can make some space, I'm hosed.

Looking with Drive Space, the largest land hogs are the absolutely necessary apps like Maps and Gmail. Yuck.
Nandroid / titanium the stuff you want then wipe data cache and dalvik. You won't have a problem.
My available storage initially increased about 5 MB after the update but decreased significantly after a few hours (decreased by about 25MB). Still trying to determine where the increase in used space went but difficult not having a before and after snapshot to compare.

I have a nandroid from before the update and can redownload any app updates, but get this: I can't shut it down! I pressed Power Off and it looked like it was shutting down, but when I tried to boot into recovery, the Sprint animation played quickly and I was immediately back to the home screen. I'm going to battery pull now, but WTF?
I was able to reboot by using ROM Manager's reboot to recovery option. Nuked Data and am now discovering my backups weren't up to date and I need to recreate my home screens. Bleah.
At first my storage increased but after a few hour it went down until i wasn't able to update from the market so i uninstall some app's clear my history and everything and i went to over 62mb but now just a few hours later i am down to 48mb i haven't downloaded any new app i might have made 5 calls and thats it I hope this problem gets fixed soonn
Updated me and my lady phone and updated nice but i noticed when I updated hers 1st it went through fast but on mine it was loading for 30 mins. Her phone and my phone move fast but my phone seems to be the one with the issues.

Her Gmail is updated and it has the check mark box next to each of her emails mine doesn't

Her phone seems to be running stable and mine is not I'm getting low space it even went down as far 24kb.

No voice mail issues on either phone.

The low space is killing me also I rebooted the phone 5x just to clear it.

Any ideas on why this is happening? much crap, I mean how many APPS are you guys running? Ever delete anything you're not using on a weekly basis? I mean I don't keep Speed Test or Anti-Virus on my phone...I can always download them again if I feel a need....those are just examples...of course.
I don't think its the matter of how many apps are on the phone. I did a hard reset and installed all of them back and all is fine and gained a little more space also.
I don't think its the matter of how many apps are on the phone. I did a hard reset and installed all of them back and all is fine and gained a little more space also.

What eats all the room then? I have 30 CD's, a buttload of pics, a bunch of Office docs, about 40 apps, and still have 5GB on the chip, and 255MB on the phone, with 180MB of RAM free. Poweramp uses the most RAM, but its still only 21MB. There has to be something REALLY large sitting on the phone eating space. Gingerbread won't take up THAT much room.
What eats all the room then? I have 30 CD's, a buttload of pics, a bunch of Office docs, about 40 apps, and still have 5GB on the chip, and 255MB on the phone, with 180MB of RAM free. Poweramp uses the most RAM, but its still only 21MB. There has to be something REALLY large sitting on the phone eating space. Gingerbread won't take up THAT much room.

Like I said this all happened after I did the update. Others was having the VM issue I didn't have that problem. The low space issue was crazy to me your talking about going from 50mb to 24kb left on my phone. I rebooted this thing 5x it will go back to 50mb then I would keep and eye on it and the low space would pop up but when it dropped all the way down to 24kb I went ahead and did the factory reset. Not having that problem now only thing is I am not getting my text messages but I can send them.
Like I said this all happened after I did the update. Others was having the VM issue I didn't have that problem. The low space issue was crazy to me your talking about going from 50mb to 24kb left on my phone. I rebooted this thing 5x it will go back to 50mb then I would keep and eye on it and the low space would pop up but when it dropped all the way down to 24kb I went ahead and did the factory reset. Not having that problem now only thing is I am not getting my text messages but I can send them.

Damn, that's bizarre. I don't get it. I'm not doubting you, I just can't get my head around that
Try moving Apps from card to phone and back. Saw this on another thread and it seemed to work.

Sent from my SPH-P100 using Tapatalk
How I fixed this

I noticed that my Contacts Storage was up to around 86MB Way more than it should have been. To fix the issue I did the following:

1.) reviewed ALL the accounts in Settings-->Accounts & Sync and made sure "Sync Contacts" was turned off for the things I did not want or need to have synced.
2.) I went into Settings-->Applications-->Manage Applications-->All tab--(Wait for it to finish collecting data)-->Contacts Storage
3.) In Contacts Storage, I selected Clear Data
4.) After clearing the contacts storage data and exiting settings I waited for the EVO to re-sync the contacts.

Now, my Contacts Storage only shows 8.39MB data used instead of the 86MB it was using before.
It has been holding steady.

Additional thoughts: One of the items that I disabled Contacts Sync for was Flickr. I'm wondering if images were being pulled down into the Contacts Storage DB??
Similar Problem...

After update, I'm running out of space on phone too. I would always keep it around 42mb or so free, but now I cant get over 25mb. I have moved everything to SD that can be moved and erased apps that I want trying to clear up space.

Nothing works.Then I read this thread and started looking at how big some apps are. My contacts is at 7mb which is ok, but my Stock Mail app (which I dont even use) is at 27mb and Dialer storage is at 26mb. I never paid attention to this before, can anyone tell me if these are too big and thats causing my problem?

Thanks a million,
After update, I'm running out of space on phone too. I would always keep it around 42mb or so free, but now I cant get over 25mb. I have moved everything to SD that can be moved and erased apps that I want trying to clear up space.

Nothing works.Then I read this thread and started looking at how big some apps are. My contacts is at 7mb which is ok, but my Stock Mail app (which I dont even use) is at 27mb and Dialer storage is at 26mb. I never paid attention to this before, can anyone tell me if these are too big and thats causing my problem?

Thanks a million,

Well, FWIW,I fixed it. I uninstalled Google Earth and Netflix. Though both were on the SD card....IDK... weird...but it worked.Im now up to 50mb free. Hope that helps someone else out.
I'm suffering a similar memory drain. I did a factory reset and reinstalled everything; went to bed last night with 211 mb. When I woke this morning, I was down to 189 and now my battery life is suffering.

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