[NETFLIX][FIX][WORKING] Netflix on the LG Optimus S


"The Button Pusher"
Sep 23, 2011
There has been TONS of Netflix Fix threads lately and hopefully this will be the last thread because with the help of another AC Member on one of the other Netflix fix threads, I have researched and found out how to make Netflix work with the LG Optimus S..

For the first part of the research, I want to thank the AC Member for saying that Netflix will work on Stock Froyo...

Current Bugs in the Netflix app (with certain ROMs and Kernels):

  • The Netflix app's video and audio will not sync together, causing an annoying video and audio feed..
  • Buttons. You may have to tap the "RESUME" or "PLAY" buttons several times before they actually play or resume..
Tested ROMs and Kernels with the LATEST version of Netflix (the old "fixed" netflix had an update issue that if you did the hot-fix to get around the update, it brought you to a blank, white screen, so I just used the LATEST version):

  • CyanogenMod 7.2 by thekraven - Syncing issue of about 4 to 6 seconds...
  • STOCK GingerBread (ZVJ update; received notification, updated) - Syncing issue of about 4 to 5 seconds...
  • Joylicious Optimus (Port of JoyOS by PatrickAkridge) - Syncing issue of about 5 to 6 seconds...
  • STOCK Froyo (Thanks to that AC Member for posting that it works in one of the other threads ;-) ) - Works COMPLETELY... No syncing issues of any kind; may have a bug where you may have to tap the play and resume buttons a couple of times before Netflix plays the feed...
The Netflix app, as posted above, works with STOCK ZVD (the 2.2.2 Android software that was released by Sprint).. Here is what I did..


I recommend creating a NUKED backup of ZVD so that you can flash the backup whenever you wish to watch Netflix (i.e. Car Ride, Family Trip or Drive, etc.) with the only user installed apps to be the latest version of Swype and Netflix.. That's what I did..

Why? Because the ROM has barely nothing to run. TONS of stuff was removed..

What was left in the ROM? Contacts, Phone (Dialer), Settings, Netflix (in /data/app), SuperSu (the latest version of SuperUser's binary refuses to update on my phone, Messaging, and others..

Because I wanted a SUPER-SLIM backup while keeping the ROM functional for communicative purposes, I removed the following things (some of these MAY seem a little crazy to you, but I removed them so that they would save me battery while watching Netflix, and so that my backup would be smaller)...

By the Way, I removed the apps using Titanium Backup

There are a lot of things here and if I miss somethings, I'll add them when I have time...

  • Camera
  • Camcorder
  • Sound Recorder
  • User Dictionary
  • Android Keyboard (Replaced with the LATEST upgrade of Swype with Dragon Dictate)
  • Bluetooth Share
  • Bluetooth File Sharing (or something like that)
  • SuperUser (wouldn't update binary to latest version; replaced with SuperUser)
  • Sprint Zone
  • Sprint ID
  • CarrierIQ (I have always hated that)
  • Sprint Tutorial Widgets
  • Setup Wizard (already set-up, why would I need it?)
  • LG Setup Wizard
  • Live Wallpaper Picker
  • Live Wallpapers
  • Magic Smoke Live Wallpapers
  • Music Live Wallpapers
  • Browser (can always add it in later)
  • Google Play Store (Yes, I did a backup of the de-odexed app)
  • Market Updater (should I remove this in the next version of Joylicious?)
  • Google Maps (Navigation, Nearby, Places, Maps, and something else)
  • Google Search
  • Google Talk
  • Voice Search (part of Google Search)
  • YouTube
  • Voice Dialer (Speech Recognition Dialer; STOCK app)
  • Street View for Google Maps
  • Email
  • Gmail
  • Music
  • My Uploads
  • Calculator
  • Calender
  • Calender Sync Adapter
  • Calender Something Else
  • Clock (the app, not the clock itself..)
  • SoundBack (Accessibility)
  • TalkBack
  • Pico TTS (Text-to-Speech Engine)
  • Visualization Live Wallpapers
Also, I set these settings in the ROM:

  • Settings > Display > Animations > No Animations
  • Settings > Bluetooth > OFF
  • Settings > Accounts and Sync > Auto-Sync > OFF
  • Settings > Wireless and Networks > Mobile Data > Data Roaming > OFF
  • Settings > Wireless and Networks > Mobile Data > Data Roam Guard > OFF

Then I made a backup with Xionia.. Netflix will only work with STOCK ZVD from what I have seen, so that's what I backed up. Now, I can flash the backup whenever I wish to watch Netflix while saving the most amount of battery possible by keeping things from running. If you are watching Netflix, you can't use Camera... :p

Follow these steps and you'll be on the road to Netflix streaming in no time! :p:cool::p

- Patrick Akridge
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So... if you gut your Froyo stock ROM of everything, rendering it a dumbphone... you can watch Netflix? You must really love Netflix! (I gave up on that company when they went with Silverlight.) Anyway, sounds like quite a bit of work and compromise. This is where a bootloader could really come in handy, perhaps?
So... if you gut your Froyo stock ROM of everything, rendering it a dumbphone... you can watch Netflix? You must really love Netflix! (I gave up on that company when they went with Silverlight.) Anyway, sounds like quite a bit of work and compromise. This is where a bootloader could really come in handy, perhaps?

Yeah you can! ;)

The phone is still functional for Texting, Calling, viewing contacts and settings, and yes.. Netflix. :p
So how good is the quality of the streaming?

Not to hijack the thread, but do you guys know of a ROM for flashing an LG Optimus S to StraightTalk?
So how good is the quality of the streaming?

Not to hijack the thread, but do you guys know of a ROM for flashing an LG Optimus S to StraightTalk?

The quality of the streaming? While quality IS and will always be better on Wi-Fi, the quality of the [syncing] video feed is good. I was watching South Park the other day and could tell what was happening in the episode...

Bottom line: the quality of the video is freaking great on our 2.2.2 (Froyo) ARMv6 devices.

Do you think this "fix" would work if I stripped the stock ROM of my LG Optimus V?? Although it is a bit much to go through, just to watch netflix.. why not find out why it works on Stock, and not custom ROMs?
Great find either way!
Do you think this "fix" would work if I stripped the stock ROM of my LG Optimus V?? Although it is a bit much to go through, just to watch netflix.. why not find out why it works on Stock, and not custom ROMs?
Great find either way!

Don't thank me, thank the AC user that first discovered it. I simply just did research.

You don't have to remove things if you want, but I did to make the backup ultra-slim.

Yeah I think that would work though. See if you can get it to work on the V.

Sent from my LG-LS670 using Android Central Forums
It works.. that's pretty odd that it only works on stock.. I wonder what's causing the a/v to be off in all of the custom ROMs..

sent from my un-dead sammich
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Am new to android but am big time netflix user. Just how do I create and access the backup? Am trucker so phone is only device. Do I need to be on home pc for this? May be dumb questions but total novice on phone op systems. Thanks.
First things first, have you rooted and flashed a custom ROM?

sent from my un-dead sammich
Nope. No idea what or how to do root or flash. Guessing can find dirs elsewhere on this site? Sorry for my ignorance did not even know I could change phone rom. Be great to escape sprint bondage. Lol
Nope. No idea what or how to do root or flash. Guessing can find dirs elsewhere on this site? Sorry for my ignorance did not even know I could change phone rom. Be great to escape sprint bondage. Lol

Start by reading the stickies.

How do you root? FIRST, read the stickies.

SECOND, whatever you do, DO NOT USE ROM MANAGER.

There are rooting methods for different basebands. GingerBreak, GingerSnap, z4root, superoneclick, etc. are all examples of exploits. But yeah, if you read the stickies, it'll get you root and custom recovery! :p
Nope. No idea what or how to do root or flash. Guessing can find dirs elsewhere on this site? Sorry for my ignorance did not even know I could change phone rom. Be great to escape sprint bondage. Lol

If you're not rooted, you have the stock ROM, so therefore, you don't need to do anything to your phone to get Netflix working. Netflix only appears to be working on Stock RoM, which you currently have.

sent from my un-dead sammich
Wow all that just to get it to work... Yeah Netflix is not that valuable to me on my phone for all that when I can watch in HD on the computer... But if there is another way to get it to work that doesn't require you to delete 99% of the rom then I'll try that out... Isn't there some sort of modded netflix apk or something?
Wow all that just to get it to work... Yeah Netflix is not that valuable to me on my phone for all that when I can watch in HD on the computer... But if there is another way to get it to work that doesn't require you to delete 99% of the rom then I'll try that out... Isn't there some sort of modded netflix apk or something?

You don't HAVE to delete anything, that's just to make the nandroid smaller for if you're a rooted user. Other than that, there is really no need to delete anything.
And the old modded apk with the updater disabled, no longer works. Netflix changed the servers the apk connect to, and thus changed their update protocol.
All you need, is a Stock or Froyo based ROM to get Netflix working.

Sent from my LG-VM670 using Xparent Red Tapatalk 2
You don't HAVE to delete anything, that's just to make the nandroid smaller for if you're a rooted user. Other than that, there is really no need to delete anything.
And the old modded apk with the updater disabled, no longer works. Netflix changed the servers the apk connect to, and thus changed their update protocol.
All you need, is a Stock or Froyo based ROM to get Netflix working.

Sent from my LG-VM670 using Xparent Red Tapatalk 2

Oh ok, I misunderstood what the OP was saying... Thanks
Confirmed that you must have zvd. Netflix develpers emailed to say that zvj prevents hardware acceleration and causes the lag.

They reported there would be no fix and that will not be attempting to make this right.

Sentth from my LS670 using Android Central Forums
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