Why does my Galaxy S5 device storage show over 12gb being used by other when I have an sd card?


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Jan 14, 2015
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Why does my Galaxy s5 device storage show over 12gb being used by "other" when I have an sd card.

I understand only 8 gb or less is available for my storage while the other 8 is used by the OS. However all my stuff is in my sd card. I kept getting a warning saying not enough storage available please delete some files. However, all my files are on my sd card so why is so much storage still being used.
I would post a screen shot but I don't see a way to insert one here.


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May 15, 2012
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Re: Why does my Galaxy s5 device storage show over 12gb being used by "other" when I have an sd car

You can post pics on the web browser version, not the app. Having 8GB left sounds pretty norm on the device, assuming its a 16GB device. What version of Android are you running? KitKat made SD card only good for pics, music etc. Not so good for apps, unless your rooted and have a patch to save apps to SD.