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  1. J

    It feels so much better without a case.

    It is a great feeling phone to hold. Significantly less slick than my all metal OG Pixel, and I really like the soft touch back glass. I'm pretty gentle on phones (knock on wood), but I still wanted to put something on it so I got a super thin/minimal case from Amazon. Adds a little extra grip...
  2. J

    Pixel 3 vs. dSLR

    What DSLR are you shooting with and/or how big are your pockets??
  3. J

    Is Google Fi better than Verizon?

    Re: Google Fi Tried Fi for awhile and switched back to VZW after a few months. The coverage just doesn't compare. Or it least it didn't a year or two ago. I'm an attorney and got sick and tired of having zero service in half the courthouses I went into. And actually I just checked Fi's pricing...
  4. J

    Pixel 3 "hollow" feeling?

    Thanks for the feedback. Maybe hollow isn't the right word. The back glass just feels less solidly attached in the middle. Which makes sense since the glass isn't attached in the middle, it's only glued to the frame around the edges. As opposed to the OG Pixel which was one solid chunk of metal...
  5. J

    Anyone running without case?

    Only until my case comes in from Amazon. I got a super thin/minimalist case for extra grippiness and scratch/bump protection. The 3 does feel great in the hand and is a lot less slippery than my OG Pixel, but I'll feel more comfortable day-to-day with a little protection on it.
  6. J

    Pixel 3 "hollow" feeling?

    Hi all, I'm the proud new owner of a Pixel 3. It's an upgrade from my original Pixel, just couldn't resist the $400 deal from Best Buy. So far I'm loving the phone, but want to know if anyone else thinks this phone feels somewhat "hollow" when you hold it while it's vibrating, and also when you...
  7. J

    Gray area of camera screen obscures view?

    I just explained it with pictures. It's all about aspect ratio.
  8. J

    Gray area of camera screen obscures view?

    I don't think they both attached.
  9. J

    Gray area of camera screen obscures view?

    To reiterate what others have said, see the two attached screenshots of the camera app. One was taken with the camera in 4:3 mode, the other in 16:9. Obviously you capture more in 4:3 despite the seemingly "wasted" space. 16:9 just crops the larger image.
  10. J

    Android Beta and security updates

    I joined the Android Beta program and updated my Pixel to 7.1.2 at least a month ago. However, I'm still stuck on the January 5 security patch. It was my understanding that phones in the Beta program should still receive monthly security updates. Has anyone else experienced this?
  11. J

    Dbrand wrap and camera focusing.

    I had a clear Slickwrap skin on the back glass and it definitely screwed with the camera's focus. Had to remove it.
  12. J

    Pixel/Pixel XL --- Show us your photos!

    Fun in the snow. I did do some editing with the Google Photos app.
  13. J

    Protector for back glass panel?

    Just an update. It appears that the Slickwraps back glass protector was interfering with the camera's auto-focus. From time to time, I would have weird focus issues with the camera, where it would alternate in and out of focus in rapid succession for no reason. I Googled the issue and found...
  14. J


    Nope. 16:9 is done by cropping off the top and bottom of the full 4:3 image, and zooming in slightly on your phone's display.
  15. J


    The widescreen (16:9) 8mp option is just cropping a 4:3 12mp photo. You're better off shooting in 4:3 12mp mode and cropping it yourself later if you want. You'll physically be able to capture more of a scene with 4:3.
  16. J

    The damn chin

    I did this all the time too, but just took a look at the settings and under preferences, you can turn off the dedicated emoji key. Makes the spacebar much bigger and harder to miss accidentally.
  17. J

    Protector for back glass panel?

    I'll try to remember to take pictures later. Now that it's "cured" it actually looks quite good, and I feel a lot better using the phone without a case.
  18. J

    Protector for back glass panel?

    Got my clear Slickwrap skin for the back glass only today, and just put it on. It doesn't look super right now (bubbles and smudges), but supposedly will look better when the spray dries out after 24 hours. We'll see.
  19. J

    Should I upgrade my Nexus 5X from 6.0.1 to 7.1.1?

    I upgraded as part of the beta program. Shortly before the official update came out (in the last couple weeks), my 5X started bootlooping and is now bricked. I'm pissed at the phone and at LG, but I don't think it was caused by the update.
  20. J

    Battery life and device getting warm

    Well in that screenshot, you have had the screen on for 25 minutes straight. Using 6% of your battery is probably about right, especially if you're doing processor intensive tasks.