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  1. J

    New google wallet. Awesome

    I have multiple credit cards and I have a Visa bank card so I refer to both and I don't "try it", I use them regularly. It's funny to me that all the gas stations I have used all over the country, I can't remember ever using a credit card and not being asked for my zip code, along with the...
  2. J

    New google wallet. Awesome

    Actually, it was a significant difference to me. I'm not talking in theory here, but experience. It was like night and day(compared to the multiple purchases i make daily), especially considering my phone is in my hand anyway. . . . but to each their own, there are plenty of people that say...
  3. J

    New google wallet. Awesome

    I've seen people saying Google Wallet takes longer than using a credit card. . .I think you're doing it wrong! I walked into the gas station and while standing behind the person at the cashier. I opened GW, entered my pin and when I walked up to the register and told her what I wanted she gave...
  4. J

    Ques RE: EVO 4GLTE

    "I" don't..... (have) "ANY" .......issues (with sound) quality (on...... my) Evo. Maybe "it's your" ............(particular)........... "phone".
  5. J

    Apps/Games Not Working with the EVO 4G LTE [8/13]

    Re: Apps/Games Not Working with the EVO 4G LTE [7/12] Peggle. . .Many have paid for it but it seems EA doesn't think it is important enough to fix. I doubt I will spend any more money on EA games if they won't take the time to make sure the people that pay for games are allowed to enjoy them.
  6. J

    Sprint just officially announced the HTC Evo 4G LTE in white

    It looks good. . .if your a female. When I see a guy wearing white sunglasses or carrying a white phone they are almost always a douche bag.
  7. J

    How do you access beats audio?

    The music app is the only way to access it I have found. I really wish it was separate so I could use it when I watch movies. . .
  8. J

    Bending in Evo's aluminum band?

    Maybe someone needs to explain exactly what Google Wallet is to these people. . .Maybe because we can't use it yet but Sprint used it as a selling feature anyway, people are confused. :confused: I keep mine in my front pocket and it's straight as an arrow.
  9. J

    Can't disable SoundHound

    Why do you need to disable it if it is uninstalled?
  10. J

    Is it me or does it seem like there's a lot of whiners on here??

    Re: Is it me or does it seem like there's a lot of whiners on her It seems like a lot of you guys are misinterpreting what OP is saying. I never saw him say that people ask too many questions or that they shouldn't ask questions. He NEVER said people ask stupid questions(which they do). Simple...
  11. J

    Which apps have you disabled?

    You can disable those apps you mentioned by first uninstalling the updates. After the updates are uninstalled the option to disable in in that buttons place.
  12. J

    Stream movies

    Netflix is the way to go. $8 a month and you get tons of movies on your phone, TV, and PC.
  13. J

    Phone Answer Buttons reversed

    How old are you guys that this is a problem, in your 60's and 70's? Are you typing from nursing homes? It takes me one or two mess ups and my brain corrects these little things and I'm stoned most the time, lol. You guys need some vitamins or maybe a CT scan. :p
  14. J

    Sprint credits on activation/agreement renewal

    Wow, thank you for your insight, it means so much coming from a faceless stranger on the internet. But yes, I suppose I should feel lucky that Sprint allows me to give them over $200 a month.
  15. J

    Post some tricks you have found with the LTE

    I am not sure if this is anything new, but I couldn't find a way to print from my OG Evo(at least not with my printer). Today while messing with a web page I saw the option to print, gave it a shot and it searched and connected to my wireless printer. I think that's the greatest thing in world...
  16. J

    Beats Audio vs. other Sound Enhancer setting

    It is night and day, I just switched and after playing with the adjustments I couldn't be happier.. . .I am listening to music on it now. No matter what equalizer or headphones I used on my OG I was never impressed but I am impressed by the LTE.
  17. J

    Wirefly Pre-orders

    Got mine almost an hour ago and this thing is awesome! Wirefly still hasn't charged my account for the $119, Sprint wanted $226 including tax when I went to pre-order so it was definitely worth the wait. This is easily the nicest phone I have ever touched. Anyone know why Sprint told me not to...
  18. J

    Sprint credits on activation/agreement renewal

    LOL, You're right! I guess that's why Sprint has the largest network with more customers than any other carrier, because of their wonderful business policies. Oh wait. . .
  19. J

    Sprint credits on activation/agreement renewal

    It's a shame Sprint doesn't treat their customers equally or train their staff to be consistent. :'(
  20. J

    Recommend you check your new EVO for defects before buying it

    Sprint should be ashamed for treating its customers that way.