Search results

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    Anker Your Device

    I've been a subscribing member of the Anker community only because I like their products but have yet to purchase one. last Nov this was about to change. I received an email from Anker informing me that I was given a change at a free product of my choice from a list of 4 possible items. I...
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    [Member Supported Tips & Tricks] Cleaning Your Touch Screen

    Posting a very simple tip this morning which deals with cleaning the smart device screen and or screen protector. I've found using the supplied microfiber cloth works fine, but tends to start getting oily soon after touching it. Haven't figured out what to do in this case, but Till then... When...
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    Kodak Ektra smartphone

    Just wondering why no one has been talking about the new/just announced Kodak Ektra smartphone/camera.. Prob the same reason I'm not saying to much about it.. It's been reported via (WiredUK) that the new Kodak smartphone/camera is suppose to retail for $550.00.. In my opinion and I've sent this...
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    Hello Zello

    Last I reported I was having issue with my zello walkie talkie app which utilizes a wifi, cell & data signal. At that time I didn't have the data option active.. Here's the results. Not having the data active as of three weeks ago, my wife and I walked about the neighborhood which was no more...
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    Mark Needs Your Help Testing Devices

    Mark Harman, the creator of "Open Camera" needs your help with testing several Android based devices as a means to help improve his camera app. Currently he's interested in anyone who has the Android OnePlus 3 smart phone to see if there has been any issues or bugs reported. If you would like...
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    "Color My Art" by T0ASTERvan

    As an artist, I've been working on something designed to work in collaboration with smart phones or tablets.. I've created several drawings of Hotrods/Racecars and Engines.. what I would like for those of you who are interested, is using any of these images, edit or paint with your smart...
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    [Image Comparison]: LG Android Rebel LTE vs. FujiFilm XP60

    Having acquired the new to us LG Rebel LTE, I wanted to do a few test shots on the image quality as compared to my FujiFilm XP60. Over the weekend, I recreated a travel blog/topic via where I touched on 2 images of the same setting with 2 different cameras. This morning I’ve edited...
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    Leica and Huawei Join Forces To Develop New Smart Phone Optics

    Because I'm a regular via the which carters to all forms of photography and the devices that take these photographs. I spotted this a few days ago...
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    [Editorial] The Future of Wifi & Wireless

    In an attempt to help others understand how and why wifi signals function.. it's best that everyone research what type of signal your wifi uses or the type of frequency it uses. Your smart phone typically used to frequencies to connect to a wifi network. If you're using wifi in your home, the...
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    [Image Comparison] FujiFilm XP60 ver. LG Rebel Android

    Topic Relocated: Device vs. Device Camera Shootouts
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    [Member's Tips & Tricks] How To Move An App To Your SD Card

    Tutorial Relocated: Android Rebel Nation
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    [Member's Tips & Tricks] Deleting Contacts

    There's been reports from several members of the forum which they describe that they are not able to delete contacts within their phone contact settings. Select the contacts main app/icon located on the homepage/main screen. Then selected the contact which you want to delete. In this case I...
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    Weird Connection Names or Places

    What's The Weirdest Thing You've Ever Noticed While Searching For A Wifi Signal? This weekend, we had a chance to see how weird our North American Roads really are.. Driving through an undisclosed location and while searching for a wifi hotsport.. We noticed within several locked wifi channels...
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    [Member's Tips & Tricks] Sending MMS via 4G LTE

    Just an observation this past weekend that I wanted to share. There has been a growing list of AC member who have reported that they can't send images via MMS text service. being one of those.. I discovered that it's all in the way the phone is setup. Turns out I didn't have the "Mobile Data"...
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    [Member's Tips & Tricks] Creating / Changing Your Wallpaper

    Tutorial Relocated: Android Rebel Nation
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    [Member's Tips & Tricks] How To Access Your Data/Images/Music

    Tutorial Relocated: Android Rebel Nation
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    Lessons In Experimenting

    I've sent the word you to a number of companies who deal with wifi, cell and other communications in an effort to locate or have them create an alternative device/app which will allows users to voice chat like that of a CB radio or walkie talkie. The issue with these types of apps today, is that...
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    ▶Note To All Members, Read Here First◄

    "How To Benefit From Using The Forum" In order to fully benefit from the forum and to acquire the best possible answer from other forum members, administrators and moderation staff, Please follow the posting instructions below 1) Yes this is an android support forum.. but not all of us can...