22 percent of Android users willing to dump their handset for iPhone 5


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Apr 11, 2012
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Not me! I don't care for Apple products. Just wish Android would get a great tablet out.

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Sep 3, 2010
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Useless survey. How many iPhone users were planning on dumping it for Android. I know 2 people who are tired of the iPhone and planning to switch to Android. I don't know any that are planning on going to the iPhone.

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Jul 20, 2011
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Useless survey. How many iPhone users were planning on dumping it for Android. I know 2 people who are tired of the iPhone and planning to switch to Android. I don't know any that are planning on going to the iPhone.

Sent from my Amazon Kindle Fire using Tapatalk 2.

The only people that are considering doing so are people who switched from the iPhone. Bore with IOS they got an Android phone but don't have access to their old apps, and lack of app support on the Android platform. So when the newest iPhone comes out they leave.

I know because I am an iPhone user, majority of my smartphones were iPhones. But... I can't put down my GS3. This phone is a beast, and I can't wait until the official jellybean OTA is release for the US carrier variants.

But this phone does to many things that the iPhone can't do. I simply wish Android has a stronger app dev community like with iOS.



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Sep 6, 2012
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Not me I will continue to stick with Android its a far more advanced OS compared to IOS.

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Mr Fix-It
Mar 1, 2010
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These numbers aren't indicative of the whole. There are always people moving from brand to brand or O/S to O/S. There are probably hundreds if not thousands of people right now jumping from Android to iOS because they bought the HTC whatever cheapo phone or Samsung Galaxy "we only made this phone because it was cheap" that Cricket or Metro PCS was offering and weren't satisfied with the Android 2.2/2.3 experience. Yes there are people that genuinely don't like Android as well but I'm conveniently leaving them out just to fudge the numbers(everyone else does it, why can't I? ).

On the flip side there are probably a lesser number of people flipping from iOS to Android. These are also not the Appl-ologists that wouldn't touch anything Apple even if their lives depended on it. So if there is a report stating that 22 percent of people will swap between Android and iOS, I'd wager that this 22 percent(give or take a few) make up that fluctuation in the market that will switch to whatever is either newest, cheapest, or "trendy". Oh and also 22 percent of Android users "willing" to dump for the iPhone is not 22 percent that "will" dump Android.

Just my take, treat it as such ;-)


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Oct 27, 2011
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I really like Android but I'll probably switch to Apple myself as much as it pains me. Apple's business model drives me crazy but their phones do work. It just seems like a much more stable OS.
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Moderator Captain
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Nov 16, 2010
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Doesn't matter unless they end up switching.

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Sep 3, 2012
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I hate apple i just jailbroke my iPod and a iPhone to sell....it sucks i can do sooooo much more on Androids system as in changing framework,over(under)clocking.....

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Dec 20, 2011
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I would say that is close to the mark, but Mr. Smith is probably right. It's mostly just the normal fluctuation.

On switching, until apple cuts the "we know what's best for you" device approach, I won't be getting one. I value function over forum, and want a smart phone and not a phone that can just get on the net and do some cool things.

On apps, I have never found a single ios app that does not have an android counterpart that is just as functional or more. They are not always as pretty, but they always get the job done just as well and are usually free.

As far as stability goes. It's myth that android is less stable in my experience. Apps force close on ios all the time,they just do it more gracefully and less easily because there is no real multitasking. It also has to do with how you use them though. I can get an iphone to start freezing and force closing if I want to. Even make it restart. Just start zooming around one and try to get multiple things to run at once and it will shard itself. Then again I have done the same thing to an s3 and froze the ui, so ya know lol.

If you want a great android tablet then get a nexus 7 or tf300. I have a tf300 and it matches or exceeds the iPad in everything except screen sharpness. Plus it is much cheaper and has the option of the fully integrated keyboard dock. Another thing the iPad can't and won't be able to do...

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Sep 3, 2012
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I would say that is close to the mark, but Mr. Smith is probably right. It's mostly just the normal fluctuation.

On switching, until apple cuts the "we know what's best for you" device approach, I won't be getting one. I value function over forum, and want a smart phone and not a phone that can just get on the net and do some cool things.

On apps, I have never found a single ios app that does not have an android counterpart that is just as functional or more. They are not always as pretty, but they always get the job done just as well and are usually free.

As far as stability goes. It's myth that android is less stable in my experience. Apps force close on ios all the time,they just do it more gracefully and less easily because there is no real multitasking. It also has to do with how you use them though. I can get an iphone to start freezing and force closing if I want to. Even make it restart. Just start zooming around one and try to get multiple things to run at once and it will shard itself. Then again I have done the same thing to an s3 and froze the ui, so ya know lol.

If you want a great android tablet then get a nexus 7 or tf300. I have a tf300 and it matches or exceeds the iPad in everything except screen sharpness. Plus it is much cheaper and has the option of the fully integrated keyboard dock. Another thing the iPad can't and won't be able to do...

Sent from my ADR6425LVW

Bought a iPad:confused: shoulda got a Droid...but my 3yr old twins love it lol...you say the nexus 7 is about the best?

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Well-known member
Dec 20, 2011
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Bought a iPad:confused: shoulda got a Droid...but my 3yr old twins love it lol...you say the nexus 7 is about the best?

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Android Central Forums

I don't not own one, but the one I have use was great. At the price point I don't think it can be beat.

Ppl always say that the iPad has more games(and I'm sure it does), but I have been satisfied with the selection for my tf300. I am not saying the ipad is a bad device by any means, I just want more function than it offers and the premium price tag leaves me scratching my head sometimes.

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Well-known member
Jun 13, 2012
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LOL... the OP's post made me lulz greatly! One of my co-workers actually came into my office to see what I was laughing about.

Oh, and to the Android Tablet thing... the Asus Transformer tablets are amazing, so is the Nexus, and the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1", and... nice variety, either that or an iPad, iPad 2, or an iPad 3.
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Active member
Sep 4, 2012
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I just got rid of my iPhone 4s so I could have a sg3 and I haven't looked back. Waaaaay more customization on the S3 which I love. I mean seriously iphones biggest wow factor this round is gonna be a half inch bigger screen. :thumbdown::thumbdown:

Tap'n 'Like A Boss'


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Apr 11, 2012
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??? The Nexus 7 rocks. After a few days with it I sold my iPad, which was inferior in most ways. We now have THREE N7s in our household.

Sent from my Nexus 7

I should have been more specific, yes the Nexus 7 is sweet, but I'd really like to see a 10" version. Old eyes need larger screen sizes.