5.0.2 Factory Image posted


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2013
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If you refuse to do a factory reset after going from 4.4.4 to 5.x.x, you will continue to suffer.

That is, not to put a fine point on it, f*cked.

Users should not need to do ground-up rebuilds of their device every time Google releases an 'upgrade', simply to return to a state of reasonable operation.

While there is an auto-backup for many of the OS's (and Google app) settings, the rest of the apps must be restored manually through the Play Store's archive of your apps. And then you must sign on individually to each app that requires it.

Short of a user who finds their device completely useless after an upgrade (a circumstance that should not occur) its very hard to justify spending 2+ hours (plus data/internet usage) to do this purge and rebuild. Will Google give its users a significant credit in the Store to cover the time to do this? I figure about $20 / hour plus data/internet usage. Not bloody likely. And apologists for Google (like their Macolye brethren) will blame the users, not the provider.


Well-known member
Sep 27, 2012
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That is, not to put a fine point on it, f*cked.

Users should not need to do ground-up rebuilds of their device every time Google releases an 'upgrade', simply to return to a state of reasonable operation.

While there is an auto-backup for many of the OS's (and Google app) settings, the rest of the apps must be restored manually through the Play Store's archive of your apps. And then you must sign on individually to each app that requires it.

Short of a user who finds their device completely useless after an upgrade (a circumstance that should not occur) its very hard to justify spending 2+ hours (plus data/internet usage) to do this purge and rebuild. Will Google give its users a significant credit in the Store to cover the time to do this? I figure about $20 / hour plus data/internet usage. Not bloody likely. And apologists for Google (like their Macolye brethren) will blame the users, not the provider.

I agree. I do not particularly enjoy doing factory resets, although restoring is much easier now in Lollipop. All your apps from Google Play, not just the Google apps, will be restored together with your homescreens; while time consuming, it doesn't require your personal attention. In my experience so far, you only need to do a reset when making a major jump like 4.x to 5.x.

Unfortunately, the N7 2012 has cheap crappy NAND flash (blame Google or Asus or both), the result is generally decreased performance over time and required specific provisions (5.0.2) to run FStrim regularly to take out the persistent garbage created by the cheap NAND memory.

If you want to have what I would consider acceptable performance from your N7 2012, do a factory reset, don't keep your memory storage near full capacity, and make sure fstrim can run by leaving the tablet plugged into AC (and turned on) overnight.
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Well-known member
Nov 18, 2012
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5.0.2 plus a factory reset has mime running pretty good now. I read your post about your home screens being restored. I didn't have that happen with mime, but !y apps did all co!e back.


Just a cool guy
Jul 17, 2011
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5.0.2 plus a factory reset has mime running pretty good now. I read your post about your home screens being restored. I didn't have that happen with mime, but !y apps did all co!e back.

I got the 5.0.2 update the other day, reset the tablet again, and built the device up from scratch. I'm not taxing it too much...mostly a gaming device for the kids...But it's running awesome. Very fast and responsive. It hasn't run this well since it was new.

I'm very happy I decided not to smash it after the initial 5.0 update.


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2013
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just got a Grouper recently and flashed nakasi, and I'm pretty impressed with this little device! it runs lollipop quick and smooth, and i've yet to play games on it yet but is it recommended to overclock the cpu & gpu?

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