A farewell to a Pre.


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Aug 23, 2010
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Dear Palm Pre,
This is my farewell to thee. This coming morn will be the last that you get to wake me up for work. I will probably miss your ease of use, the great community behind you and the somewhat ingenius "cards" that I had so much fun throwing off the screen. But this letter to you is not without anger.

I will not miss the fact that I now cringe at the word "oreo". I will not miss the "Flash will be on webOS soon" message I get when on Adobe's website from your browser. I will not miss your 600 mhz processor(though you are currently overclocked to 1ghz). I will definitely not miss your 3.1 inch display.

Pre, you had so much potential, so much hope, but I always felt a void when using thee. Like something just wasn't quite right and for that, I am leaving you. Sure, I loved your friends, the Treo and the Centro, so I thought I'd love you..thought I could learn to love you..but that never materialized.

Maybe one day, in the not so distant future, I can return to your intuitive but very premature webOS and try to fall for you all over again. But for now, I'll be trying one of your rivals..the Droid. And I shall make no promises to thee that I will return.

In closing, do not wait for me, Pre. For I feel I will soon be falling for another.

EDIT: Btw, this was typed on my Pre.
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Jun 14, 2010
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+1 to the OP, but my Pre will sit at my desk on it's touchstone with no service just to remind me of what could have been, farewell WebOs goodness. :(
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Well-known member
May 17, 2010
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My Pre is enjoying its last day with a connection. Snapped off side charging cover, broken leds in the gesture area, and non-working mic and all. I think its safe to say, its time has come.


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2010
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Great post. I love my Pre. It is too bad Palm didnt have enough in the tank and some ill fated decisions along the way.

I would def still look at the pre 2 and webos 2. I stand by my thoughts that webos is by far the best implementation of many things I want in a mobile OS


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2010
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I still love my Pre <3 sad to see her go :'(

Yeah such bittersweet, like having to put your dog of 15 years down!

She gave it all she had, I even had it overclocked to 1ghz for the last few months. She gave me a good run and I am sad to see it come to an end!


Aug 31, 2010
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I'm on the fence

I'm on the fence. Keep hoping Palm/HP will get their act together and come up with new hardware. Actually overclocked @1ghz, the phone's not half bad. I came to the Pre from a MT3G. I like android, and maybe with 3.0 it will be as elegant as webOS. I'd like to see Sprint get something like the Galaxy Tab. That I'd pounce on. This phone, I'm playing wait and see.


Jun 10, 2010
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OP, you will have no regrets at all! I left the Pre.. Pre? A Pre? What is a Pre? See, I already forgot about it. Have fun and welcome to Android!


Well-known member
Aug 31, 2010
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The best part is, being on Sprint, we get to upgrade in another year. And by then Palm/HP will have had ample time to whip up and ship their next latest and greatest.

To me, I see this as a temporary leave. The Epic is pretty amazing, and Android definitely has a lot of amazing things to offer, but I don't think I can permanently leave the amazing UI that is webOS (not to mention fantastic gaming capabilities). After just a month with the EVO I was having withdrawals, constantly trying to back swipe, and throw away cards. I can't imagine it being much better even on this phone. Well, here's to hoping someone finds a way to hack webOS onto the Epic so I can do the same :D


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Jul 2, 2010
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I still really like the pre, but it sucks as a phone. I want a WebOS tablet or something like that.

Anyway, it worked out where I will keep the Pre on an active line, so I will continue to be able to use it as a backup device. I will also be eligible for another upgrade next year, and I will almost certainly buy the Palm Pre 3, or whatever they call it.

All that said, I have actually gotten over WebOS for the most part after using the Intercept for the past few weeks. It is a horrible phone, and is inferior to the Pre in so many ways, but Android has its own thing going for it.


Retired Moderator
Jul 11, 2010
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I still really like the pre, but it sucks as a phone. I want a WebOS tablet or something like that.

Anyway, it worked out where I will keep the Pre on an active line, so I will continue to be able to use it as a backup device. I will also be eligible for another upgrade next year, and I will almost certainly buy the Palm Pre 3, or whatever they call it.

All that said, I have actually gotten over WebOS for the most part after using the Intercept for the past few weeks. It is a horrible phone, and is inferior to the Pre in so many ways, but Android has its own thing going for it.

+1, drizek. I will be sure to get a WebOS tablet. That actually sounds appealing to me.


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2010
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Oh Pre, I will miss your notifications badly, and now, the new mode switcher app that turns my bluetooth and wifi on/off automatically based on charging conditions will also be missed. Anyone know of tweaks/hacks in roms that will do these type of things?

I am hopeful rooting the Epic will bring me close to that type of custom goodness. I know the hardware will be better on the Epic. Huzzah!

However, the Pre2 might be interesting....


Retired Moderator
Jul 11, 2010
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Oh Pre, I will miss your notifications badly, and now, the new mode switcher app that turns my bluetooth and wifi on/off automatically based on charging conditions will also be missed. Anyone know of tweaks/hacks in roms that will do these type of things?

I am hopeful rooting the Epic will bring me close to that type of custom goodness. I know the hardware will be better on the Epic. Huzzah!

However, the Pre2 might be interesting....

There are several mode switchers for Android. Check 'em out by googling. I'd tell you here, but we made a thread a couple of days ago and posted a bunch of answers there. Don't worry, you're covered.


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2010
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I do miss WebOS, but not the phone itself. I might as well wait for an HP tablet so I can have the best of both worlds.


New member
Aug 31, 2010
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I'm also leaving my Pre for an Epic. I loved my Pre when I first got it but it's had so many problems. I can't wait to explore the massive amount of apps the Android OS has to offer compared to the Pre. *Drools*

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