Accelerometer now used while charging


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2010
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Apparently now when you place the 360 on a charger it figures out roughly which way it is pointing and displays the clock accordingly. I'm not sure when this feature was added but I just noticed it today.

I have a generic Qi charging dock at work that I used in the past to charge my Nexus 5 that now mostly just hangs out in a drawer. But occasionally when I know I will be out later than usual after work I'll throw my 360 on it just to top it off before I head out. Normally due to the design of the dock I always had to set my 360 on it with the band running vertically and the time was always displayed sideways. It didn't really bothered me or anything but I did notice it. However just a moment ago when I put my 360 on the charger, it took me a moment to realize it but the time was now facing me. Just to be sure I wasn't going crazy or it wasn't a glitch or something I tried orienting it in different directions when placing it on the charger and every time it kept the time facing the right direction.

I know this is not exactly ground breaking news but it was a nice little feature that must have been added recently and as far as I can tell was not documented... or maybe it was and I just missed it, lol. Either way I just thought I would share.


Jul 14, 2011
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Ummm... can't be completely sure, but wasn't that already there? I can't really recall for sure since I just put it on the cradle automatically at night, but I think I remember putting it with the button facing down and the clock was still upright... Might be wrong though, since I do know that this is the main complain from lefties (but that's not while charging, so that might be different).


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2010
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Ok, I may have assumed a little because I have never put my 360 on the stock stand charger upside down before, but on my desktop charger it definitely used to always display the time sideways. Because of the way that charger was designed I basically had to orient the watch on the charger the same direction that I normally wear it on my wrist. However now when I use my desk charger it is displaying the time in the correct orientation.

So long story short apparently the display used to rotate 180 degrees depending on the orientation of the watch when it was placed on the charger, but now it rotates in 90 degree increments. So whether the crown is up, down, right, or left, it displays the time properly, where before it only displayed properly with the crown up or down.