Android Lollipop SUCKS!

Graham Hyde

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Dec 3, 2014
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My wife and I have a Nexus 7 each which are both running Lollipop 5.1.1. They are both still very unresponsive and crash constantly. My Moto G, on the other hand, runs perfectly. The Nexus 7 was an excellent tablet before Lollipop ruined it!

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Feb 27, 2014
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With the launch of the new "M" Developer Preview and what it offers over Lollipop, I really don't see that there will be much effort made to update or fix Lollipop !
Basically skip over it!

Sent from my Galaxy Note 3 "Size Does Matter!"

Cary Beach

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Jun 27, 2015
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I Can not believe how Verizon would release phones with such a issue. I got a S5 Galaxy. Had to replace it in firsts month. Did all the stuff with hard reset nothing works. They sent me a new phone and had the older version on it and told me give it a couple of weeks and the bugs would work out. I gave it a MONTH and let the darn phone up load the 5.0 and now its back to hot battery, Sucking up my data plan, open apps I never opened. Battery crashing in 2 to 3hours to zero. IT JUNK!! And Verizon telling me I have to do another Hard reset. Gee if I have to reload again I want a different phone, What a MESS. See this 5.0 is sucking up your data plan so you have pay more money for DATA! And its heating up so bad I am sure the battery life will be very limited. HELP !!! I am ready to do a deal with another carrier that will buy me out of my 2 year plan and get a i phone. I just can not believe they would release such CRAP!


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Feb 27, 2014
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I Can not believe how Verizon would release phones with such a issue. I got a S5 Galaxy. Had to replace it in firsts month. Did all the stuff with hard reset nothing works. They sent me a new phone and had the older version on it and told me give it a couple of weeks and the bugs would work out. I gave it a MONTH and let the darn phone up load the 5.0 and now its back to hot battery, Sucking up my data plan, open apps I never opened. Battery crashing in 2 to 3hours to zero. IT JUNK!! And Verizon telling me I have to do another Hard reset. Gee if I have to reload again I want a different phone, What a MESS. See this 5.0 is sucking up your data plan so you have pay more money for DATA! And its heating up so bad I am sure the battery life will be very limited. HELP !!! I am ready to do a deal with another carrier that will buy me out of my 2 year plan and get a i phone. I just can not believe they would release such CRAP!

I'm with you there! Maybe a carrier buyout would be a good idea. The nice thing about the iPhone is everyone gets the same OS and if there is a problem, Apple seems to correct it promptly for everyone !


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Oct 15, 2013
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I used to be totally anti Apple. But seeing the way Android is going I am thinking about an iphone. And to me that is a horrible thing.


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Jul 14, 2012
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Because it generally runs fine on stock Android, look at all the complaints they're related to OEM devices more specifically Samsung. So the question becomes was it Samsung who didn't do a proper and thorough QA? Everyone is blaming google, sure you can blame them for this design (I like it personally) but functionality issues being raised are not seen on my Nexus 5....anymore (first month was messy for sure). Bluetooth can randomly disconnect but its not enough to raise pitch forks at, and the battery...well the battery on my phone was never good, its the same as it was on KitKat.

I hope an update comes out soon that will correct all these issues for everyone.

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The Nexus 7 is stock. Lollipop kills the Nexus 7.


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Jul 2, 2015
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Could not agree more. since the upgrade the nexus7 has done nothing but crash and burn. They have won. I am going to IPAD. Can't get anyone to talk to me, answer me, give me a solution, or even show any evidence that they care that they have ruined a good thing. Nexus to the track, Ipad to my bag. Thanks Android


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2014
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I Can not believe how Verizon would release phones with such a issue. I got a S5 Galaxy. Had to replace it in firsts month. Did all the stuff with hard reset nothing works. They sent me a new phone and had the older version on it and told me give it a couple of weeks and the bugs would work out. I gave it a MONTH and let the darn phone up load the 5.0 and now its back to hot battery, Sucking up my data plan, open apps I never opened. Battery crashing in 2 to 3hours to zero. IT JUNK!! And Verizon telling me I have to do another Hard reset. Gee if I have to reload again I want a different phone, What a MESS. See this 5.0 is sucking up your data plan so you have pay more money for DATA! And its heating up so bad I am sure the battery life will be very limited. HELP !!! I am ready to do a deal with another carrier that will buy me out of my 2 year plan and get a i phone. I just can not believe they would release such CRAP!


Posted via my Galaxy Note3 on the Android Central App


Jul 6, 2015
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Yes, Lollipop sucks; It's childish, horrendous colours and it has disabled or removed most of the features I like to use (such as being able to see a message or email at a glance without having to unlock the phone).

I blame myself really, I can't remember why I accepted the downgrade, I usually never upgrade anything as I've found most upgrades are almost always worse than whatever they are replacing (this goes for other devices too, such as XBOX, Computer OS etc).

Why the hell these downgrades ever get to market is beyond me, clearly no oversight on the developers part, and no thought to the hundreds of thousands of users who are perfectly happy with their device and wish to remain using a product that they are familiar with and WORKS!

I may be in the minority nowadays, but my phone is used as a PHONE primarily, and as such for voice calls and messages, with a few emails (because I'm away from my computer for long periods)...that's it! The screen is NOT good enough (either quality or size) to use it on the net or for viewing content and I like to set it up the way I want it...then, along comes the ?update? and everything looks horrendous, or is now hidden...WTF...

Does anyone at Android know what they are doing, or do they just not care?

Anthony Gunby

Apr 29, 2014
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I agree Lollipop sucks. I upgraded for a reason. I am an EE customer and I wanted to be able to use there wifi calling service. Big mistake. The option of Wifi calling is not standard in Lollipop it's network only. Because My Note 4 has been rooted I can no longer perform updates to my handset over the air. So my update was not from my network provider. I had to install Lollipop from my download on my computer. It was not untill I had installed the software that I realised this. Big mistake and all because I wanted Wifi calling.

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Jul 8, 2015
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I agree Lollipop sucks. I upgraded for a reason. I am an EE customer and I wanted to be able to use there wifi calling service. Big mistake. The option of Wifi calling is not standard in Lollipop it's network only. Because My Note 4 has been rooted I can no longer perform updates to my handset over the air. So my update was not from my network provider. I had to install Lollipop from my download on my computer. It was not untill I had installed the software that I realised this. Big mistake and all because I wanted Wifi calling.

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You can find almost every firmware for almost every Samsung device on Sammobile. It would require you to step out of your comfort zone and learn something new but you could always download the older KitKat firmware and install it using Odin on your PC if you have one. Note that if you got your phone from at&t or Verizon you probably have a locked bootloader which might make this harder or not possible. In any case it is something to consider and maybe do some reading about.


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Jul 10, 2015
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I have an Galaxy S4. Use to love it. After the update it sucks. Won't let you roll back. I have been an Samsung Android phone user for a long time. Us to trash IPhone, but that is the way I am going next. You buy a product that performs the way you want and some geeks get together and decide they are making changes and your stuck with crappy development rushed to market. It sucks.


Jul 8, 2015
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I have an Galaxy S4. Use to love it. After the update it sucks. Won't let you roll back. I have been an Samsung Android phone user for a long time. Us to trash IPhone, but that is the way I am going next. You buy a product that performs the way you want and some geeks get together and decide they are making changes and your stuck with crappy development rushed to market. It sucks.

Actually it is very likely that you can roll back to KitKat if you want to. You just need to get the proper firmware from HERE and get Odin from HERE. You can find many tutorials on how to use Odin to flash firmware on youtube.
Last edited:


May 9, 2014
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I got the Lollipop update a few months back on my Verizon Galaxy S4. Since then, my phone's been a joke. I randomly get a corrupted keypad on my lock screen - the digits are garbage. On a couple of apps, there are some text-related problems. But what's fun is when, after I boot, my display is set to time out after one second. This happens randomly but quite often. Some other strange behaviors too...which I can't remember because I've probably gotten used to them!!! I will be switching to T-Mobile soon I will need a new, unlocked phone but I really can't see plopping down AT LEAST $500 for a new Android phone that might not even work right. This has just been too much of a hassle! The customization of Android is awesome but this is like banging my head against a wall. Most of my friends are on iOS and they simply don't have problems. I really can't stand Apple products nor the bloated price tags but I can't see any other way. I will miss my customizable phone!!!


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Sep 2, 2015
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Like other software Android changes things that don't need changing. Muddy for the safe of having a NEW release. Why would they take out the silent option and leave only vibrate and sound? They killed a perfectly good quiet mode for the ridiculous interruptuons.

Gonna do whatever I can to go back to kitkat

Pat K

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Sep 20, 2015
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In regards to Lollipop, It is different and not in a bad way, Providing it works. So far I think I have fixed my Nexus 7 (2012) from the battery suck and crashing. This was done by using fastboot to clear EVERYTHING from the tablet including recovery files and flash the device to the latest 5.1.1 release. I then set it up as a new device when signing into my google account. After installing all the google services updates I then went back and started to install my other apps one at a time. Everything works the way it should. With the exception of facebook. After installing facebook the tablet began to return to its old habits. I deleted it and it is stable again. So what does this mean? I dont know Im new to the android forums and they have helped me to get this far so I thought I would share my experience. Hope this helps.


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Mar 26, 2012
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I've been using the interrupt mode ever since Lollipop came out. I find the feature very useful, at least much more so than the silent mode. If I don't want any interruption at all, then I will use the none mode.


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Jan 28, 2016
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I totally concur - the darn thing made my LG Optimus L90 slow as a steamboat. Wonder if there is a way to revert to the previous version of Android. I wonder if Google jumped on Microsoft bandwagon in using their customers as guinea pigs for the beta versions.

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