Anyone that has concerns about Sprint.

Cory Streater

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Sep 21, 2009
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The only reason I left Sprint was because of their unreliable text messaging. Other than that, I was pleased with call quality, value, and handset offerings. I know a lot of Sprint technical people, and I've recently learned that Sprint switched SMS providers and which supposedly resolved their SMS issues, so I may eventually give them another shot.

Having said that, the results you posted are a bit of a surprise to me in regards to Sprint. They haven't faired as well in other surveys.


Well-known member
May 4, 2010
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Yeah I was a bit surprised too. I don't know how accurate that research was but the thing that doesn't look right to me is that Sprint is #2 for customer satisfaction but also #2 for people wanting to switch carriers. AT&T didn't look so good with all those dropped calls and low customer satisfaction ratings but still managers to keep its customers.

Only problem I see with sprint is that they don't have much of a wide phone selection as other carriers do.


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Apr 1, 2010
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I think Sprint just has a bad reputation. Quality and service were not as good 4 years ago but they have come along way. The problem is that the people who complain about Sprint haven't used it recently. So you have a ton of people who know nothing about Sprint complaining, causing current customers and would be customers to second guess their decision.


Well-known member
Mar 25, 2010
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I agree with Litt. Sprint has a bad reputation, people say bad things based on their experience years ago, or what they've heard from friends. I've had Sprint for seven years and the quality of their service has steadily increased. In my experience in the Philadelphia area their coverage is almost as good as Verizon, better than AT&T and T-Mobile, and still pretty cheap. I don't see myself going anywhere, so I can't wait for the EVO :)


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Apr 22, 2010
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The other thing that brings Sprint down is the Nextel side, they are doing nothing to upgrade it or make it better. I've had nothing but complaints with Sprint now for a year since buying the 8350i Blackberry. The majority of the problems are not necessarily Sprint but the antiquated Nextel network. SO.... Sprint gets the bad press.. Can't wait for the EVO so I can finally get off of the Nextel network..


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Dec 14, 2009
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I've been with Sprint for 10 years now and yes they were bad..really bad (CS). Now i feel they are really good(CS). I cant wait for the new devices coming to Sprint, i think you'll see alot more people switching.


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2010
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I've been with Sprint for a few years now and I have absolutely no complaints with them. I get great coverage wherever I go in the state of Texas and even if I'm traveling out of state,I am sure to get great coverage wherever I go.

My bill is like 60 a month for unlimited everything.Trust me streaming pandora 5days a week for 8 hours at the office is getting making my data package worthwhile.
I like the fact that now Sprint gives you free cell to cell unlimited minutes .. I mean how many landlines am I gonna call ? Everyone I know is on a cell. Also Sprint premier is awesome because I get to upgrade my phones every year for half off, that's nice that I am able to keep up current technology and not break the bank.

Hats of to Sprint for providing great cell service at an exceptional value.


Well-known member
Oct 28, 2009
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Can't blame the consumer though for sharing their experiencing. I just happen to be one of those people that used to have Sprint years back when they were bad and my experience with them was just that. Companies need to realize the most powerful network source is word of mouth and regardless of your efforts now to correct things, what happened happened. They already burned enough people that will scar them for life. Its like a robber when they get out of jail. They're bad deed is done and no matter what they do now society still recognizes they're faults and will hold it against them forever.

Andrew Ruffolo

Well-known member
Jan 5, 2010
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true, I had heard bad things about Sprint and even gave my gf a funny look when she told me she had Sprint around the time when we met. I had VZW and loved them. I switched to Sprint for 2 reasons, price and the Pre. The Pre was complete garbage, but the price of the plans were just right. Eventually, after going though 5 Pre's Sprint let me switch to the Hero, for free. I'm very thankful for that and have never been happier. I also have yet to find a need to call them since I made that switch.

Jerzey McNasty

Well-known member
Apr 22, 2010
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I used to be with the SprintPCS of old. And it was definitely troublesome. (Customer Service). Then went to Verizon of which i still am. But i am not going to hesitate for a millisecond to switch back given the price plans and this Beast of a phone.

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