Are You Enjoying You Nexus 7?


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Jun 1, 2012
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Are you enjoying your Nexus 7? Personally, I'm not. I'm not much of a tablet guy in the first place so I don't even really know why I bought it, I mainly use my phone and laptop. Yeah it's a lot of "bang" for your buck but I feel as if is was rushed. There are so many known problems and defects. I was considering selling it but I think I will just keep it for hardware/ software modifications (already broke my speaker on the device from disassembling it...:p) as well as reading and watching YouTube videos. So, let me know what you think about your new Nexus 7.
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Retired Moderator
Dec 28, 2011
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Absolutely love it. Unlocked/rooted it within half an hour of ownership, popped it in its case, and have been flying ever since. I'm sure there are "issues," but it does what I need and want it to do.


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Mar 10, 2011
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I really enjoy the Nexus 7 as well. I have it sitting next to the left of my keyboard and I use it while I'm using my computer.


Feb 3, 2010
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Are you enjoying your Nexus 7? Personally, I'm not. I'm not much of a tablet guy in the first place so I don't even really know why I bought it, I mainly use my phone and laptop. Yeah it's a lot of "bang" for your buck but I feel as if is was rushed. There are so many known problems and defects. I was considering selling it but I think I will just keep it for hardware/ software modifications (already broke my speaker on the device from disassembling it...:p). So, let me know what you think about your new Nexus 7.

You have the right to your opinion but you're part of the vocal minority. The majority of Nexus 7 owners are having no problems. The vast majority of satisfied N7 owners aren't going to make a thread saying how defect free their N7's are.

Truth is that if you look up any reviews and videos by tech sites, you would never know the N7 has any hardware issues. All reviews of the N7 are positive and I have yet to come across a negative one. Google hit a home run with the Nexus 7 and if it in fact was "half finished" which it is not, this would't be the case.

I'm sure if this thread included a poll, the majority of people would say that they are happy.
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Nov 11, 2010
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I guess I probably wouldn't be enjoying mine either if I had already busted up my speaker. :)

I went through four Nexus 7 tablets. The one I have had screen lift, I had to fix it myself, but it's been holding for about 5 days so hopefully it stays. I'm not pleased with the washed out greens and yellows or the over saturation, but it's not severe enough that it's distracting.

Overall I enjoy it, despite some flaws with the screen quality.


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Jul 12, 2010
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Love my Nexus 7. So happy that I jumped when this device was released. And now that I have a case for it, I imagine it will be with me most of the time.

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May 7, 2011
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I think its nice. I never had a tablet before, and its hard to me to remember my feelings towards them in the past. I am wanting to believe that I just never knew which one I would want either, So many different specs and brands. But now this official pure nexus 7, for some reason I was interested. I guess I knew it would just work and be smooth, etc.

Well my other excuse was to get rid of my android phone plan, but I will miss taking high quality pictures and video. I use that a lot. But hardly use the data. But whats fun with a tablet to show of pictures to people if you cant take any good ones. I don't process my videos and pictures until I get home on laptop anyways. So don't really need an SD slot even if I was using a camera.

I put my sim card in my old feature phone the way things use to be a year ago. As an experiment. When I am out and about I am with my friends so I dont need to chat on tablet? I dunno. Its only the first week for me.


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Jul 27, 2011
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I love my Nexus 7. You gotta find ways to make it useful or fun for you. Just earlier, I was out shopping and decided to take a little break at a coffee shop. I browsed it for a while, checked my e-mails, played a game, then I went home. I pulled up a recipe on my computer and then sent it to my tablet and went to the kitchen and started preparing dinner. I also loaded up some music to listen to while I was cooking and played a game while waiting for my meal to bake. I like to use it while hanging out on the couch.


Mar 2, 2012
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Your on you fourth? I mean no disrespect...but your either extremely unlucky, or your just going out of you way to find every possible flaw. I'm not a tablet guy, as a matter of fact this is my first one. Yet, I'm very impressed with this tablet. It looks amazing and runs like a dream. I doubt another will be high enough for your standards, but I hope you find something that makes you happy.

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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2012
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I love my Nexus 7. You gotta find ways to make it useful or fun for you. Just earlier, I was out shopping and decided to take a little break at a coffee shop. I browsed it for a while, checked my e-mails, played a game, then I went home. I pulled up a recipe on my computer and then sent it to my tablet and went to the kitchen and started preparing dinner. I also loaded up some music to listen to while I was cooking and played a game while waiting for my meal to bake. I like to use it while hanging out on the couch.
I read books on it and browse YouTube at night so I guess I have some use for it! I also tend to grab it and take it to my couch after being at my desk for an extended amount of time.


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2012
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You have the right to your opinion but you're part of the vocal minority. The majority of Nexus 7 owners are having no problems. The vast majority of satisfied N7 owners aren't going to make a thread saying how defect free their N7's are.

Truth is that if you look up any reviews and videos by tech sites, you would never know the N7 has any hardware issues. All reviews of the N7 are positive and I have yet to come across a negative one. Google hit a home run with the Nexus 7 and if it in fact was "half finished" which it is not, this would't be the case.

I'm sure if this thread included a poll, the majority of people would say that they are happy.

The main reason I'm not "blown away" is because I've never been a fan of tablets. No doubt in my mind that this was a total home run for Google and Asus. It's a fantastic device, just not for me since I'm more of a phone and computer guy. But, I will keep it for a while since I have a few uses.


** Superhero **
Oct 22, 2009
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I wasn’t so sure I would like a 7 inch screen size, but to my surprise it fits my needs very well. I mainly use it to play music, videos, surf the web, and get my email. It does all of those things great. My only real problem is I have too many android devices now.... :cool:


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2012
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I wasn’t so sure I would like a 7 inch screen size, but to my surprise it fits my needs very well. I mainly use it to play music, videos, surf the web, and get my email. It does all of those things great. My only real problem is I have too many android devices now.... :cool:

Since when was to many Android devices a problem?;)

I officially dub thee sir farts alot

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Jun 6, 2010
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I am actually enjoying it more than I thought I would. I travel a lot for work and I used to carry my iPad and cell phone and the iPad was always more of a burden than anything but I needed the larger screen since I need to type a whole lot on the go. I figured I would buy this thing and worst case scenario I would let my little brother have it, I have since let him have my iPad. As I sit here in a hotel lobby typing this the only thing I would wish to have is a OEM keyboard case.

My cellphone is now a dedicated hotspot for this thing since I rarely talk on the phone.

So long story short I love this thing, best 250 dollars(of my companies money) I've ever ever spent.....:)


Aug 5, 2012
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best purchase i've made this year hands down

i bought it with an understanding of its limitations, but happily surprised by its potential


Well-known member
Jul 1, 2010
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Yes! Now that I have a working unit I cannot put it down. My poor brand new One X is sitting on the shelf sad and alone.

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Well-known member
Sep 15, 2010
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I think a lot of the responses have to do with the device being so new, and the excitement is still there. If I remember I'll bump this thread a month from now to see if anyone had got bored with the tablet. Of course by then something else will be on the horizon.


Well-known member
Sep 15, 2010
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I love my Nexus 7. You gotta find ways to make it useful or fun for you. Just earlier, I was out shopping and decided to take a little break at a coffee shop. I browsed it for a while, checked my e-mails, played a game, then I went home. I pulled up a recipe on my computer and then sent it to my tablet and went to the kitchen and started preparing dinner. I also loaded up some music to listen to while I was cooking and played a game while waiting for my meal to bake. I like to use it while hanging out on the couch.

I think this is great advice. I have a hard time embracing a tablet because I don't really need one except for development, and I just like new gadgets. I am enjoying the tablet; but I just need to find a way to make it work for me.


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May 17, 2010
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My disappointment with the N7 stems from the appallingly poor app support it has which makes it currently vastly inferior to the Kindle Fire. As someone who thought it would smite the Fire out of existence, I'm rather embarrassed by my preliminary enthusiasm.

* No Amazon Instant Video unless you hack together Firefox Beta and Flash. Amazon just rolled out an iPad app, but I fear their desire to protect the same Fire will lead them to hose Android users.

* No Conde Nast magazines for those entitled to free tablet versions for Wired and Vanity Fair on dead tree editions. I can supposedly get VF and Entertainment Weekly via the Next Issue app/service, but Play says it's not compatible with any of my tablets and the apk available from their site crashes on launch. The one-star reviews tell that sorry tale. Funny how you can buy them from the Play store, and huh?

Some of shortcomings can be attributed to new OS teething pains, but I see more than a little potential conflict of interest on the edges.

Considering how beautiful the screen is and how fast and slick it feels, it's a shame that lack of apps cripple it when stacked against the Fire.


Well-known member
Jul 12, 2010
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I think a lot of the responses have to do with the device being so new, and the excitement is still there. If I remember I'll bump this thread a month from now to see if anyone had got bored with the tablet. Of course by then something else will be on the horizon.

Those of us familiar with tablets, both their potential and limitations, are unlikely to change our minds (assuming our units don't suddenly fall apart in the next couple months!). What I see is that a lot of the dissatisfaction expressed in this particular thread is about a tablet experience in general and has little to do specifically with the Nexus 7. These are two very different conversations. If you don't like tablets and don't like the 7 inch form factor, then the N7 probably won't change your mind. But if you have a use case for a 7 inch tablet, then the N7 would likely be your best market option, or at least very competitive with anything else you could choose.

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