Battery issue.


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May 29, 2011
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Well I have had my Infuse for nearly 30 days now. So far battery life has been great. With semi-moderate usage I could squeeze 24 hrs out of the thing if I really tried. So for the last few days it has quickly been getting worse. Yesterday I got about 12hrs w/ pretty light use and with a short charge in between til dead, then today with about 7hrs of light use the phone just went from about 60% battery to stone dead in the matter of an hour with no usage. It was also pretty warm after it died. I run a task manager right on my home screen and absolutely nothing was running. Probably gonna go switch it out tonight before my 30 days it up. I hope this is a fluke though as I really like it. A friend at work also has had to return his and get another already bc of a battery issue. Anybody else have an experience like this?


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Mar 7, 2011
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Sounds like it's just a bad battery. Don't think it's the phone itself. Good luck though.

Sent from da infuse mon!


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May 15, 2011
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Mine is doing same thing I still haven't sorted out the cause this time. I unplugged at 6:30 this morning and with very light usage I was at 38% a little after noon. It was sitting in car while we were scuba diving and lost 20% not being touched in a fairly short amount of time. I had issues before that was related to a screenshot app shake for screenshot feature. Hopefully I figure this out soon.


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May 29, 2011
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Well i just went ahead and exchanged it for a new one. Didn't want to mess around as I have like 2 more days til my 30 were up. Hopefully I got a bad one. That being said this new one is surely from a new batch. It actually included an instruction manual which the first did not and the supplied earphones are different as well. Maybe they made some tweaks. Already I see some differences. For instance when I first plugged the old on into my pc it would not find the drivers or recognize the phone and from then on most times it wouldn't recognize it. With this one I plugged it in and bam it found the drivers and recognized it right away. Also when trying to run speed tests the old phone always had problems connecting with the network. This new one is consistently running 7000 down and 1200 up and as high as 9500 up. To top things off I got it at Bestbuy. When I got it, it was $199. Then the next week it went to $149 so I got back $50. Now today when I did the exchange it was $99, so I got another $50 back. So I got a new phone and $50 for my trouble. Already got all my stuff back on the new phone and am good to go. Hope this one last as I really do love this phone.
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Jun 25, 2011
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I've had the infuse for 2 weeks now and I'm not happy about the battery. It was marginally acceptable at first. Maybe 8 hours of standby before dying. I never got through a day of work on one charge. A few days ago I tried Launcher Pro, the battery took a dive. Maybe 5.5 hours of mostly standby (one short phone call and two manual email retrievals) and it would die. Went back to see about a new battery....ATT store gave me one and I removed LauncherPro as well as most widgets. It's better but still not good. It's almost been 3 hours since a full charge and it's at 89% battery. I've not used the phone and all apps/widgets are set to manual retrieve.

At this rate the goodness of Android are being lost in the battery and I'll be going bak to my iPhone. At least Jobs gives us good battery.


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Mar 7, 2011
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I'm starting to see a trend in the infuse and battery life. It seems it starts out great but progressively gets worse almost as if the battery is not holding its charge anymore. Mine today and yesterday the battery life has been questionable. I can swear my battery life has decreased! Nothing that I don't normally do. Right now its at 67% and I've had it going since about 630 this morning and it is now 1230. IDK I'll keep monitoring it see what happens.

Sent from da infuse mon!


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Jun 25, 2011
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Agreed. Even if I can get the battery under control, why should I? I can understand, if I was wildly using widgets sucking info off the net, that's one thing. I have everything turned off, display to like 10%, email retrieving at the highest setting, etc. All the reasons I wanted to try an Android and loved it over the iPhone, is quickly becoming nothing over the tight controls of Steve Jobs. sigh....I was so hopeful for my first Android trial.


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May 24, 2011
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Actually, for me, battery keeps getting better since I purchased the JuiceDefender Plus app. Battery life has almost doubled every day. I still charge the phone overnight, though. I don't get a lot of calls on the phone or text or surf the web, but I do leave wifi on, bluetooth and gps and also get push email from my accounts and listen to streaming music. At the end of a normal day, the battery is still 65% charged or a little more.


May 7, 2011
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I was having issues with my phone being at 10% after about 12 hours of moderate use. Well I decided to buy the phone outright and save my upgrade for when the iPhone 5 and Galaxy S 2 come out and the new phone is head over heels better then the early release. After 10 hours I am usually at 70% or better. Go figure.....


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May 29, 2011
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I had no complaints before a few days ago when the battery seemed to get about 50% worse in one day and the next day when it died half way through the day. It just took a dump in a matter of two days. I took the new one off the charger at 6am this morning and it is at just under 70% battery now at almost 6pm. I just hope this one doesn't do the same thing after a month like the other did. however as I stated previously this new one seems much more bug free.


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Jun 16, 2011
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My phones battery is taking a crap now too. I had installed JuiceDefender Plus a few weeks ago and it seemed to help out quite a bit. Yesterday I moderately used the phone all day from about 1p to 7p and it had gotten down to 26%! And then from that point on it seemed to die even quicker. I had nothing but SetCPU and JuiceDefender Plus running in the background. I'm starting to get discouraged with this phone.


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May 24, 2011
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One important thing I've been watching is what apps and widgets I install. The other day I installed this beautiful animated weather widget. I used once or twice to see what it looked like. I quit and removed the widget from my screen. Well, that didn't help. From time to time, I'd see this little window pop up with some cryptic message showing something like "upd=0/2" or something. I couldn't figure out what it was, but instinctively associated it with the new widget. Though it was not running -- at least that is what I supposed -- I guess there was some background process. Needless to say, it ate my battery that day. So, I uninstalled the widget. Problem's gone!


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Jun 16, 2011
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I was wondering if you could PM me a walk through of how you set up your JuiceDefender Plus app. I have mine set at the balanced setting, but I dont think I am getting optimal results from it. The "advanced" and "customized" settings were a little confusing to me.


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May 24, 2011
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I don't mind PMs, but I think in a forum we all learn a lot more by sharing with everyone. Besides, what I say could not be the optimum way. Other people can pitch in. There is another thread here in this forum just about JuiceDefender Plus. Let's go there and keep this chat going. I'll be glad to share my settings.


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May 15, 2011
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It appears my battery problems were caused by a weak signal. I was on vacation last week and my battery life crapped out bad, but I got back home a couple days ago and it's back to normal again. I had 3g service while on vacation, but just barely. I guess the phone was fighting to keep signal the whole time and that was eating up my battery very fast. Hope that's all it was because it was getting frustrating.

Sent from my Samsung Infuse using tapatalk


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2011
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It appears my battery problems were caused by a weak signal. I was on vacation last week and my battery life crapped out bad, but I got back home a couple days ago and it's back to normal again. I had 3g service while on vacation, but just barely. I guess the phone was fighting to keep signal the whole time and that was eating up my battery very fast. Hope that's all it was because it was getting frustrating.

Sent from my Samsung Infuse using tapatalk

Well I know that isn't my problem. I've had good signal all along and my phone still dies very quickly.

Sent from my Infuse.


Jun 6, 2011
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I had amazing battery life for the first two and a half weeks. Then things went bad quickly.

I tried this twice before bed time:
-Rebooted the phone
-Uninstalled some crap services (like at&t navigator)
-Turned off all apps/widgets
-Turned off bluetooth / gps / wifi
-Charged to 100%

About 10 hours later my Infuse would be down to 60-65% remaining battery life. I also paid attention during the day and even with the screen off and nothing running the battery was going down something like 2-4% per hour.

The interesting thing was (on those overnight tests), the power usage chart in the system settings would still indicate the screen was the biggest power consumer (from just a couple of minutes of use before I sat it down for the night). It seemed to me like the battery was just loosing charge and the phone didn't have a reason for it.

I took my phone back to the at&t store and got it swapped out. That was a week ago and so far I'm super impressed with the battery life again. The only thing I'm trying is just charging the phone of USB. I'm just totally guessing, but either there's a lot of defect batteries out there, or maybe defect AC wall chargers that are maybe delivering bad power to the phone and damaging the battery.

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