chat Charging your battery


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2015
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I don't think so. I'm sure the lot of us leave are phones to charge overnight. You've probably notice that your charger is cool to the touch when you unplug it first thing in the morning.

I've treated my battery like this well over a year now, and let it drain completely about once a month.

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Trusted Member
Nov 1, 2010
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Just don't leave it plugged in and shoved under your pillow while you're sleeping. (Obvious? Sure, for smart people, not so much for others! LOL)

My charging cycles vary from day to day depending on my usage. I've gone to bed with my phone only at 45% and not charge it. I wake up and I'm down only (usually) to about 30% after about 6-7 hours of sleeping.

Leaving it plugged in when the battery is full doesn't hurt it. The phone and chargers know to switch to a "trickle charge" when the battery is full. You're totally fine. I used to do this ALL the time on my last 3 android phones.