Contest: Win one of 10 cases from Seidio

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May 19, 2010
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I was at the gym about three weeks ago and my droid is my best friend while I'm there. Everything was going smoothly while I was lifting weights and using the HTC music player. When I switched to the exercise bike I went to place my Incredible in the magazine holder on the front of the bike. This didn't work out too well though, as I watched in horror as my beloved Incredible careened off the side of the bike before bouncing off the pedal on to the floor.

Would definitely have liked to have a case on when this happened. Something that could have ACTIVEly stopped my phone from falling ;)


Jun 14, 2010
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I was finished with class, so as I was exiting the building I put on my headphones and started a station on my Incredible (Matt & Kim radio is awesome btw). The first song that came on wasn't very good, so as i was pulling the phone out of my pocket to change it, the phone slipped and fell on the ground and bounced off of the concrete sidewalk (yanking out my earbuds in the process). Fortunately all that was damaged was a scuff on the upper right corner, but if i had a case, the phone wouldn't have been damaged. Also, the right earbud from my Sennheisers is now hanging on by a single strand of copper wire :( I don't think a phone case could prevent the damage, but it WOULD have prevented the phone from slipping out of my hand in the first place.


Jul 9, 2010
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I got my incredible on launch day, I had planned this for a while. I was on the fence about getting a case, I mean the incredible shouldn't be hidden behind plastic or rubber. So I decided to not get a case at first and just take the phone home.

My girlfriend did not want me to get said phone, so when she arrived home and saw it the outcome was....not good. She spent the first few hours bad mouthing the phone - I do not think a case could have prevented this or could have protected my phone from the emotional damage she did.

However the case could have helped with her next action. She decided that the phone was 'in her way' because it was on the counter. So she did what any rational person would do, she gently picked it up, looked around for a place to put it, and proceeded to throw it. The phone landed on the other end of the counter, the back piece of the phone fell off and landed on the ground (somehow the battery remained in place).

The phone still works, the back cover stays on - although it feels loose and comes off easy. However the scratches, nicks, and nightmares are here to stay.


Jun 9, 2010
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I had just received my Droid Incredible the day before. I was sitting on the floor, recording a video of my 2 year old daughter with my phone. Since she is in her ?terrible two?s? I should have known better. She grabbed the phone from me and started to run away. Then she threw my Incredible on the tile floor, causing a few dings and scratches to the back and side of the phone. She was laughing the entire time, and all I could do was cry on the inside. My beautiful new Droid Incredible, that I had waited for 5 weeks, was all scratched.


May 1, 2010
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Last night I was in Area 51 killing time watching the ESPN coverage of the Lebron James announcement using my Android Slingplayer while enduring what I thought would be another fruitless night of UFO watching. Right at the moment that Lebron was announcing where he was going to go, one of those giant desert red ants, which had crawled up my leg, bit me in an unfortunate spot. Instinctively, my left hand, which was holding my Dinc but not any longer, went to dispatch the little pest. My Dinc hit a rock on the ground and the bottom right corner got severely dinged and scrapped, and my optical trackpad glass got very dusty.

My heart sank as I contemplated the fate of my prized possession, but my mourning was abruptly ended when the evening sky was blotted out by a large UFO that appeared above my head. I gazed skyward stunned, when I noticed a tractor beam slowly descending from the craft to the spot where the Droid Incredible lay helpless as the flip clock counted the passing of another minute.

Immediately, I dove on top of my Incredible like a soldier saving his comrades from a hand grenade all the time thinking that after all the slipped Verizon delivery dates I had to endure, I was not giving up my Dinc. The tractor beam, however, did not seem to be hampered by my body and I could feel the Incredible moving out from under me. Desperately, I reached under my body and grabbed the phone with both hands and stood up holding it in a death grip. The struggle continued for what seemed like hours, but in reality only a few seconds, when at last, my slick Droid Incredible slipped from my hands and slowly ascended into the sky and on board the craft. I fell to the ground, pounding my fist into the parched earth as my Incredible journeyed into space in the general direction of the star M55 according to my Google Sky Map observations the night before.

Moments later a spotlight shown upon me. I barely noticed consumed in my loss. A voice behind the light commanded, "Get up you are on Government property and you must leave immediately !" Not having any more reason to stay where I was, I complied and went home.....

If I had a case for my Dinc:

1. My phone would not have got dinged up when I dropped it. My trackpad glass would have probably got dusty though.

2. I would have been able to hold on to the phone and ride the tractor beam into the UFO, since the phone would not be so slippery. How cool would that have been !?!

3. Most importantly, A case would have disguised the distinctive shape of the back of my phone, making it look like an Iphone 4, which we all know intelligent life forms are not interested in.
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Jun 23, 2010
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Had my Droid Inc for about 2 days. Walking out to the car and the phone rings. I go to get it out of my pocket and of course it slips from my fingers and onto the concrete. Lucky for me the phone was not damaged, but I have a perfectly awsome now phone with concrete road rash on the lower left courner of the phone. I REALLY NEED a case with my fumble fingers.

doug fresh

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Jul 9, 2010
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The other week I went outside for morning coffee break. There were quite a few people around, and as I sat down on a stone wall I reached into my pocket to grab my Incredible and it slipped from my fingers and fell a foot and a half down to the cement, landing face first. It was not the first time I dropped it from that height, so I figured no big deal. But when I picked it up and flipped it over the screen had a massive spider crack starting in the corner.

The feeling was bad enough, but then came the smart remarks and chuckles from my jealous blackberry and feature phone wielding co-workers. I shake off their insults and head up stairs thinking "it's ok I have insurance!" Well they were all out of stock, so I had to wait most of a week for a replacement to be shipped.

A case would have saved me from insults, an insurance claim, and a week of droidlessness.


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May 11, 2010
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It was after work and I was walking to my car in the parking lot. The parking lot is a 5 level concrete structure. Long story short, I dropped my new Droid Incredible on the ground and it proceeded to skid down the incline in the parking lot. Needless to say, the back is completely scratched up...the camera is fine, but I now need a case to not only protect it, but to cover up the blemish that is my back cover...AndroidCentral, please help save me!


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Oct 15, 2009
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I was a front seat passenger we were driving down the street all the windows down. We were going down a bumpy road I was playing pinball "getting all into it" Thinking I had a good grip on my incredible when we went over a pot hole the phone leaped out of my hand out of the window and some how I reached out of the car and just happened to swing my hand in the right direction and slapped the phone back into the car don't ask me why I didn't try to catch it but instead I slapped it then it hit the drivers side window onto the floor (I have no idea how I did it but I did) must have been my lucky day. My phone is safe now. Ill tell you it could have used one of those Seidio active cases it could have soften the slap I felt so bad slapping my poor incredible :(


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Jun 8, 2010
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i've had mine a week and just want the case so I don't have to worry about a near miss. I let my 3 year old play a racing game on it and was very nervous the entire time, especially when he started running around with the phone...


Apr 19, 2010
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Please, help break the curse

I am a chronic dropper of cell phones. I don't mean to be but I am in too big of a hurry many times and it just happens.

I need a good case for my incredible before I end up destroying it.

Please help break the curse.


Apr 27, 2010
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Sigh... I should have learned from the last time this happened with my old Storm...

I was installing new surveillance cameras in my warehouse at work, listening to Pink Floyd as I do when I'm out and about, when the boom lift teetered a little too much and my poor Incredible took a 25 foot tumble to its death. No survival. Dissassemble... DEAD...

$89 / Insurion saves the day. And so does Wave Secure!


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Apr 30, 2010
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I was walking across the parking lot, wearing my incredible on my waist using a Verizon case and holster. Some how my hand swiped my incredible just right, and it slide right out of this cheap Verizon holster and fell onto my foot was I kicked it and it slide across the pavement. I have dent wounds on my incredible as proof. If I had had a Seidio case instead, this would never have happened, and my phone would still be like new. :(


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Jul 9, 2010
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Great story. I am a floor mechanic by trade and on the job i was mixing a bag of floor patch(cement)..

so as i was mixing i leaned over and in went my phone. pulled it out and it not pretty covered in grey cement....

I wonder if my droid would have been saved with a Seidio case and shield.....;)


Jul 9, 2010
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Incredibly broken Droid Incredible lacks INCREDIBLE case

My Droid Incredible is not only incredible but it is incredibly expensive to fix when broken. Apparantly, I sat on my Incredible at dinner and my Incredibles screen got Incredibly broken; shattered, to be exact. Only if I had an Incredible case my incredible would still have been safe.


Apr 19, 2010
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So, a few months ago I had a storm 9530, with no case (work issued) I dropped it and the screen broke, they issued me a blackberry tour. During the NFC championship when the Saints won, I had my tour in my hand, jumped up and accidentally threw my Tour it cracked the screen but it still worked I had been using that until about 2 weeks before the incredible released my wife was using my tour, and dropped it into a big bowl of guacamole and it crapped out. Needless to say my company was less than pleased so I had to purchase a new smartphone @ full price so this time I ordered the Incredible and an Amzer case from cheap droids. I have had the phone since launch day, but the case has been back ordered. Well last Saturday I received the case and its broken, I mailed it back and am getting a replacement but who knows how long that will take. The case didn't make it through the mail, how is it gonna hold up with me for 2 years?:eek:


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Apr 26, 2010
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Well, it was right after a bar fight with eight Hell's Angels; it was a brutal fight, but I was able to use my Droid Incredible and the Fandango app to finally beat them into submission with threats of buying them tickets to "Knight and Day". Anyway, afterwards, I was getting a hug from the nun whose orphanage money I'd saved, and my phone slid out of my pocket (parachute pants, you know). It was headed right for the concrete floor of the bar, but fortunately, it landed in the nun's basket full of puppies. Whew! Close one!


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Jun 13, 2010
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It was a typical hot and humid summer afternoon in the South. Another day and another agonizingly long wait until I can get home and play with my new DInc.

I was dripping with sweat, and I was beginning to regret not putting on my Three Wolf Shirt from Amazon, because I knew that the raw power of the Three Wolf Shirt would be enough to wick away my perspiration and provide a cool comfortable breeze for my personal benefit.

But, I digress.

I was finally finishing up for the day and pulling into my driveway. I noticed the grass needed to be cut but that was a job for another day. I was not cutting grass today. As I get out of the car, I am holding my DInc, laptop bag, papers from the office and the day?s mail from the curb. I walk up the slate walk to my front door, up the concrete step to the porch and realize I need my keys.

Juggling things from one hand to another, I reach into my pocket where I always keep my keys. Nope, no keys. I re juggle my load of things, reaching and grabbing for envelopes and papers that are trying to slide away, cussing my misfortune because all I want to do is escape this blistering heat and get inside to Air Conditioned Glory and an Icy Adult Beverage.

Balanced again, I reach into my other pocket for my keys. Nope, no keys. By now, my mental stability is in jeopardy. If I had only worn the Three Wolf Shirt, none of this would be happening.

Of course, the smart thing to do would be to put everything down and look for my keys, but as I mentioned, my normally precision tuned V12 brain was not firing on all cylinders. I looked around in dismay, sweat dripping into my eyes, papers sliding, laptop bag digging into my shoulder, phone? phone? where?s the phone!!!???

Panicked, I catch out of the corner of my eye my precious DInc, the one pure thing in my life, tumbling towards the concrete porch. I blacked out a little at that point. But, after recovering conscious thought again I look and there is my beloved DInc, nestled snugly next to a petunia on the mulch next to the porch. There was not a scratch on it.

Now I don?t really know what happened that day folks, some say it was a Divine power that intervened. Others say that the close proximity of a Three Wolf Shirt was powerful enough to produce a micro gust of cool air that moved the DInc out of harms way. A few say that I was just lucky.

All I know is that a Seidio Innocase Rugged would have prevented my heart from skipping a few beats. If it came bundled with another Three Wolf Shirt? well that would be a story for another time.
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Jun 11, 2010
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My droid incredible was just delivered today. I was jumping with joy holding my phone firmly in my hands when it slipped. Luckily it landed on my cat. *meow*


Apr 24, 2010
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I was recently at a pool party and I was sitting there texting some friends the directions....when of course my drunk idiot friends push me in....not wanting to get my phone wet I threw my Incredible. Unfortunately when it landed it got all scratched up on the back and a little around the edges. If I would of had a case on it, it probably would have only scratched the face.
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