Does Google TV work like tivo, Does it record live shows?


New member
Jan 27, 2013
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I got fed up with direct tv and now am getting Time Warner cable. They charge like $20 for DVR service and i looked at Tivo but they charge also for a month. So my question is ..can you hook up google tv box and record live tv shows off your time warner cable box? If not does anything out there do this maybe like ROKU or apple tv?

Chris Gerhard

Jan 24, 2013
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No, Google TV, Roku and Apple TV are digital media players/internet streaming boxes and don't record cable television. A DVR or Windows PC Media Center is what you want and a DVR provided by your cable company is likely to be the least expensive option. I don't care about least expensive and want the best which is TiVo in my opinion but other options work well enough. Google TV does a nice job of bringing together traditional TV sources with internet entertainment and I use TiVo with Google TV. Roku is an easy to use internet streaming player and I have a couple of those as well and love them but Google TV does a lot more. Apple TV is very popular but I don't have any experience with it.