Droid Razr won't boot, won't charge


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Sep 21, 2013
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So I've got a Droid Razr, the original model. I've had it for a few months, two or three, not long. The battery has up to now been fine, if slightly short, but I've compensated for that with an external battery pack. About a week ago, it ran down and turned itself off, like it does usually. Only, when I plugged it into the wall, it wouldn't charge or boot. Now, I'm currently in Europe, so one would think the voltage might be the problem, but I checked and the charger accepts the voltage here. Plugged it into my computer, still won't charge, and the computer doesn't recognize that anything's been plugged into it. There's been no physical damage, no water, nothing that could have caused the failure that I know of.

So I left it for a few days on its own, thought maybe the battery was just having some problems with the heat here. I plugged it in today, and the white charging light came on when I jimmied the cable a little, but flickered when I tried to boot, and didn't boot or load the power level screen. Computer still won't recognize it, so it seems like nothing's changed. I tried following the hard reset instructions from this site, to no avail.

Anyways, as I said, I'm in Europe, and about 150 miles from the nearest store that could fix it, never mind the fact that the warranty isn't international. So I've got no way to have it fixed for cheap, and I'm out of ideas.

Any help is appreciated :) Thanks.

B. Diddy

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Mar 9, 2012
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Welcome to Android Central! That sounds like a problem. The computer won't recognize the phone if it isn't on, so that's not too surprising. When you left it alone for a few days, was it plugged in to a wall outlet or not? If not, try leaving the phone plugged into a wall outlet for a good 24 hours or so. Then try starting it again--hold the power button down for about 20 seconds this time.


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Sep 21, 2013
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It wasn't plugged in over those days, but last night I plugged it in - getting the white light for the first time since it broke - and it won't boot, no matter how long I hold the power button down.
Also, thanks!

B. Diddy

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Mar 9, 2012
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Ok, has it been a full 24 hours yet? Try waiting at least that long, then come back to it and try powering it on again.


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Nov 21, 2013
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Hey, mines having the same issue except a little bit different. When I plug the the charger in my phone it cuts my phone off and makes a weird noise like someone is popping popcorn. I thought it was my charger doing it, but I've tried 3 different chargers and they all do the same thing

Michelle Nikolay

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Jun 14, 2013
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Mine is doing the same thing. Last night the battery was way down, to about 6%. I got into the car, plugged my phone in and called home. Talked for awhile and left the phone plugged into the car charger for about 10 minutes while I went into the store. When I came out, the phone was off. I tried turning it on, and the red motorola symbol came up and went off again. I tried again and the same thing. Then I unplugged it and pushed the buttons, a lying down green droid came up, then some reboot options. I selected one and the phone turned back on. So I plugged it in again, and it shut off. This time I noticed a strange sound, a crackling sound (like popcorn as stated above). I unplugged and tried a different cord. Same result. I tried a different charger, same result. I plugged it in at home, same result. This morning, I plugged it in and the green light came on, it charged for a little bit and then went back to the same problem. Any ideas????? :'(

Chris Craigmile

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Apr 30, 2014
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Same here... Plugged in get a green light but as soon as it boots up immediate shuts down... Can't shut it off to let the battery charge. keeps going through this cycle of booting up and shutting down before full power on cycle is complete. I've tried wall outlet and computer. Next will be my car as I have a wicked long drive (and need my Droid GPS).

ANY ANY Thoughts on whats next?


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Jul 1, 2014
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I actually have the Droid Razr M, but I'm still having a similar problem.

My phone has recently started freezing up very often and then rebooting itself. It also wont charge....I've used numerous different chargers that worked for other devices, but wouldn't work for mine. As I'm typing this, my phone is shut off because it is currently at 4% of battery. A few of the chargers I used, the screen showed the symbol that it was charging, but after about 10-30 seconds the symbol disappeared and the phone stopped charging. And with one of the chargers, as soon as I plugged it in it shut off. I've shut my phone off and "rebooted" it several times, with no additional results.

I'm not really sure what to do with it, since I don't insurance and I can't afford to just buy a new phone. Not to sound like one of those phone-obssessed people, but many of my daily activities require being able to be contacted via my phone. I also have some photos, favorite text conversations and such that I had yet to save to my SD card, and I don't want to lose them! Any ideas?


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Oct 14, 2014
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I was wondering if you ever figured out how to fix your phone. Of course mine is doing the exact same thing, out of the blue, didn't get insurance on it because I've never had issues with phones in the past. Took it to the Verizon store and they didn't have any answers for me except to buy a new one...I just bought this is August and it's only the middle of October!!! Let me know if you were able to fix it on your own or know what I need to do.

tygee williams

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Nov 4, 2014
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i have a motorola droid razr for about a year now...i turned off my wifi and took a nap some days ago and i wake up and my phone as off and wouldnt come on it ahs this red light that rarely shows till noe its done this before i tried rebooting it doesnt work what do i so plzzzz help


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Sep 11, 2015
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Mine Did the Same thing. It was charging and then it hanged and screen went black. i took it to The Repairer and he checked my Droid Mini Ultra and he figured out that the problem was with motherboard. He is working on it and i hope I'll get it back soon. Take it to the Repairer or Verizon. Hope it helps.:)


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Nov 10, 2015
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I had a similar problem with suddenly not being able to turn it on. Power and Down-Volume buttons at the same time. Suggested time was 20 seconds. This worked for me, but perhaps a different issue altogether.

Adam Liddy

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May 31, 2017
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my droid razr wont charge

my droid razr wont charge and i tried two different chargers and nothing is happening im wondering if the port is jamed in to deep in the phone or something im really stuck here:':)':)'(

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