Embarrassing newbie questions


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Oct 27, 2016
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I've had my Gear Fit 2 for a while now but use an iPhone so haven't been able to use the Gear with my phone.

But now, I've borrowed an Android phone and just trying things out properly for the first time I've installed the Gear software on the phone, all working ok, receiving email notifications on the Gear.

My problem is i've installed some apps on the phone, but can't figure out how to actually run these apps (I know...doh!). I'm new to Android, but where are the apps? There's no icons anywhere on the phone, the Gear app says they are installed, but where are they and how do I run them? Or maybe the apps run on the Gear itself, and not on the phone? If so, how do,I access them from there?

Update: ok, think i've got it, some apps do appear on the Gear, others on the phone.

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