Evo --> Epic


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Jun 22, 2010
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Who else came from an Evo? What do you like better about the Epic and what are some things you miss about the Evo?

For me, obviously the slide out keyboard is a big plus. I got used to the touch keypad, but I can't stand how much real estate the keypad takes when typing. I didn't think the .3 inches in screen size would make a big difference, but to me it's noticeable. The clarity and contrast of the Epic screen makes up for it though.

One thing I really miss about the Evo is the browser. The epic browser is annoying to me after using the Evo browser for a couple months. The Evo browser just seemed much smoother and quicker when resizing the page. It was also much more accurate when resizing. I'm finding that I often have to scroll slightly to the left or right after a zoom-in to read the text. Never had to do that on the Evo.

If the Evo had a slide-out keyboard version, I'd probably go with that. But since it doesn't exist, I'll be keeping the Epic. Overall, I'm pretty happy with my purchase. Every phone has it's pluses and minuses. Right now, the Epic is the best phone for me.


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Feb 14, 2010
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i miss 2.2, thats really about it. The screen on this is way better with the amoled, the games and emulator(psx) are amazing. Itll be even better when game gripper is out. I didnt realize how much i enjoys the HW keyboard til i went this route. The phone seems snappier to me and i had to hack the evo to do what the epic does stock. I like the camera better and the camera app, more options(burst mode, panorama)and with getting 54.9fps on neocore and the evo i had hacked with the cap removed only got 24.9fps. Ill never look back. The only thing ive done is root and thats for wifi tether. other than that dont need custom roms b/c i love this phone


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Jun 5, 2010
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Both are great phones, I have both running, the Epic on my main line and the Evo on a secondary.

I like the GPS implementation on the Evo better and as far as the HW keyboard, I got so used to the Evo that I have to keep reminding myself to use the physical keyboard now. The capacitative buttons on my Evo are far more sensitive than the Epic's.

The Epic's screen is beautiful with out a doubt and the phone is certainly smoother and more responsive. I wish it had a built in stand alone video player rather than having to go thru the gallery app instead. The wifi reception on the Epic is stronger than my Evo. Can't wait to see how this one flies with Froyo.

So far I am keeping them both, can not decide which one I like the most (which is a very good thing actually).


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Feb 25, 2010
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I came from the evo because I kept having the power button crack issue and was afraid of the build quality. I realy like the Epic though,and I'm glaad I made the switch. I love the keyboard and swype I just miss 2.2. Hopefully it'll be out soon :)


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Feb 17, 2010
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Update around with the Epic at the store and I didn't like the hardware or the UI. The phone felt really light. Almost usually light. The keyboard want what I had expected. I have seen numerous slide out keyboards on Samsung dumb phones that were great. I thought the Epic would have something similar. But the keyboard seemed to be too flat. I also noticed that the physical keyboard didn't have the double tap spacebar to period function. I remember that from my Palm Pre stand I didn't like it then and I still don't like it. I hear a lot of the reports that the phone is snappier than the EVO, but I didn't notice that it was any faster. I like the EVO keyboard better. I also like the EVO screen better. The screen brightness on the Epic doesn't seem as bright as my EVO. I liked the game play on the Epic. I played the Asphalt 5 demo on the Epic and was impressed, but still didn't see a big difference from EVO. The phone is probably the second or third best device on the market, but the EVO is still the best in my opinion.


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Jun 2, 2010
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I went through 2 EVO's before switching to the Epic. For some reason I never thought that the EVO was as fast as it should have been. I kept getting a LOT of stuttering when scrolling, and even while in some apps. The Epic just seems to flow, and I am in love with the AMOLED screen, to me (and this is just my opinion!!) it just seems so much more crisp and clearer than the EVO, and the camera on the EVO was AWFUL!!!! I love the camera on the Epic, and the dedicated button for it is nice. And a physical keyboard is nice, but I keep forgetting I have it!!!

I do miss FroYo, and also the ability to sync my Exchange Calendar. I still haven't been able to figure that one out, but I belive it is a 2.1 thing...

All in all, I am VERY happy with my desicion to switch.



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Aug 14, 2010
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I came from an Evo and I have no regrets. There are a couple of things that I miss though.

First thing - FROYO! But i'm sure that'll change soon.

Second - The widgets on the Evo were lovely. With the Epic, you have to download widgets which isn't really a problem because most of them are in the Market and they're free. I just like the fact that I could change the widgets on my Evo so easily.

That's about it. I love my Epic. Especially the dedicated camera key. When I had my Evo, I couldn't get pictures the way I wanted them because everything was on screen. With the Epic, it's alot easier.

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