February Security Update Number 2 OTA

I Can Be Your Hero

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Aug 14, 2012
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Why does a 10mb update take 2hr to install?

It's how Google does it's updates. They do A/B 'seamless' updates. It installs in the background and you can continue to use the phone then when it's done, you get a notification to restart the phone. However this method takes well over an hour no matter how big the update is.

I prefer the traditional method, where it'll just install the software from 5-10 mins depending on the size of the update then once the 10mims is up, you can use your phone. It's not 'seamless', as you can't use your phone while the update is installing, but then again, Google's method isn't really 'seamless' either as you still have to restart the phone and after the install you're sitting there with the Google logo and little bar optimising apps for a little while. If rather the update just be done with in 10mins.

David Thomas24

Well-known member
Sep 16, 2018
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one thing i like about the pixel phone is that the google play system update unlike other phones no other phone that i can think of gives you on time and updates with the google play system update my nokia phone XT100 is still on the May 1st google play system update from last year and has not gotten any update since i had the phone to where my pixel 6 phone is on JAN 1st google play system update and it seems like its more up to date then on other phones
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