Feeling played on the 4.04 update.


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Feb 23, 2011
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What exactly is so mind blowingly different/better about 4.0.4 vs 4.0.2? I'd bet a paycheck that almost no one on here complaining, could even tell the difference without going into the settings and looking. Its not like these new phones are running something groundbreaking...and if your phone is having issues with 4.0.2, changes are, its still gonna have said problems with 4.0.4 or whatever other new releases come out, sorry to say.

People need to chill out...its REALLY not that big of a deal.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Wow, since that's the case, we all should probably just decline/ignore ANY future updates. Wow, a lot less stress involved now. Thanks for the tip.



Well-known member
Feb 12, 2012
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Wow, since that's the case, we all should probably just decline/ignore ANY future updates. Wow, a lot less stress involved now. Thanks for the tip.


What I'm saying is, the people that are having issues with the GNex are having HARDWARE issues, not SOFTWARE issues. If it was a problem with the software, everyone would have the issues. Most (yes I said most) owners of this phone don't have any issues.

Software updates will not fix a hardware problem...it might be able to make it a little better, but it won't ever fix it.

As far as 4.0.4 making radios better, that remains to be seen as some people have said it got better, while others have said it didn't do anything.

My original point was more to the point that people are complaining about other phones having .4 when we only have .2 like the others are getting some groundbreaking new update. For MOST people out there, .4 is going to be pretty transparent. As I said, without going onto the settings and looking, most people would never know.

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Dec 18, 2011
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People need to chill out...its REALLY not that big of a deal.

if its so not a big deal then why does testing take so long, if there are no big differences then it could have rolled out limited weeks ago ;)

Actually, by June 1 it's dday the actual day that we can say Rezound (or was it Razr) who were told in writing that they would get ics early 2012. Up until this point you could only speculate you were being hosed on everything from the GNex release date to the version 4 update. Come June you can't naysay the naysayers as much cause they'll have proof.


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May 5, 2010
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What exactly is so mind blowingly different/better about 4.0.4 vs 4.0.2? I'd bet a paycheck that almost no one on here complaining, could even tell the difference without going into the settings and looking. Its not like these new phones are running something groundbreaking...and if your phone is having issues with 4.0.2, changes are, its still gonna have said problems with 4.0.4 or whatever other new releases come out, sorry to say.

People need to chill out...its REALLY not that big of a deal.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Unfortunately, this is very true. Incremental updates are always a huge disappointment. Don't believe that (or maybe don't want to believe that)? Look back through any phone forum on here for post regarding updates being released. There filled with complaints, and a few sheep that say things like, "this is way faster, smooth as butter, it's what the phone should have been when it was released!" Cracks me up. I'm rooted, have run all the newer radios and most of the popular ROMs, and the difference from one to the next is so small that it can barely be noticed. More often than not, I'm sure it's just a placebo effect.

This phone is awesome as is (in my opinion, still the best device money can buy), but if you think that 4.0.4 is going to change your world, you're setting yourself up for a let down. If you think your gn sucks on 4.0.2, you should go ahead and sell it while the ebay prices are still good and get something else.


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May 11, 2010
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I want my phone to be smoother and snappier, like everyone says after an update. Will it be? :eek: What does a snappier phone act like?


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Feb 12, 2012
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if its so not a big deal then why does testing take so long, if there are no big differences then it could have rolled out limited weeks ago ;)

Actually, by June 1 it's dday the actual day that we can say Rezound (or was it Razr) who were told in writing that they would get ics early 2012. Up until this point you could only speculate you were being hosed on everything from the GNex release date to the version 4 update. Come June you can't naysay the naysayers as much cause they'll have proof.

The funniest part of this whole thing is that people actually think just because its a Nexus, you are supposed to get the newest update possible the very second it is released. Nowhere did Verizon, Samsung, or Google ever promise this. People just assume it, and then get mad and throw a tantrum when it doesn't happen.

The update will roll out (probably soon), but don't expect any miracle cures for your ailing GNex. As was stated above, if you are having issues, either sell it, or get a replacement. Sadly, that's probably the only way you are going to fix your phone.

Of the 10 or so people I personally know that have the Nexus (including myself and my wife), only one of them had the signal/mic cut out/data drop issues. He flashed the 4.0.4 update and guess what happened? Nothing. He then got a replacement GNex, and guess what happened? It works now. Amazing!

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Well-known member
Nov 11, 2011
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Actually, by June 1 it's dday the actual day that we can say Rezound (or was it Razr) who were told in writing that they would get ics early 2012. Up until this point you could only speculate you were being hosed on everything from the GNex release date to the version 4 update. Come June you can't naysay the naysayers as much cause they'll have proof.

I'd suggest that July 1 is the date you're looking for, since that is the mid-point of the year (in terms of first and last days of each month and considering 12 months means June is in the first half of that timeline).

And, technically, because this is a leap year, then the midpoint to say "early 2012" is midnight between July 1 and July 2.

Sorry...just felt like being a bit anal retentive at the moment. LOL


Well-known member
Sep 11, 2010
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Even though I have a custom Nexus I am left wondering where is a official update????

sent from a Android device :)
I'm always on!


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Sep 11, 2010
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At least we know who's slowing the process down...

Damn you Verizon!!!

sent from a Android device :)
I'm always on!


May 1, 2012
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What exactly is so mind blowingly different/better about 4.0.4 vs 4.0.2? I'd bet a paycheck that almost no one on here complaining, could even tell the difference without going into the settings and looking. Its not like these new phones are running something groundbreaking...and if your phone is having issues with 4.0.2, changes are, its still gonna have said problems with 4.0.4 or whatever other new releases come out, sorry to say.

People need to chill out...its REALLY not that big of a deal.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Apparently the update will solve the problem lots of people are having with the Navigation App suddenly not announcing street names. This is pretty big for me, I use it a lot.
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Mar 31, 2010
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I do understand that, but 2 weeks is nuts. And yes I know they could be very different esns, but 2 of the same phone, bought in the same place, at the busiest shopping day of the year should be pretty close as far as ESNs go

It doesn't matter where or when they were bought for the ESN. All that matters is where and when they were manufactured.


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Feb 12, 2012
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Unless you're like me and you spend your commute waiting for the 4g/3g handoff in a subway tunnel. Funny how much battery gets chewed up during that 45 minutes for some reason. On days I don't commute, I get literally 2 to 4 hours more life from my phone. tell me again my issues won't resolve with this update. Sorry your scientific survey of 10 people you know doesn't cover this. Any chance you'll get tired of trolling this forum soon?

I'm not trolling anything...I'm being realistic (something some people are incapable of apparently). I appologize for my "unscientific" study, but you do realize that people that have issues with this phone are the minority right? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand the difference between hardware problems and software problems, but I can say it again if it helps...

If it was a software problem EVERY SINGLE GNex out there would have these problems...they don't! ITS NOT A SOFTWARE PROBLEM PEOPLE!

But by all means, keep ignoring that fact if you must.

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Feb 23, 2011
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SLAVE2THEAXE works for Motorola.... that the only way I can justify his passion on this topic.

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Moderator Captain
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Nov 16, 2010
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The people who have "problems" are always going to be more vocal than those whose phones work just fine for them.


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2011
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If it was a software problem EVERY SINGLE GNex out there would have these problems...they don't! ITS NOT A SOFTWARE PROBLEM PEOPLE!

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

I disagree...
There's a reason you are told to verify checksums of firmware.... sending software is basically transmitting highs and lows.... if the noise level is to high... those ones and zeros can get messed up....


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Mar 7, 2010
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The issues with the radio have to be location. My wife and I both have the phone and we live in Southwest Florida. Neither of us have experienced the dreadful radio issues that people have reported. My friend has had issues in Raleigh/Durham area in NC.

The phone works fine in Florida.


Well-known member
Jan 16, 2012
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I suspect it is location as well

Have not had a problem in the city where I live, I've traveled before to more rural areas and have had the signal problems others have noted.

Interestingly, I had similar issues with a Stratosphere in the past (although I got it right before a trip to Miami and was so P.O.ed, returned it right as I got home, never gave it a chance, would be interesting to see how it compares to my Nexus)


Feb 22, 2010
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Hey all,

Just an update. I updated my locked and un-rooted VZW Stock Galaxy Nexus (4.0.2) to last week's imm76k OTA push that some people received from Google. I did not lose any data whatsoever.

I used the guide here, and didn't run into a single problem:
IMM76K Direct for Verizon Galaxy Nexus Manual OTA Instructions [UPDATED][New Working Link] ? StrifeJester's Rants

I have noticed NO negative effects. Here are the positives that I noticed:
-MUCH better data/cell signal. at least 100% better coverage INSIDE my house (gauging my bars, not Db. No missed calls, no dropped calls, no poor quality audio).
-Faster and snappier overall
-Faster recent apps appearance when pressing the recent apps button

Just thought I would update,



Is that pretty easy to do?


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2011
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I've been suspecting differing hardware batches as reason for some of these issues. Of course I have no REAL idea, but it seems reasonable... (or I am grasping at straws!)
Some time ago, there was a brief mention about where an individual GN was made. Some are China and some are Korea. My devices have been problematic and mine are made in China. Dunno?