[Free][Game]Dash-Dash King - Looking forward to your feedback


Sep 1, 2014
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I wanted to ask you for some feedback on my recently released game, and by recently released game I mean it's less than 48h old :3


It's an arcade game with the spirit of "flappy bird", but it's totally different, you can find it here on the store with other screenshots and some info.

What do you think about it?
You had fun playing it?
How good do you think I've implemented ads? Is it annoying or it's fine?
In my opinion the ads are well placed an they don't bother the player at all, expecially in the first "part" of each playthrough.

I'll be waiting for your opinions, good or bad ones, it's the first, let's call it this way, "full game" I've ever made so I really need some people's feedback to know what I could have done better or what I have done wrong.

Oh, and if you try the game I'd really appreciate if you leave a review on the store :p