G6 uses same camera sensor as $130 Xiaomi pro

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Nov 7, 2016
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Even though it's all on pre-release phones, so far the test photos and video that I've seen for the G6 compare very favorably with those taken on an S7 Edge and an IPhone 7 Plus. I own both an S7 Edge and an IPhone 7 Plus, so I'm pretty familiar with the pros and cons of the cameras on both of those phones. It's hard to tell by just a few reviews, but I think the G6 in pre-release holds up flagship performance expectations pretty well.

The flaws I've seen in some reviews, but not others, include a tendency to blow out highlights and to have white balance that skews to a cold blue or Aqua tint. This white balance issue would be comparable to what I used to put up with in IPhone 6 Plus and older iPhones. I have so far not seen anything like Samsung's tendency to artificially punch up saturation or intensity in blue and red subjects.

IPhone 7 Plus OIS seems better for video. Possibly the iPhone mic is also better at picking up sound, but it's hard to be sure based off of one review. We really won't know more until retail release reviews are able to be completed. I have so far not seen anything to dim my enthusiasm for this phone and I am pretty picky about the cameras because I use camera phones a lot to take pictures of family when an SLR or even a point and shoot aren't as easy to use unobtrusively.


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Aug 20, 2016
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Even though it's all on pre-release phones, so far the test photos and video that I've seen for the G6 compare very favorably with those taken on an S7 Edge and an IPhone 7 Plus. I own both an S7 Edge and an IPhone 7 Plus, so I'm pretty familiar with the pros and cons of the cameras on both of those phones. It's hard to tell by just a few reviews, but I think the G6 in pre-release holds up flagship performance expectations pretty well.

The flaws I've seen in some reviews, but not others, include a tendency to blow out highlights and to have white balance that skews to a cold blue or Aqua tint. This white balance issue would be comparable to what I used to put up with in IPhone 6 Plus and older iPhones. I have so far not seen anything like Samsung's tendency to artificially punch up saturation or intensity in blue and red subjects.

IPhone 7 Plus OIS seems better for video. Possibly the iPhone mic is also better at picking up sound, but it's hard to be sure based off of one review. We really won't know more until retail release reviews are able to be completed. I have so far not seen anything to dim my enthusiasm for this phone and I am pretty picky about the cameras because I use camera phones a lot to take pictures of family when an SLR or even a point and shoot aren't as easy to use unobtrusively.
Very likely those reviews are paid to praise G6.


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Aug 20, 2016
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Considering both this site and Pocketnow gave the phone high marks, I seriously doubt this.
Why do you think so? You really think these review websites make main income by online ad? LOL. Just look at androidauthority, they sell g6 like their own product, almost just talk about it.


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Jun 14, 2014
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The legitimate sites make their money by offering informative and objective opinions on the devices that they are reviewing. There are of course always going to be personal biases of the reviewer. Most of the time, that reviewer will state it somewhere in their article.

I am not saying there aren't pay to print sites out there, it's the internet, of course there are. I am merely saying that I have confidence in the sites that I get my information from and I try to stick with the larger more established review and blog sites.


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Nov 22, 2009
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Considering both this site and Pocketnow gave the phone high marks, I seriously doubt this.

I generally trust and like the AC reviews, but I have to say that the written review of the G6 camera (giving it high marks) and the sample photos that were posted did not mesh. Many of the sample photos were very poor.


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Oct 17, 2011
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I don't know what to think about reviews in general and now about AC reviews. I find them pretty good on tech details, but their praising is almost universal. The S6 is released without an SD Card and all the AC editors can do is tell everyone why SD Cards are bad and how no one needs SD Cards anymore. The next year Samsung release the S7 with SD Card support, now the AC editors are praising the inclusion of SD cards. Tied to this the AC editors say 32 GB is no big deal in the G6 review because it supports SD Cards. The lack of consistency is strange, having been a former product reviewer, and knowing the pressure that can be applied this seems strange.


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Aug 21, 2014
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I looked at every picture and I disagree.

Both take great pics IMO but if we are going to nitpick, in all the daylight pics if I give the nod to the G6. The pictures looked a tad brighter and more detailed. The pic of the flowers and the doughnut would be primary example of brighter and I prefer the lighting and color in those two over the Pixel. And detail in the brickwork in the buildings and found the neon sign to be sharper and more detailed on the G6.

The low light shots I give the nod to the Pixel... last 3 shots you really can see more light resulting in more detail... the clouds at night. More light on the plants being able to see more of the plants. But looking at same pics and the everything else that did get enough light... the detail was very good and would be happy with any of those shots.

What will be very interesting is the wide angle lense. Being the same 13mp, if it generates near same quality of pic, I can see people using that all the time compared to other variations where wide angle quality was compromised with different sensors and diffferent mp.

I really like the choice of lense setup for each as far as distance for each lense... the Lg pics looks to provide a closer pic than the Pixel in each shot. The wide angle shots I've seen in other examples like Flossy's video... I think youre gonna have a great choice of shots and composition.

I wish I had that camera setup and able to use wide angle like that when I was in the Canadian Rockies last summer.

I do look for quality of camera near the top of my list of needs in a phone. To me, the G6 pics look great.


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Aug 20, 2016
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I don't know what to think about reviews in general and now about AC reviews. I find them pretty good on tech details, but their praising is almost universal. The S6 is released without an SD Card and all the AC editors can do is tell everyone why SD Cards are bad and how no one needs SD Cards anymore. The next year Samsung release the S7 with SD Card support, now the AC editors are praising the inclusion of SD cards. Tied to this the AC editors say 32 GB is no big deal in the G6 review because it supports SD Cards. The lack of consistency is strange, having been a former product reviewer, and knowing the pressure that can be applied this seems strange.
Just because they received money to praise for whatever the product is, it is simple.


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Jun 14, 2014
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Just because they received money to praise for whatever the product is, it is simple.

If you are that cynical about the site, why do you participate? You are like a broken record with this pay for praise stuff. If I wore a tin foil hat, I might even think you were a plant from a competitor site........:)
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