Galaxy Gear will not charge. :(

Ilija Banjas

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Jul 6, 2014
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Try take your hair dryer and heat the back of the gear where the pins are and heat with maximum heat in 2 min and the. Put it right after in the charging station it worked for me


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Mar 9, 2014
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I noticed mine having an issue and I figured out why. The moisture from your wrist stops it from charging. Take a qtip and clean the pogo pins on the back of the watch. This should fix any issues. Worked Everytime I've tried it.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using Tapatalk

Fernando Nasser

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Jul 24, 2014
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Only after a Future Shop customer service representative called Samsung they agreed that I could send them my watch. Before they sent me to several places that do NOT service watches, only cell phones etc. At least they sent me a pre-paid label by e-mail.

The watch came back fast, one week back and forth. In the service document came the following direction, which I am supposed to follow:


So now you know...


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Jul 29, 2014
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Not sure if this was covered by anyone else but my Galaxy Gear watch sat unused for about 2 weeks and wouldn't charge at all. I tried hooking it up to the computer and wall charging it. I finally found out that it was the charger cover that goes around the watch. It has some slack in it (from a lot of use) and allows my watch to move up and down which is enough to let the contacts not touch on the back. I plugged it into the wall and left the top of the cover open and put the watch in the charger. I slowly moved the phone up and down and sure enough the light came on and it started charging. Once I saw the charge screen, I closed the charger cover and it fully charged. Hope this helps anyone else who might have the same issue.


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Aug 1, 2014
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hi guys, i'm new in this forum. i'm having the same problem, but there's just one difference. yesterday night i was at the computer, it was late night, almost morning, and i didn't realize that my gear turned off because the battery had gone to zero. i looked at the time, and i realize it was off, so i connected the charger but it was dead, no sign at all, no flash images, nothing. i left it charging but this morning was still dead. i've tried everything, soft reset, disassembled the phone to disconnect the battery, charge it with a nokia cable in the wall adapter, with the computer, holding the power button while charging, but nothing, just until now. it's still dead, but when i connect it to my laptop, windows makes the jingle to tell me something has been connected to the computer, but there's no sign of the gear anywhere. i opened the device manager to see if it was listed somewhere, but when i connect it, the device manager reloads but nothing is added, and when i disconnect the gear, no windows jingle to tell me it has been disconnected, no device manager reload. what should i do? i'm opened to any kind of suggestion, i'm going out of my mind... thanks...


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Mar 10, 2013
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I had this problem. In my case, one of the 5 pins on the charging bracket was stuck part-way in thus not making contact with the back of the watch for charging. I sprayed it with Isopropyl Alcohol and gave it a few presses and it bounced back out allowing the watch to charge again. Also did the same with the back of the Gear watch as well and wiped it with a cotton bud (swab). Sweat and grit on the back of the watch had tranferred to the charger and caused the pin to stick.

NOTE, do not use Methylated Spirits, as it may leave residue when it evaporates. Use Isopropyl Alcohol for cleaning your electronic gadgets.

I learnt this trick because my ex-iPhone's home button wasn't responding. Expensive repair vs a cheap spray-can of isopropyl alcohol sprayed into the button and left to evaporate after several presses to loosen it up. Also fixed non-working keys on an old Korg keyboard in a similar way by cleaning the contacts inside. A $5 can of Isopropyl alcohol on hand has saved 3 somewhat expensive gadgets!


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Sep 17, 2014
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Hello forum: I was just sent a galaxy gear watch (replacement under warranty) I took it out of the box and hooked it to the brand new charger and it looked like I saw something on the screen... it then went black. I took it out of the charger and tried to get some kind of life out of it but nothing. I read on the forum about a reset?? How do you reset it and does that help?


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Sep 18, 2014
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I have tried everything I can think of to get my galaxy gear to work. It will not charge and will not turn on. I have read that people have done a reset, but do not know how. I cannot access it through my phone and tried to access it through the computer with it obviously plugged in to the computer and it doesn't register. Please help!!


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Jul 19, 2010
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Try rather than using a wall charger to plug it into a USB cable connected to your computer. Let it run for about 45 minutes or so then connect it to a higher level power source. I know when mine runs down while at work the only way I can get it to charge is by doing that.

Posted via Android Central App

John Wilson16

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Oct 2, 2014
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Hey Nikhil,

Im sure you either already sorted this out or have sold your gear to someone else, but I just got a brand new Gear (out of box) and had the exact same issue as you did (Also from South Africa and bought the Gear online)

1. plug charging cradle into Laptop that is on charge using Samsung microUSB cable (e.g. charging cable for Galaxy S4);
2. Fold a small piece of paper to fit into the charging cradle so that the power button is being pushed in when the Gear is placed in the cradle;
3. Carefully place the Gear in the charging cradle so that the pins are making contact and the piece of paper is pushing the power button in, and close the cradle;
4. Walk away for about 10 mins;
5. Check Gear - it should be saying "Samsung Gear Rebooting..." if it isn't, tap the screen.
6. Once you have it on (either showing the above message - an orange clock thing- or a batter with 0% charged), unplug it, remove the piece of paper, and then plug it into the wall socket with provided charging cable and cradle. It should show you that it is charging and then give you a percentage charged indication (tap screen if you have plugged it in an left it alone for a while to get the charging screen again).

I was about to send my Gear back to the online company I bought it from, but got the little bugger working.
Hope this helps


Nikhil Matabadal

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Apr 14, 2014
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Hi John

I got my gear working by opening it and unclipping the motherboard from the charging pins an clipping it back. somehow it sorts the problem out.

Thanks for your info though


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Dec 30, 2014
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Ok i had this problem after leaving mine for 6 MONTHS no charge, tried every charger in the house every computer in the house and every USB cable in the house. So i unscrewed the 4 screws on the back of the watch pulled off the screen from the battery and left it for 2 mins came back screwed it back together and WORKING! seems the battery charger connectors go directly to the main-board of the watch then from the main-board to the battery, very complicated and very strange anyway all working once put back together.


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Feb 4, 2011
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Plug it up to a computer and leave it. That's what I had to do last night.

Take the usb off your 3pin plug charger if u have 1 (samsung s4 charger) and plug the gear into a laptop or a desktop and it will start charging slowly.No idea why this works but it does. I think once it goes completely flat it wont charge at a socket outlet. You will all notice that phone and devices take alot longer to charge on laptops and desktops. I think this may have something to do with it. Charge it to 5% on your laptop

Posted via the Android Central App

Tina Eckloff

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Jan 30, 2015
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Of course I am on vacation while this is going down. :(

Any ideas? Would a factory reset help?

Hey everyone, I haven't used my galaxy gear for like six months, lost my charger cradle had to order a new one. Just got it, it wouldn't charge or turn on. After talking it off and putting of on again (did this quite a few times) it finally began to charge. I know this message is late, but I wanted to post for others with this future problem. Hope I've helped out at least a little.
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May 1, 2015
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Hey Nikhil,

Im sure you either already sorted this out or have sold your gear to someone else, but I just got a brand new Gear (out of box) and had the exact same issue as you did (Also from South Africa and bought the Gear online)

1. plug charging cradle into Laptop that is on charge using Samsung microUSB cable (e.g. charging cable for Galaxy S4);
2. Fold a small piece of paper to fit into the charging cradle so that the power button is being pushed in when the Gear is placed in the cradle;
3. Carefully place the Gear in the charging cradle so that the pins are making contact and the piece of paper is pushing the power button in, and close the cradle;
4. Walk away for about 10 mins;
5. Check Gear - it should be saying "Samsung Gear Rebooting..." if it isn't, tap the screen.
6. Once you have it on (either showing the above message - an orange clock thing- or a batter with 0% charged), unplug it, remove the piece of paper, and then plug it into the wall socket with provided charging cable and cradle. It should show you that it is charging and then give you a percentage charged indication (tap screen if you have plugged it in an left it alone for a while to get the charging screen again).

I was about to send my Gear back to the online company I bought it from, but got the little bugger working.
Hope this helps


This worked for me.
Thanks John!

Nikhil jassal

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Oct 11, 2015
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I didnt charged my Galaxy Gear and it was dead from 1 month. Today when i tried to charge it, i was unable to charge as nothing was displayed on screen. So, this helped me and my gear booted.
Here is the solution guys, turn on your laptop or PC and plug it with USB cable. For some reasons gear need just a little a little power to turn on.
try until it wont start. try to press power button while charging it with your PC( i kw its hard just use some tool to press power button)

This is the only method it would boot up, and when its 5% charged you can charge it with regular power supply.


Nikhil Jassal


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May 22, 2017
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Hello everyone,I had the same problem with my Samsung Watch after not using it for a while.It was dead, when I decided to use it again.I tried to recharge it and got nothing.I looked around on line and found a method that works.Remove the original plug you have for your watch and connect it to a short USB cord.Plug one side in the charging cradle and the other side in your Lap Top or Desktop computer.Don't use a socket in the wall until you get to 5% or more on battery charging.I don't know why the computer work when battery is dead, but trust me it works.Make sure you clean back of watch with Qtip and clean the charging dock as well.Open the charging dock and press down hard on your watch on the charging dock while the dock is open.Close the charging dock.To apply tighter ,you can add folded paper in it, when you close the dock, to give you a tighter charging.In less than 45 minutes,you should see your watch start charging again.Lesson learned.I will never let my watch go dead again.Hope this works for you as it did for me!!!


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Nov 21, 2017
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If the gear battery is dead and not charging with normal chargers, try to charge it with usb cable connected to pc or to (any other equipment having usb outlets) like tv, receivers. Since these equipments are charging with very low amperes, gear will start charging soon. Whenever you see the battery charging icon animation on gear, wait till 3 or 5%, later, you are free to continue with other faster chargers. This 100% works.

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