Help with Tasker profiles


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Feb 22, 2011
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I picked up tasker the other night.
Been trying for a day to get it working the way I want but I keep hitting a wall.

Basically I want it to see my BT stereo and start my music app and have the ability to start others later. Like navigation or what not.

I found a profile that started the gps and navigation once you started moving faster than 5 mph. I tried to modify it to work my music and bt but I cant get it to open up the proper menu or even pop the app open.

I also want it to turn BT on and off based on being plugged in. I only use BT in my truck for music and navigation. So once I shut the truck down no need to have BT running. I think I have that part figured out but not 100% sure.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


Nov 4, 2010
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I've had Tasker since Oct10 and im still finding new techniques. The profile you are looking for is under 'State > power > Any' then use context 'app>load app' the use load again for your gps app. I hope that woks for you. I have a DrdX and a Fascinate and Tasker works slightly diff on each device.

Do you understand the 'variable tasker' language Tasker uses? I can't find a good source that breaks it down for the non-programmer types.


Well-known member
Mar 9, 2011
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I've had Tasker since Oct10 and im still finding new techniques. The profile you are looking for is under 'State > power > Any' then use context 'app>load app' the use load again for your gps app. I hope that woks for you. I have a DrdX and a Fascinate and Tasker works slightly diff on each device.

Do you understand the 'variable tasker' language Tasker uses? I can't find a good source that breaks it down for the non-programmer types.

The variables let you condense profiles by assigning values to certain made up variables instead of directly running a task. They also can help prevent a task from running because the correct conditions haven't been met yet. So lets say you want to keep the wifi from turning on when you get a VOIP call over 3G and you answer the phone. If you have your sleep policy set to turn on wifi when the screen turns on, this is an issue.

Without variables you can make a profile that says,

incoming call & 3G connected -> turn off wifi.

But what happens when the call ends and you want wifi to turn back on? It's hard to detect the end of a call. There is the state "phone idle" but then it would constantly run when the phone is idle. In addition you can add conditions for when you have a call come in over Wifi and you don't want the screen turning off to kill the wifi. Here is what you can do with variables.

On boot -> create variable WifiCallTrack = 0;

Incoming call -> WifiCallTrack = 1;

WifiCallTrack == 1 & 3G connected -> turn off Wifi & WifiCallTrack = 2;

WifiCallTrack == 1 & Wifi connected -> change Wifi sleep policy & WifiCallTrack = 2;

WifiCallTrack==2 & Phone idle -> turn on Wifi & return Wifi sleep policy & WifiCallTrack = 0;

Here, any one profile will only run once and can't be accidentally initiated out of order. You've also made it so Tasker doesn't have check Wifi, 3G, or for Phone Idle until there is an incoming call. It gets easier to understand this stuff with practice.
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Well-known member
Feb 22, 2011
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CJ I think your on the right track, but this is what Im wanting to do.

When plugged into usb tasker goes oh hey look usb is plugged in, lets see if this specific device is connected. Oh look there is the pioneer H/U we need to launch tunein/music/whatever. Then once power from usb is gone it says ut oh no usb gotta turn BT off now.

But I only want it to work when my H/U bt is connected. As its the only BT device I use.


Well-known member
Oct 19, 2009
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For this to work, youll need to set up two Contexts, State - Power - USB and State - BT Connected Youll want to create the BT Connected while you are connected to your car's BT because then you can specify the exact BT to connect to for the state to work. After those contexts are set, creat a task, c call it Car BT Menu or something similar, in which you Load Apps that youd want to possibly launch.

Hope that helps, even though this was 9 months ago.