Hi, new guy, sort of, old question


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Sep 13, 2017
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I was very active on this forum years ago when I got my Note 3. Been off for a few years now but I'm back. Still rocking the Note 3 too. It has been that good. Still a solid phone although getting harder and harder to charge due to just the wear of that area. Glad new phones are going wireless charging!

So, although I've loved my Note 3 I always said I would almost surely never go Samsung anything again because their radios sucked from a reception standpoint. Is this still true or was it rectified at some point between Note 3 and Note 8?

I have to use a signal booster in my home for my Note 3. Never had to with any other phone I owned (iPhones, Motorolas) and others in my home don't have the issue. I'd really love to jump on the Note 8 bandwagon, especially after all I've read here today but still not loving needing a booster.

I'm on Verizon. And I read back through 6 pages of posts here today and nothing about the radios sucking which tells me either it's now a non-issue or we as Samsung owners have just resigned ourselves to this! Please tell me it's the former!!!

Thomas Kreh

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Apr 25, 2014
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VZW Note 2,3,4,5,8 owner, reception (radio) was horrible through N2-N4. N5 was great, there were still people that claim different but just depends, you know, apples for apples comparisons. N8 has been better than my N5.


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Aug 11, 2011
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VZW Note 2,3,4,5,8 owner, reception (radio) was horrible through N2-N4. N5 was great, there were still people that claim different but just depends, you know, apples for apples comparisons. N8 has been better than my N5.

I'm not with VZW, but my N7 had the best reception I've ever had (Sprint) and that's saying a lot because I'm in the boonies. I was able to drive all the way home streaming Pandora. unheard of! I'm looking forward to similarly robust reception in my N8.


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Sep 29, 2014
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While I can't speak for Verizon, I have had zero issues with reception in the 6 days I've had mine. Call clarity is great as well, definitely better than my iPhone 7+.

I imagine it would be a pain and a letdown to say give it the 14 days to see how it is and if it's sub-par, return it. But if the reception does let you down that much, it's an option nonetheless


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2013
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I was very active on this forum years ago when I got my Note 3. Been off for a few years now but I'm back. Still rocking the Note 3 too. It has been that good. Still a solid phone although getting harder and harder to charge due to just the wear of that area. Glad new phones are going wireless charging!

So, although I've loved my Note 3 I always said I would almost surely never go Samsung anything again because their radios sucked from a reception standpoint. Is this still true or was it rectified at some point between Note 3 and Note 8?

I have to use a signal booster in my home for my Note 3. Never had to with any other phone I owned (iPhones, Motorolas) and others in my home don't have the issue. I'd really love to jump on the Note 8 bandwagon, especially after all I've read here today but still not loving needing a booster.

I'm on Verizon. And I read back through 6 pages of posts here today and nothing about the radios sucking which tells me either it's now a non-issue or we as Samsung owners have just resigned ourselves to this! Please tell me it's the former!!!

I've owed all the Notes since the mighty N3

I actually had terrible reception on the Note 5, and the Note 7 had its issues, but the Note 8 has had excellent radio reception.

This phone rocks!!! Good luck but I think you will be overwhelmed if you jump from a Note 3 to Note 8 - it's gonna be a beam me up Scottie moment for you when you experience the difference in functionality


Well-known member
Sep 13, 2017
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Thanks to all that replied. I only lasted as long as I did because Verizon gave me a Network Extender for cost. The fact that I've had the Note 3 for so long is a testament to just what a great phone it has been. It's still works just fine although it is getting a little slow these days.

I ordered the N8 today and should have it by Friday. Needless to say, I'm pretty stoked!

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