horrible signal strength


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Jan 25, 2011
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Signal strength on my gray A7 seems pretty close to my Moto X (2014) Pure edition. Signal strength is right in line between the two in terms of dBm. The A7 wifi and cellular speed definitely seems faster than the Moto.


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Nov 19, 2015
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I am now back in the city where I live, as before I was in Pennsylvania with family for 2 months. My A7 isn't having signal issues here as badly. Certain spots can get dicey but it's been solid.


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Oct 13, 2011
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My OP3 gets 80dbm solid while the A7 gets 95-105dbm, they need to send more power to the radios. Shame, its a nice phone but it's full of issues that need to be worked out.

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Sep 9, 2010
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Signal strength on the Axon 7 is a common complaint. I've read about it on other boards, it's been mentioned in some youtube reviews and online reviews. I bought one for my wife and son. I have a Nexus 6P and iphone 6s Plus for work. We're on At&t and Verizon. All sitting together in one room, my 6P and iphone kept a strong signal with dBms below 50 with hardly a variation while the two Axons constantly kept very high readings and constantly fluctuated between high and higher. Neither Axon would read lower than 70 dBms and would go up past 90 quickly and go back down to 70ish. We returned them and I exchanged one because my son liked the audio on the Axon. But it is showing the same wild, weak signal fluctuations.


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Oct 13, 2011
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This phone has serious problems, I have two A7s and both are consistently 30-50% worse signal than my OP3. All they need to do is send more power to the radios and they can't even update the phone so it's fixed. Just terrible customer service. It's all over every forum and they have made zero effort to communicate a fix is in order or acknowledge the issue. They killed the Axon brand with the software on this phone ...


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Apr 21, 2013
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This phone has serious problems, I have two A7s and both are consistently 30-50% worse signal than my OP3. All they need to do is send more power to the radios and they can't even update the phone so it's fixed. Just terrible customer service. It's all over every forum and they have made zero effort to communicate a fix is in order or acknowledge the issue. They killed the Axon brand with the software on this phone ...

I guess what matters is how the phone performs. I called my son in Houston yesterday who was using a cheap pay-as-you-go phone on a job site. First I called him on my Galaxy S7 that he was used to hearing. Then I called him on my Axon 7. We could each hear each other louder and clearer on the Axon 7. He said it was a weak signal area where he worked at the airport, yet no problems at all with the call. To me, at the end of the day, that's all that matters.
I've never owned a One Plus 3, but I found the following statements on the XDA forum for the One Plus 3 so it certainly has issues too.
From the One Plus 3 Forum:

"Correct and while my signal sits here at -110, my phone shows 3 bars...Sorry that's not the truth. This phones reception in my area are far inferior to every other phone I have owned."

"I'm having the same issue but when comparing my galaxy s6 and OnePlus 3 with LTE discovery the numbers and bands connected are about the same. It's just when I'm on the OnePlus 3 the calls drop or it breaks up but I don't have that issue on the GS6. They're both on T-Mobile and I have disabled volte on my op3 went into advance settings and selected LTE/GSM prl auto and made sure my apn is correct but the problem still persist."

There are many other examples out there on the signal strength and quality of the One Plus 3. The same goes for almost any other phone. The two best phones I ever had for call quality were the Motorola Atrix and the HTC M9.


Well-known member
Oct 15, 2013
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I guess what matters is how the phone performs. I called my son in Houston yesterday who was using a cheap pay-as-you-go phone on a job site. First I called him on my Galaxy S7 that he was used to hearing. Then I called him on my Axon 7. We could each hear each other louder and clearer on the Axon 7. He said it was a weak signal area where he worked at the airport, yet no problems at all with the call. To me, at the end of the day, that's all that matters.
I've never owned a One Plus 3, but I found the following statements on the XDA forum for the One Plus 3 so it certainly has issues too.
From the One Plus 3 Forum:

"Correct and while my signal sits here at -110, my phone shows 3 bars...Sorry that's not the truth. This phones reception in my area are far inferior to every other phone I have owned."

"I'm having the same issue but when comparing my galaxy s6 and OnePlus 3 with LTE discovery the numbers and bands connected are about the same. It's just when I'm on the OnePlus 3 the calls drop or it breaks up but I don't have that issue on the GS6. They're both on T-Mobile and I have disabled volte on my op3 went into advance settings and selected LTE/GSM prl auto and made sure my apn is correct but the problem still persist."

There are many other examples out there on the signal strength and quality of the One Plus 3. The same goes for almost any other phone. The two best phones I ever had for call quality were the Motorola Atrix and the HTC M9.

Well I had the exact opposite experience. I sent back 2 A7's due to very poor cell data download speeds. I also checked the signal and my A7 always showed -129dbm. Reactivated my HTC One M7 and same network shows -91 on the M7. Some of the A7's definitely have problems.


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Apr 21, 2013
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Sorry you had bad luck I'm at our local mall in a known weak signal area. I brought my Axon along to take a few pictures. I also have my Galaxy S7 Active with me. Both are getting - 106 dBm. I just made some calls with each device and uploaded some pictures from each to Dropbox. I checked some YouTube videos and both played fine without buffering. With any new phone there may be a bad batch. If you don't mind one year old technology, you might try the Nexus 6P. I also had an M7. Wish I hadn't sold it.


Jan 28, 2011
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I just got my phone yesterday and noticed that with AT&T that my strength of signal on Wi-Fi and LTE is usually 2 bars lower than my honor 5x. Anyone else have this issue?

The phone losses signal altogether at times so I'm hoping an update can fix this.

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I have 2 bars signal, but my 4G LTE and everything is working fine.
Dec 21, 2013
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I got mine today. The first thing I did was check the signal strength. (I'm on AT&T). In my house, every phone I have (Honor 5x, Alcatel Idol 3, Blue R1 HD, Huawei Beta) had signals within 5 db of the Axon. Phone calls and data usage have been good so far.


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Sep 4, 2011
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Just got mine yesterday and definitely noticing some erratic behavior with LTE signal fading in and out. No other phone I have used has done this for me before. Download and upload rates are very poor and for some really weird reason that I have not been able to figure out yet, my Google Now cards refuse to show up. Besides that, this phone is really nice. Unfortunately the signal strength might be a deal breaker though.


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Mar 1, 2011
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I was debating over the Axon 7 and oneplus 3, finally decided on the Oneplus 3. I've had the phone for 3 weeks now and am finding the same signal issues I've read on here and the ZTE forums about the Axon 7. I am on AT&T, in Southwest Florida. My Op3 bounces around between H and 4G and LTE, cell signal usually is pretty low outside and at home usually sitting at about - 113 to - 118. Inside a grocery store or large building usually - 121 or not enough signal to make a phone call without it dropping. So many reviews these days don't go enough into the ONE MAIN FACTOR of what smartphones are first and foremost, a PHONE. If I can't depend on it for reliable communication, then the rest of the features, no matter how nice, become less important.


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Apr 21, 2013
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I couldn't agree with you more. It seems every reviewer is concerned about everything, but call quality and frequency of dropped calls. I'm in a restaurant right now and received a call just a minute ago. No problem at all with the call. In fact, I haven't had one dropped call since I got my Axon 7 on launch day. Here in the restaurant, I'm showing - 105 db and at home I usually show about - 95. I'm on AT&T. My Galaxy S7 drops one or two calls a day.


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2015
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I couldn't agree with you more. It seems every reviewer is concerned about everything, but call quality and frequency of dropped calls. I'm in a restaurant right now and received a call just a minute ago. No problem at all with the call. In fact, I haven't had one dropped call since I got my Axon 7 on launch day. Here in the restaurant, I'm showing - 105 db and at home I usually show about - 95. I'm on AT&T. My Galaxy S7 drops one or two calls a day.

For me, the update fixed my signal issues. The phone has pretty solid call quality, but my 7+ is way better because it takes advantage of HD calling.


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Sep 17, 2011
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I come from the Note 4 and the LG G4 and to this point everywhere I had service with either of those phones, I have service with the Axon 7. No dropped calls yet either. The level of service ie: 4G or LTE has also remained consistent between all three phones.

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