how do I update Android 9 on my Pixel 2 without upgrading to Android 10?


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Jul 4, 2012
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I have a Pixel 2 running Android 9 Build PQ3A 190801.002 with my latest security patch dated Aug 1, 2019. I'd like to update my security patch and to the latest rev of Android 9 without upgrading to Android 10 as a couple of my key apps haven't been tested on Android 10 yet.

But when I go to System > Advanced > System Update the only option I have is to upgrade to Android 10.

Any info on how to update Android 9 without upgrading to Android 10?

TIA - R.

B. Diddy

Senior Ambassador
Mar 9, 2012
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Google is not releasing security patches for Pie, Aug. 2019 is the last security patch on Pie for that device, the next patch is the OS update to 10.

Ah yes, what you say makes more sense. I was under the impression the OP wanted the latest available Pie build.