How to increase rating from users


Oct 21, 2015
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You can try app review exchange groups on Facebook. The idea is you review someone's app, they review yours. You can think about it as exchange of +5. It does hurt the Play Store in the long term though, unfortunately. But if you need to improve the rating of your app, this strategy may work.


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Oct 9, 2015
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I tend to shy away from review exchanges, in the end it is an unlikely long term user and the rating is empty. I can understand the desire to boost your applications ranking for sure. It is a large store with many many apps released at a rapid pace, hard to get noticed.

The "rank my app" popup is a popular strategy but it is something you have to be careful with. It is important that it doesn't constantly appear like a nag screen to the user, it is also equally important that you wait an appropriate amount of time before showing it. I tend to set it up so that it won't appear until the user has had the app installed for a period of time, and the app has been launched a certain number of times. I find that I get more honest feedback from users who actually use the app.

it is also important to give the ability to dismiss the dialog forever, as well as a remind me later option that makes it go away for several launches. Getting ratings is important but not at the expense of your user's experience. When/how you launch the dialog is also important. if at all possible try and avoid interrupting the user experience, make it show at a time when the user has completed a task.

As far as rating exchanges go the problem I have with them is that they aren't real organic users, they are a fellow developer trying to also get ratings for their app. The liklihood that it will get rated and then immediately uninstalled is incredibly high.

The biggest way to get better/more ratings is to make an amazing app, nothing compels people more than a quality experience.

- MunkeeBonez
Oct 24, 2011
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I agree with "ask gently", display a "please rate my app" dialog after 10-15 minutes of app usage.. only do this once as it may annoy some users and you might get a bad rating.


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Oct 9, 2015
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Another practice to avoid is what some freemium games & apps do with their "gentle rate" dialog. They will bring up a pop-up that asks what would you rate this app 1-4* or 5*.. when 5 stars is chosen it takes the user to the google play page and has them rate the app. when 1-4* is chosen it funnels them directly to a private feedback email form. DON'T EVER DO THIS. It is most definitely against the google play TOS


Dec 16, 2015
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Read why the users gave bad ratings in the first place and see if those issues could be solved easily. If people dislike your app because of what it does, then there's not much you can do, but if people dislike your app due to bugs, then try fixing those bugs and you'll likely get more fans.


Mar 1, 2016
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I don't like the rating exchange facebook pages too much. Joined a few 2 days ago for my first app as I need to get some exposure, but the ratings are really meaningless. At this stage I want "real" users to provide feedback so I can improve the game and make it a better experience for players, and something in which I can take more pride.


Sep 16, 2013
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I use "please, rate my app" dialog after 2 - 3 days after instaliation. If user don't like my app, he uninstall it before. If he still uses it, it gives a good rate. :)


Mar 8, 2016
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The best way is to develop a good app ^^

Personally, I use only a link in the menu.
I think, popups are too aggressive.