I love HTC , but still have not bought One (M8) ...because of the camera


Jan 23, 2012
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i wonder if this shot is shot by auto or manual ?

Almost that entire photo is overexposed. Look at the shadow from the tree in the background. It's almost lost to overexposure. Most of the people in that picture are overexposed with patches blown out on them (shirts, faces, etc.). The left side of the image where the shadows is looks blurry and is at a loss for details. If you knew the guy by the Stop Sign on the bike in the center of the pic, it would be impossible to crop a usable photo out of that, because the picture simply lacks detail. You shouldn't have had this issue if that was an 8MP camera. No one is asking HTC to put a 41 MP camera in their phone. 4 is just too low and too limiting with what you can do.

The second one earlier is full of digital noise (though it is lower light so it deserves some forgiveness there) and flared in the top right corner where the light is, which seems epidemic with this camera. However, that picture was composed in such a way that you could crop that off and eliminate it as a "attention grabber" and still be a decent shot; maybe.

If you want good low res photo from a higher MP camera, load it up in GIMP (for those who can't afford Photoshop/CC) and run a Cubic Rescale to 4MP from 8/13/16 or whatever's closest (aspect ratio, etc.) then export to PNG [or JPEG at 100% Quality] to prevent [most] compression loss. The photo will be smaller, will retain practically all detail of the original, but be smaller.

If HTC wanted smaller higher quality images they could have used a sensor similar to the iPhone 5S and then binned or rescaled the images down to 5MP like the Nokia phones do, or how you can do with a decent image editing solution (even Mobile software can do this).

They could have implemented that mode instead of putting resources into uFocus, Zoe, or Blinkfeed which is completely redundant with Flipboard and others dominating the aggregator market.

The biggest photography-oriented selling point of this phone is the FFC. It's a massive 5MP and actually does great quality pictures from the FFC, compared to practically every other phone on the market. I actually think the FFC is not getting enough recognition and HTC is wasting their time trying to sell something that the market has largely laughed at when they do have a true selling point that is really useful for the market to which they are positioning this device (esp. those who use apps like Snapchat, etc.).

The HTC devices also share an advantage over Apple devices in that they can do 1080p Video Conferencing form the FFC, while Apple does 720p, and the disparity is apparent if you use solutions that utilize that extra resolution (ChatOn Video Chat blows Skype/Hangouts/FaceTime away for video quality because of the resolution advantage). I've never heard them mention that, but perhaps this is because they do not build their own software to take advantage of it?


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Apr 11, 2012
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While these 2 pics look nicely deatiled and sharp, they feel so dark that they felt like they were taken late late in the evening... or on a cloudy day.

m8's photos tends to make the scene look "older" or .... taken at later in the evening.

looking at the bright sun light it is probably shot between 10am ~ 2pm ... but because Ultrapixel lets more light into every pixel, and outdoor shots tends to get blown out...so to compensate this, they probably had to *tune it down* to let less light in for this setting... as a result out door shots are way dimmer than regular MP cameras.

I did read on some review sites saying metering being important tho. Curious if you guys tried touching the screen and meter for different brightness results?

i wonder if this shot is shot by auto or manual ?

Yes. The photos were taken midday. But the contrast was my doing. I use Camera Awesome to take photos and was experimenting with the separated focus / light meter option. For the shadow photo I wanted the shadows darker than the default metering provides. Not everyone's taste, but it also is just a raw photo w/out postprocessing.


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Feb 7, 2012
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Yes. The photos were taken midday. But the contrast was my doing. I use Camera Awesome to take photos and was experimenting with the separated focus / light meter option. For the shadow photo I wanted the shadows darker than the default metering provides. Not everyone's taste, but it also is just a raw photo w/out postprocessing.

I guess my question is... what is the level of difficulty to take bright and vibrant photos with m8?


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Jul 15, 2011
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wow thanks dude!

I like how m8 looks alot sharper in the hair.
But I still like the warmer, brighter over feel in picture from s3.
m8 doesn't seem to handle huge amount of lights coming in directly at the lens very well. Like the reflection on the floor looks so over blown...

It'd definitely help if photos are taken in the same angle, but thanks so much for the photos man :)
This gives me some idea of what I'd be getting if I upgrade to m8 from s3

It just cracks me up how most people know nothing about photography. If you have light hitting your lense then you don't know what you're doing. Typically light should be hitting your subject. Most camera phones will over expose when light hits the lens just as with DSLRs and SLRs. The advantage with DSLRs and SLRs are that you can put lens covers on them to keep the light from hitting the lens. ALL cameras will falter in those conditions. Another thing, pictures taken in bright sun lit days are not the best conditions for great photography because of the hard lighting and shadows.
The HTC M8 has the ability to adjust exposure after the shot and it works really good. I don't tend to over expose because I'm a good photographer in general and so many of you would benefit from searching the Internet on how to take and frame a great picture than looking at comparisons between the S5 and the M8....You're just so misguided! If the camera on the phone is that important to you, then you must be into photography a little and if that's the case then consider learning more about the craft.
You will find that each camera has unique strengths and weaknesses. What makes great pictures is the combination of the artist, his brush strokes, and his canvas. Notice I did not say his brush. Because an artist can be creative no matter what tool he uses, there's chalk, there's rocks, there's brushes, there's pencils.... You get my point right! So stop obsessing over your tools and learn how to create using the tools at your disposal. Every tool has a significant quality known unto itself. The better you are at showing off your tool's advantages, the less likely your tool gets in the way of great pictures! It's really that simple! No one camera can be the best at everything!

If the S5 can't take good low light pics, then i wouldn't be trying to take low light pics with that camera. If the M8 can't take good high contrast lighting pics, then I wouldn't be trying to take those kinds of pics with that camera... But, I bet because I'm a pretty good photographer in general, I could do more with those cameras weaknesses than most of you could do with their strengths and that's just because I've studied the craft a little! I believe that's something that all of you pseudo photographers could benefit from... Just saying! Lol!

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Feb 7, 2012
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It just cracks me up how most people know nothing about photography. If you have light hitting your lense then you don't know what you're doing. Typically light should be hitting your subject. Most camera phones will over expose when light hits the lens just as with DSLRs and SLRs. The advantage with DSLRs and SLRs are that you can put lens covers on them to keep the light from hitting the lens. ALL cameras will falter in those conditions. Another thing, pictures taken in bright sun lit days are not the best conditions for great photography because of the hard lighting and shadows.
The HTC M8 has the ability to adjust exposure after the shot and it works really good. I don't tend to over expose because I'm a good photographer in general and so many of you would benefit from searching the Internet on how to take and frame a great picture than looking at comparisons between the S5 and the M8....You're just so misguided! If the camera on the phone is that important to you, then you must be into photography a little and if that's the case then consider learning more about the craft.
You will find that each camera has unique strengths and weaknesses. What makes great pictures is the combination of the artist, his brush strokes, and his canvas. Notice I did not say his brush. Because an artist can be creative no matter what tool he uses, there's chalk, there's rocks, there's brushes, there's pencils.... You get my point right! So stop obsessing over your tools and learn how to create using the tools at your disposal. Every tool has a significant quality known unto itself. The better you are at showing off your tool's advantages, the less likely your tool gets in the way of great pictures! It's really that simple! No one camera can be the best at everything!

If the S5 can't take good low light pics, then i wouldn't be trying to take low light pics with that camera. If the M8 can't take good high contrast lighting pics, then I wouldn't be trying to take those kinds of pics with that camera... But, I bet because I'm a pretty good photographer in general, I could do more with those cameras weaknesses than most of you could do with their strengths and that's just because I've studied the craft a little! I believe that's something that all of you pseudo photographers could benefit from... Just saying! Lol!

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agree with everything you said. Photographers are essentially painters who paint with light. Camera is just a brush, a tool, or a vehicle to get to the final product.
With all due respect, mind sharing some photos you have taken with m8? I would love to see what m8 is capable of in the hands of a very good painter.


Jun 13, 2013
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The M8s camera is good for probably 98% of the population whom takes pictures for their social media purposes.

I'm able to take decent pictures at outings and whatnot and have no concern if it doesn't look " professional " at all.

The selfies that my wife leaves for me on my phone are more than good enough for me to stare and appreciate the M8s camera qualities :D

Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk

Let me be the judge! Share the selfies! Lol

Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk


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Jul 15, 2011
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agree with everything you said. Photographers are essentially painters who paint with light. Camera is just a brush, a tool, or a vehicle to get to the final product.
With all due respect, mind sharing some photos you have taken with m8? I would love to see what m8 is capable of in the hands of a very good painter.

Refer to this post by me "this is just a simple thread about the camera." we kept it positive and I posted a couple of pics. I haven't done a bunch of pictures with my cell phone, but i think i framed a couple of pretty nice ones on that thread!

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Jul 15, 2011
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Does anyone know how the M8's camera performance compares to the 8MP camera on the EVO LTE?

Seriously? There's no comparison! But, are you really gonna take my opinion on this. I've had both and you couldn't pay me to use the LTE again! Well maybe you could pay me to use it, but I would never replace my M8 camera with it.

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Feb 7, 2012
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Refer to this post by me "this is just a simple thread about the camera." we kept it positive and I posted a couple of pics. I haven't done a bunch of pictures with my cell phone, but i think i framed a couple of pretty nice ones on that thread!

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I do prefer the brightness and colors of your photos a bit more... than most of the photos I have seen taken by m8
I still see reflection and bright areas get over blown tho.


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Jul 15, 2011
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I guess my question is... what is the level of difficulty to take bright and vibrant photos with m8?

The M8 doesn't need a lot of help taking vibrant photos, just make sure you always start with a clean lens. I consider that of utmost importance with this particular camera. Because the lens is so sensitive to light, a dirty lens will create lens flare. And, I'm willing to bet every photo you see posted on the net of this camera that has flare also has a smudged lens. The lens will not flare light if it's crystal! You want bright and vibrant, step closer to your subject! This is not a landscape camera. However, if you must do landscapes, choose cloudy days, not necessarily overcast, early morning and sun setting evenings! Frame a subject with a fair amount of horizon, and contrast between land and sky should be striking to your eye without the camera! If it's not then typically it won't be striking with the camera. However, you can edit your pics after the shots to create more than what you originally had. The pics I took on another thread had no post processing or cropping! I got lucky with the original shot.

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Jul 15, 2011
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I do prefer the brightness and colors of your photos a bit more... than most of the photos I have seen taken by m8
I still see reflection and bright areas get over blown tho.

This is true, but the pics taken as a whole are pretty neat. I think the pics you're envisioning in your mind have post processing. I could have done that, but chose to keep it natural. When i shot the bridge crossing the water, I didn't meter so there was some over exposure, but if I had metered the bridge on the horizon, it would not have been over exposed... I did that intentionally, as the picture of the building/stores was metered and the exposure was as good as you can get with the M8 or any other phone camera for that matter. You can look at the full version and actually see the facial features of the couple walking toward me! So fooey on those who say you can't get good detail out of a 4up camera!

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Jul 15, 2011
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From the sample shots I have seen so far... First sample shots with HTC's EVO 4G LTE for Sprint
m8 will give you way sharper images, but images maybe darker than usual.

EVO LTE will give you less sharp images, but you are going to get brighter colors.

What you call brighter, I consider more shallow or less rich than the M8. You can't really compare if youre not comparing the cameras at the same time same place!


Check this out!

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Jul 15, 2011
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What you call brighter, I consider more shallow or less rich than the M8. You can't really compare if youre not comparing the cameras at the same time same place!


Check this out!

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Both cameras have strengths and weaknesses! Neither is good in all situations as I said earlier! Once you know your cameras capabilities, then you can take great pics. The thing I don't like about above review is that there aren't any people shots! And, we do all of this talk about these phone cameras, but when we actually end up taking pics with memories attached, it's usually of people we care about and I believe the M8 excels in the area of portrait photos, macros, flash, and dim lit scenery... IMHO!

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May 16, 2010
Seriously? There's no comparison! But, are you really gonna take my opinion on this. I've had both and you couldn't pay me to use the LTE again! Well maybe you could pay me to use it, but I would never replace my M8 camera with it.

Actually, yes, I am going to take your opinion on this. I'm currently on the EVO LTE and have taken quite a few good shots with it. I definitely don't remember hearing complaint after complaint regarding its camera capability when it came out.

But I am ready for an upgrade and I am seriously considering the One M8, but the camera uproar caused me to briefly consider jumping ship to Samsung. I really don't think that will be necessary now as I think the M8 camera gripes may be overblown.


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