ICS upgrade on Acer ? So far, so good


Mar 31, 2012
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Last month I got a little Acer A100 Android tablet. It came with Honeycomb (OS 3.2). Although I've played with Linux for years, this was my first Android device. I had been a little leary of upgrading to Ice Cream Sandwich (OS 4.0.3), as OS upgrades are usually best done by wiping the drive and doing a clean install. But I have been really impressed with the Android OS and decided to see how tough it was. So when the automatic update system offered to do an upgrade, I crossed my fingers and clicked OK.

Somewhat to my surprise, the upgrade went perfectly. I had to reinstall Flash and one other app, but didn't lose any data or system settings. It even kept the desktop preferences and network passwords. I've never had a live upgrade go so smoothly. I'm very impressed.

Please note that my Acer came with a sticker on the box advertising a free upgrade to ICS, so the factory hardware was designed to run the new OS. And I didn't have anything more elaborate than Netflix and the Kindle app installed, so I certainly don't guarantee that everything will work with Ice Cream. Although all of my smaller apps, including some office "suites", seem to have survived the switchover with no problems.:D

Hopefully, everyone else's upgrade will go as smoothly as mine did. However, be warned that trying to undo the upgrade to ICS (if it causes problems) is apparently a major pain in the butt and does require wiping the whole drive and reinstalling from scratch. :confused:

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