Is it safe to delete APK files once I have the app running?

Jun 27, 2015
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I have a Nexus 5. NOT ROOTED. I have a bad habit of downloading too many apps just to try them and see if l would use the app or not. However, there is never enough time in the day to even go back and look at the app, and some of the apps have strange names so you have no idea what the app does. For example. I saw an app with the name Caffeine. with a name like that you would think it would have something to do with coffee. But NO's an app so that your Android device doesn't go to sleep. So if I gave to go back to the Google Play Store to read what the app does, then I get further behind. And then I get a message that I'm running out of space and have to delete stuff...and I delete apps I never if I can delete the APK files, that will free up space too. Thanks

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