LG G3 is Too big for my pocket


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Sep 1, 2011
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Interesting reply. I guess I just never heard anyone getting robbed before.

As for the OP, OtterBox Defender is the only case/holster I can think of.

Where do you live?? Here in NYC the NYPD has created an entire new unit dedicated just to investigating and cracking down on iPhone, iPad and Android phone thefts.


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Sep 1, 2011
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. From what I have heard in the big cities phone theft is a real problem, but they will generally snatch out of hand, either run-by or on bikes.

Yep, exactly. What they'll do is get on the subway and look for someone zoned out with their phone or iPad, then wait for the train to approach a station and time it so they run by, snatch the device and run out the door as it opens. It all happens in a flash. I never take my expensive devices out when I am on the train just to stay safe.


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Jun 4, 2010
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If you carry it in a holster every Tom, Dlck, and Harry can see your pretty new flagship phone, and follow you to a quiet spot to relieve you of it. Carrying a first class phone in a holster is an open invitation to robbers.
Keep it out of public sight if you're not using it.

Where do you live that dude are getting phones ripped off their holsters on the regular??

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Jun 4, 2010
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If it doesn't fit in my pocket, your suggestion is...?

Roll with the fanny pack. You could really relieve your pockets of some stress and even toss your wallet in there too.

Coolness wise, it's at the very least on par with a holster, if not even ever so slightly cooler, so nothing to worry about there.

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Jun 18, 2011
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Where do you live?? Here in NYC the NYPD has created an entire new unit dedicated just to investigating and cracking down on iPhone, iPad and Android phone thefts.

Toronto, Canada. Seriously, I never heard of anyone robbed up here but getting ripped off by blacklisting a phone (new/used) after a sale is an issue.


Aug 21, 2010
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The G3 fits in all my jeans, dress pants, and shorts. Like someone said earlier either lose the skinny jeans or get a different phone.

Sent from my Verizon LG G3

Look, I'm a female who has to wear loose fitting dress pants and don't own a single pair of skinny jeans. I just sold my one plus one because IT WONT FIT IN MY POCKETS and I can't use a holster at work.

Why must people rudely assume that someone must be a loser wearing skinny jeans and just get different pants? Do you realize most women's dress pants don't have pockets, let alone deep ones?

It's a legitimate problem.


Jul 13, 2014
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Look, I'm a female who has to wear loose fitting dress pants and don't own a single pair of skinny jeans. I just sold my one plus one because IT WONT FIT IN MY POCKETS and I can't use a holster at work.

Why must people rudely assume that someone must be a loser wearing skinny jeans and just get different pants? Do you realize most women's dress pants don't have pockets, let alone deep ones?

It's a legitimate problem.

The TSA arrests plenty of females hiding considerably bulkier than smartphones contraband on their person...
No, seriously, where do you keep your wallet? Your phone should be at least as important to you as your wallet is, after all.

And how about kj11's fanny pack suggestion? I see all these youngsters schlepping around cool little backpacks with next to nothing in them. So a fanny pack with actually something worth carrying in it, next to your wallet and tissues, sounds like an upgrade to that floppy backpack crowd. Or you could go retro: get an actual handbag! Yeah, I know, it's sooo 20th century. But you can get 'm in a million styles, girl! :)


Aug 21, 2010
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The TSA arrests plenty of females hiding considerably bulkier than smartphones contraband on their person...
No, seriously, where do you keep your wallet? Your phone should be at least as important to you as your wallet is, after all.

And how about kj11's fanny pack suggestion? I see all these youngsters schlepping around cool little backpacks with next to nothing in them. So a fanny pack with actually something worth carrying in it, next to your wallet and tissues, sounds like an upgrade to that floppy backpack crowd. Or you could go retro: get an actual handbag! Yeah, I know, it's sooo 20th century. But you can get 'm in a million styles, girl! :)

I keep my wallet in my purse. My purse is locked in my desk in the back office. I don't know of a single retail location that allows their staff to carry a purse with them at all times, let alone the store manager who has to work extended shifts like I do.

I need to carry my phone with me at work on top of the company provided smartphone. I'm not permitted my wallet on the sales floor. I can't use a 'fanny pack' on the sales floor. I absolutely can't have my purse on the sales floor. All are loss prevention violations and we have approved uniforms.

And as much as I love my numerous Coach bags, even a cross body isn't comfortable for an 11 hour shift, even it it WAS as per approved uniform. Believe me, the amount of money I have invested in Coach, I'd love to show them off.


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Aug 24, 2013
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Unless you're a female, stop wearing skinny jeans. The LG G3 should fit in the pocket of an average males shorts/pants.


Jul 13, 2014
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Ah, now I understand. Company dress code.
Well, wouldn't one – dual SIM – phone be a more convenient setup for starters? Only one to carry, and only one to charge.
Or how about one of them new-fangled 'smart wristwatches'? They look pretty snazzy, from what I've seen. Star Trek all the way. Then you could leave your personal G3 in your locked desk. Or is your working area too far from your desk? What kind of WiFi setup have you got there?


Aug 21, 2010
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Ah, now I understand. Company dress code.
Well, wouldn't one – dual SIM – phone be a more convenient setup for starters? Only one to carry, and only one to charge.
Or how about one of them new-fangled 'smart wristwatches'? They look pretty snazzy, from what I've seen. Star Trek all the way. Then you could leave your personal G3 in your locked desk. Or is that too far from your desk? What kind of WiFi setup have you got there?

Company IT policy doesn't allow personal phones to be used anymore so dual sim is out, and it's an electronics store so the distance and interference wouldn't allow for the smart watch. I don't have a G3 anyway, but I had the equally large OnePlus One and had to sell it because it was just too big for me. I just thought I'd show some support for the OP who was being jumped all over by people who presumed that size of the phone and pockets isn't a legitimate issue.

Trust me, it is. Lol.


Jul 13, 2014
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Company IT policy doesn't allow personal phones to be used anymore so dual sim is out

Well that solves your problem then, doesn't it?

and it's an electronics store so the distance and interference wouldn't allow for the smart watch. I don't have a G3 anyway, but I had the equally large OnePlus One and had to sell it because it was just too big for me. I just thought I'd show some support for the OP who was being jumped all over by people who presumed that size of the phone and pockets isn't a legitimate issue.

Trust me, it is. Lol.

It's as legitimate as high heels are. You trade comfort for image. It's always a trade off. When smartphones came in I re-dedicated one of my pants' front pockets to it exclusively. All other stuff had to move to the other pocket(s). It was a traumatic experience of course, but I did survive eventually and here I am today! Never broke a phone yet! A happy camper! … :)
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Aug 21, 2010
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I don't own a pair of heels so I'm probably the wrong person to judge heh. All I know is that I recently had to scour two cities trying to find women's black dress pants with front pockets large enough for a key ring, let alone a key ring, Galaxy s 3 and OPO (hence why I no longer have the OPO). I'd love to know who decided women don't need pockets larger than the size of lipstick, and don't even get me started on back pockets.

It's stupid.


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Sep 1, 2011
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Look, I'm a female who has to wear loose fitting dress pants and don't own a single pair of skinny jeans. I just sold my one plus one because IT WONT FIT IN MY POCKETS and I can't use a holster at work.

Why must people rudely assume that someone must be a loser wearing skinny jeans and just get different pants? Do you realize most women's dress pants don't have pockets, let alone deep ones?

It's a legitimate problem.

Wear shirts with pockets and carry it there, or get a holster case.


Aug 21, 2010
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Again. No holster allowed (if you read my post) and I'll get right on having corporate redesign our uniform to add pockets to the shirt. Plus that will look GREAT, having a brick of a phone hanging from the front of a shirt.

You know, all I did was chime in because the Op was being jumped all over and I felt badly for them that people were being rude. Clearly that was a mistake because people should just redo their entire wardrobe to accommodate a phone.

I get liking your phone but a person shouldn't be expected to redesign their wardrobe because phone manufacturers are getting ridiculous with their sizing.

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Jul 13, 2014
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I get liking your phone but a person shouldn't be expected to redesign their wardrobe because phone manufacturers are getting ridiculous with their sizing.

It's a matter of priorities, of course. I guess you will have to wait until we get in-ear half ounce phones with 3D holographic images in thin air.

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