March Update for the Nexus 5X: Not Just A Security Patch


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Sep 9, 2011
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Please let this fix the camera app lag! My wife's been so mad at me that I bought her this phone for Christmas because the camera app freezes up on her constantly.


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Jun 30, 2010
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Finally! I was getting nervous that Google was never going to acknowledge the performance issues with the 5X. I love mine but I do feel that it's ridiculous that in 2016 I need to reboot a hexacore phone with 2GB of RAM everyday to keep it running smoothly.

Based on what Android Police reported on the MHC19J build yesterday, Google basically went all the way back to 5.1.1 and essentially rebuilt the whole OS back to 6.0.1 so this at least explains why it took so long. Better late than never. Now if only I could get the OTA to show up soon.


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Nov 21, 2012
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What he said...

I actually had a LOT riding on this. :) I have an S7 coming to me to replace my wife's LG G4 via JUMP. I would have sprung for a 32G 5X for her had it not been for the complaints. If the 5X can perform like a smaller, slightly less powerful 6P (like mine) and the camera perform on par... I'd cancel the order and get her a 5X instead. Especially since I can get it for what amounts to $340 ($250 phone, $30 month of Fi, and Nexus Protect).... The S7 is going to effectively set me back $40/m.

Google traditionally sends out an update to a Nexus this time of year that really clears up the derps... if this is such an update... hmm....


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Nov 24, 2011
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I love infinite loops. See article link on Twitter. Tap it and open Android Central article. Article says discuss in the forums. I tap link. First post has a link in it. What's this? Tap link. I'm back in the article. #facepalm

Now that that's out of the way.. I have been happy for the most part, but I do experience the crawling at times. The combination of scrolling down my Facebook news feed and tapping on a web link seem to trigger it most often, and there is always plenty of free RAM when it happens. Thankfully it's not often.


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Aug 27, 2010
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Can't wait to see what this brings. Considering the Moto x pure has nearly the same hardware and flies this could make the 5x by far the best value out there.

Mark Spiess

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Dec 17, 2015
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Different guy. I just flashed the update and got the phone back to basics (just the google apps).

See caveats below. With those caveats, the camera is faster for me. I launched it from an icon, and by the time I calmly moved finger to the shutter it was ready to shoot (and did). It couldn't have been much more than a second. I would call the light level in this room "low to medium" droid would have flashed under the same conditions (5x didn't). The quality was better than I would have expected under the circumstances.

I'm not the best judge of this issue for a couple of reasons:

1: My last phone was a droid turbo, and the lag between launching the camera and getting a shot and between shots was awful.

2. I've only had the 5x for a couple of weeks, and I never experienced the camera lag (but I had a very low bar based on previous phones).

It would be silly to draw any conclusions from this little experiment, except maybe that fresh out of the box the camera on my phone performs very well under less than optimal conditions. I'll update this after I get the phone back to working condition and it's got a few apps running.


Feb 11, 2012
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If this update doesn't fix the issues my wife's 5x will be getting returned or sold. Every time u watch her use the phone it's acting up. The camera will fail to open our take 5 to 10 seconds to open. Hangouts will take 5 to 10 seconds to open. She came to the 5x from a 2013 Moto X and she had better performance from a 3 year old phone with outdated specs when it launched.

Posted via the Android Central App


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2010
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If this update doesn't fix the issues my wife's 5x will be getting returned or sold. Every time u watch her use the phone it's acting up. The camera will fail to open our take 5 to 10 seconds to open. Hangouts will take 5 to 10 seconds to open. She came to the 5x from a 2013 Moto X and she had better performance from a 3 year old phone with outdated specs when it launched.

Posted via the Android Central App

If this update doesn't fix her phone, consider an FDR with auto restore DISABLED. That fixes the vast majority of phone issues.


Retired Moderator
Nov 21, 2012
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If this update doesn't fix the issues my wife's 5x....

As an aside.... this seems to pop up a LOT. I was listening to the AAA podcast this morning and two of the hosts both said "Yeah, my wife has had a ton of issues with her 5X".

Is this the 'wife's Nexus?" heh.... to be honest, if this update smooths things out and it performs as we expect it to, I may consider canceling/returning my wife's new S7 and getting her a 5X.

Methinks the at-launch software issues with the 5X may have caused some marital strife... "You said this phone would be great... 'Get a Nexus' you said..."

David Alfredo

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Jul 20, 2013
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The update also includes an option to make the display show cool temperature colors instead of the yellowish/warm display, also the vibration motor has been tweaked. This MHC19J build brings a lot of improvements and bug fixes to the Nexus 5X.


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2010
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The update also includes an option to make the display show cool temperature colors instead of the yellowish/warm display, also the vibration motor has been tweaked. This MHC19J build brings a lot of improvements and bug fixes to the Nexus 5X.

Oooh, the color correction sounds awesome!

Ondrej Rosypal

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May 4, 2014
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Just got an OTA. The cooler temp color option is, well, cool although I do like the warmer tint better. The haptic feedback seems to have been shortened, which is not a major tweak but very welcome nevertheless. The wi-fi dropping after sleep bug persists, too bad. Didn't have any other issues with the device so this is all I can comment on.


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Jun 30, 2010
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Just sideloaded the OTA and wow. The first thing I checked was the camera and it is finally usable. No more lag to open or to wait until you can take a picture. The thing is aside from that I didn't really have a lot of complaints about lag but now everything is so much snappier. I guess I just got used to the little bits of lag that I stopped noticing but now it really is like a different phone.

I did play around with the color temperature and I am certain if this was there at the start I would have enabled it but now I have gotten used to the more accurate color temperature. To each their own though as I am sure a lot of people will probably enable it to get their bluish whites.

Anyway kudos Google for fixing this so while I can complain that this should have been fixed months ago I am at least glad they eventually did and I can enjoy my 5X without complaint!


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Aug 27, 2010
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So the update didn't fix the one and only place I see lag on my 5x. In the Nine email app if I'm typing a reply to a long email chain I'll sometimes see nothign show up on the screen then suddenly 3 or 4 words type out quickly. If I open the exact same email chain on my 6p and type a reply it works flawlessly.


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Jun 30, 2010
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So the update didn't fix the one and only place I see lag on my 5x. In the Nine email app if I'm typing a reply to a long email chain I'll sometimes see nothign show up on the screen then suddenly 3 or 4 words type out quickly. If I open the exact same email chain on my 6p and type a reply it works flawlessly.

Weird, I use Nine for my work email and have never seen that. I just tried to replicate your issue by replying to an 18 message email chain and experienced no lag at all for the screen to come up or for any typing? Perhaps backup your Nine settings and then reset it?


Well-known member
Aug 27, 2010
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Weird, I use Nine for my work email and have never seen that. I just tried to replicate your issue by replying to an 18 message email chain and experienced no lag at all for the screen to come up or for any typing? Perhaps backup your Nine settings and then reset it?

Very weird. I don't see it often. Maybe its just something in this specific email thread now that i think about it (some html maybe, an attachment, or something). I was just receiving and replying to that email thread so often in the past few days that I kept seeing the lag over and over.


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2013
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Glad to hear people are having good results. In addition to slow downs, the battery life hasn't been great on my 5X. It may be too early to tell, but have folks seen improvement in that department as well as overall performance?

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