Motorola DEVOUR Silver for Verizon Wireless how did we miss this! on


Mar 3, 2010
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I actually looked elsewhere for th device and even went to the website(Best Buy) when it first popped up on here but I couldn't see it or access it till Monday....Wtf? Oh well it's there now, still a lil disapointed that it lacks: a flash, android 2.0 @ least, & not sure if wi-fi is included either.

Wifi is included and it has Flash lite.


Well-known member
Nov 8, 2009
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Well it didn't hurt for your post, even if it wasn't completely new. Since obviously people are ignoring this one a bit more than they should. I mean there isn't a dedicated forum for the device, like most others, even ones not released yet. So I can see why you thought they overlooked it. Besides the only reason I am so up-to-date is I don't have my Android yet! I am trying so hard to wait for March 27th for my contract to end. But my anticipation of getting a phone better than my crappy current LG Voyager, has me visiting this site WAY too often lol. So basically I hope I didn't come off sounding all-knowing or anything.

I am looking forward to tryin the Devour, but I don't think Best Buy usually carriers working devices, so might have to wait till mid-March when Verizon stores release it.

hahaha i kno the feelin of anticipation. all the Droid fans were glued to this site for almost a month waitin for it to come out. and we were posting as soon as we got ours lol. ull get ur fone soon enough and be loving and hating it with the rest of us soon lol


Mar 8, 2010
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Hey all, new here. Just picked this phone up a couple days ago so I thought I'd let you all know my thoughts on it. I noticed that a lot of you are saying how inferior the Devour is to the DROID, but I believe this is all in the eye of the beholder. I actually owned the DROID before I switched to the Devour, and the Devour is a better fit for me. I use my phone for lots of social networking (FBook, Twitter, texting etc...), email, and the occasional web surfing or video watching. Sure, the screen isn't as large as the DROID, but for MY purposes, the better keyboard and integration of MOTOBLUR is more than enough to get me to switch. Android 1.6 is a fine operating system even without all the bells and whistles of the newer versions, and with the ability to instantly post statuses for twitter and facebook with one or two clicks is very convenient. So sure, for power/business users, the DROID might be a better option, but the extra few seconds of lag time when loading webites, videos, and applications should not be a big deal to a lot of people. The tank like build of the DEVOUR coupled with it's many social networking options, amazing keboard and solid OS makes it a powerhouse in the social networking realm. Feel free to ask me anything relating to the Devour, just want to get the word out that it IS a very quality device.

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Formerly VZWRocks
Feb 25, 2010
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I too picked up this baby last week and here are my thoughts briefly:

The advantages of Devour are that MotoBlur social networking integration and a better keyboard. The disadvantage is the smaller screen and lower Android version (1.6). Because or MotoBlur you will be waiting a lot longer than the Droid for software upgrades though it will get 2.1 at some point when MotoBlur has been upgraded to support the new OS version. Because of the lower Android version some apps that are available on Droid wont be available on Devour. The two that come to mind that mattered to me are the Dolphin web browser and MySpace. Also you are limited to one Google/Gmail account on Android 1.6. The phone feels better in your hand than the droid and feels more durable to me. The backside of that is that you need to remove a plastic side panel to remove the battery or MicroSD card which is awkward. The lady at Best Buy was having problems when I bought the phone and I hat to tell her how to do it as I had already watched a YouTube video on it. Devour has a cool trackpad on it that the Droid does not. Devour is definitely a Verizon branded phone it has a lot of proprietary Verizon software installed (VCast Video, VCast Music, My Verizon-- this can be downloaded from the market for Droud -- VZNavigator. No VCast Song ID yet though). Boot screen has the Verizon logo where the Droid does not.

Now the advantages of the Droid are obvious but I'll restate the most important. It's running Android 2.0.1 with no extras like MotoBlur or SenseUI and will be getting Android 2.1 soon, most likely before any other current device gets the upgrade. More and more new apps are designed for the newest version of Android. The screen is larger and gorgeous. You would not think that there would be much difference between 3.1 and 3.7 but boy is there and you definitely notice it. Droid has a better camera as a 5 MP camera with flash (vs the Devour with a 3.2 and no flash). The battery and SD card are easy to remove as needed.

Both phones are solid in the hand and heavier and based upon my limited experience with Devour this far they seem to have similar battery life and cellular reception.

What one is better? that's really up to you....

I'm going to be fleshing this out in my Blog in the next couple days, if anyone wants a link they can PM me as I am not able to post links yet I don't think.


Mar 6, 2010
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I work at BB in washington state, and i know we are getting a live verizon endcap with droid, eris, and devour on it. we dont have live versions of all of our phones, so it'll be cool to finally have that. The moto rep brought in some phones the other day (cliq xt) but i was playing with the devour then and its ok. the keyboard is really nice, and i like the remote sync and wipe feature of blur (if you lose your phone). anyway, i think when the droid goes back up to 199, that the devour will be a good alternative to people who dont want the eris.


Formerly VZWRocks
Feb 25, 2010
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I work at BB in washington state, and i know we are getting a live verizon endcap with droid, eris, and devour on it. we dont have live versions of all of our phones, so it'll be cool to finally have that. The moto rep brought in some phones the other day (cliq xt) but i was playing with the devour then and its ok. the keyboard is really nice, and i like the remote sync and wipe feature of blur (if you lose your phone). anyway, i think when the droid goes back up to 199, that the devour will be a good alternative to people who dont want the eris.

The physical keyboard is indeed very nice, much better than the Droid, HOWEVER, the locations they put the various punctuation marks and symbols is maddening, completely different from the droid and other phones I have used ...:-(


Mar 3, 2010
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How is the camera on this phone? My biggest problem is no flash on the camera, but if the pics come out decent I think I could overlook it. (not like im taking pics in a dark room anyway)


Mar 24, 2010
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The camera is not great. It takes decent pictures for social media's needs, but when compared to the other phones out, it's not anything to brag about. I haven't had any big issues w/ the lack of flash however, it adjusts well enough to low light situations.


Mar 3, 2010
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Sounds like a normal camera then for a phone. Most of the pics i would be taking will just be uploaded to facebook and such so I guess the quality would be fine. Thanks for the quick respone. Also, how is the screen size? I currently have a BB Storm and the screen is 3.2.


Mar 24, 2010
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The screen is fine for me, but I'm a first time smartphone user. I've used my boyfriend's BB storm, and I can say, from my experience with that, that the Devour screen is big enough, and the browser/apps are so much easier to use. You should check it out though since all the techies are bashing the Devour's smaller screen size compared to the Droid.