Nexus 4 Sim tray Stuck with nano sim adapter please help!


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Feb 23, 2013
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The day after I received my n4 I had calling issues. So I used my work phone to contact T-Mobile. They needed me to remove the Sim. I told them I didn't have the stupid extraction tool for the tray and they told me to just use a paper clip. I did and I was terrified that the dang paper clip nearly got stuck inside the pin hole. Wow. I just don't know what to say. I wish Google had developed the Sim tray better. I mean, do I need to carry the extraction tool around with me in case I need to remove the Sim card?? Just tuck it in my wallet?! I mean really? Oh well.
Jun 5, 2011
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This is coming late for some of you, unfortunately, but I have something of a solution. I just got a Nexus 4 with Noosy SIM adapter in the mail today, and like the everyone else, I'm switching from an iPhone 5. What I did is super glue the nanoSIM into the microSIM adapter, so now I essentially have a jerry-rigged microSIM. This doesn't work for anyone who plans on switching back-and-forth from the iPhone to the Nexus 4, but it works if you plan on switching permanently.


Dec 18, 2012
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I had the same issue. I inserted a nano sim in an adapter plate while overseas. While trying to eject the sim tray once returning from OS, the face plate broke off, and the tray was stuck. So I removed the two screws at the bottom of the phone, and using the proper plastic lever tool (like the one used in the nexus 4 teardown) I unclipped the bottom edge of the phone (opposite side to the sim tray), then used the plastic tool to lever out the sim tray which slid the tray out a little further and then I was able to pull out the tray with my fingers... A lucky escape I think!


Sep 22, 2012
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You are not alone. I returned my Nexus4 to google with sim adapter inside. They will hold the credit card until you return it but never charged me.
Remember, do not invest for the the cutter sim and adapter. Buy the new sim card.


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Feb 16, 2013
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I ran into this problem today and thank goodness I found the thread. I was playing with my new iPhone 5S and swapping SIM between the N4 and iPhone 5S. As I was putting the nano sim adapter with the SIM back in, I forgot to hold the SIM with my hands and it fell out as I slid the tray back in. Whoops. For N4 users using this Silverhill adapter, be wary--the nano SIM adapter falls out one way from the main tray, and the nano sim itself falls out the other way. You need to make sure that BOTH are in place before sliding the tray in.

3rdeyer's instructions worked pretty well. I'd like to add some details.

First of all, I inserted the plastic strip UNDERNEATH (when the screen is facing up) the sim tray and just jammed it in as far as I could. I used only 1 strip and I have a photo here to show what the dimensions are. You don't need 3cm of length because it won't go in that far, but it's a matter of having something for your fingers to grab onto. So what I'm showing is probably more like 2cm. I made mine a little less wide than the SIM tray and it worked wonderfully.

One thing to note that as you jam the plastic strip in, it seems the SIM tray slides inward a little too. But do not fret! Once it won't go in further, start pulling out the SIM tray. Pull it out in conjunction with the plastic strip. You won't be able to pull it all the way out, but that's fine. It'll be mostly out where you see the nano SIM tray, and you can slide the nano SIM in. Once you slide it in, you can pull the entire TRAY out now. Finally.


Hoi Hang

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Oct 9, 2013
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Thanks 3rdeyer!!!!!
this problem has harassed me for months and i solved it just for 10 mins after reading your comment!!!!!


Well-known member
Jun 26, 2013
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There is only one nano to micro sim adapter I would use. It's a German made adapter the ac staff turned me onto. The SIM card snaps into place. The only adapter I would ever trust. It keeps the nano SIM from popping out.

Here is a write up I did on it. Currently using it In my htc one as we speak.

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 2


Well-known member
Jun 26, 2013
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Did the same with my HTC One.

Very expensive mistake.

Posted via Android Central App

Ya know you guys really should give the German Sim adapter a try. It works great in the HTC one. I have no worries whatsoever about using it. Just took it out of my HTC one to put the nano Sim back in the moto x. Fantastic adapter.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2


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Dec 13, 2013
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3rdeyer is a fock... legend!!!I've tried almost everything on the mobile phones repairs "specialist" tips. Plus saved me some money.Good work


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Feb 11, 2014
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Thanks a lot to all of you for the answers in this thread, especially to 3rdeyer. I had the same problem with a Htc One. I was feeling hopeless after trying to pull it out (before finding this thread) and then after I tried with two pieces of thicker plastic without any luck inserting the second piece. But after I read more carefully what you said and I tried to find some that were slim enough to fit and I actually managed to remove the tray sim without even inserting the nano sim in the adapter. I'm very sorry that I didn't search this on the Internet before, because my tray sim now looks a little worn out (from trying different methods to remove it).


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Jul 26, 2014
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I also have this problem but with my Nexus 7 device.
Do you believe the solution works with Nexus 7? I tried but couldn't fix it.

Would you please post some pictures how you did it exactly?


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Nov 20, 2013
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I had this same problem with a Galaxy S2. I fixed it after reading this topic but used something besides strips of plastic. I used what I had on-hand, a mechanic's feeler gage set. They are metal strips of about the right width in various thicknesses. I used a .09mm gage and it worked perfectly. Thanks.

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