[Novel Concept] Fight against malaria by downloading an App is now possible !!!


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Jul 16, 2012
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DARGIL is proud to announce,
for the World Malaria day 2013,
the release of its new application
The Moskies,
a fun and educative mobile game in favor of a great cause.

The principle is pretty simple.
When you buy the game, for less than one euro, part of this amount (10 to 15 cents) is collected in order to support concrete actions to fight malaria on the field.
The remaining part of the money is used to promote the concept and attract more people and consequently create a virtuous circle of funding.
In exchange, you get a fun and educative game that includes a 50 question quiz on malaria and built with the collaboration of the organisation Roll Back Malaria

The first funded actions will be the buying and distribution of malaria prevention kits as part of the project "A Roof and Health for All" in Haiti (web page only in French for the moment).
This project is driven by the Non-profit organisation Sant? En Entreprise and has already achieved the construction of 20 eco-designed houses to welcome 130 persons.

100 downloads are required to cover the needs for one kit.

Our goal
150 000 downloads = 1500 prevention kits

The success of the operation directly depends on the number of participants.
Help us to make it happen by

1/ Downloading the App on your smartphone or tablet


2/ Joining The Moskies community on Facebook

Here is the video presentation of The Moskies

More information can be found on the-moskies.com



New member
Jul 16, 2012
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Hi everybody

A quick status after the first week following the release of The Moskies, our new mobile game to fight for real against malaria.

We successfully reached more than 400 000 persons on the social networks.
A significant effect on the downloads could not be seen but the buzz is growing around the project.

We need your support more than ever.

A download of the application is, of course, the best way to participate.
But simple and free acts such as a post, a share a like on Facebook, a (re)tweet or even a comment on this thread are also welcomed.

Know more by visiting the official website: http://the-moskies.com
Follow us on Facebook: The Moskies and on Twitter: @TheMoskies




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