Owning the Nexus 6 and....


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Mar 17, 2010
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You can just permenantly disable imessage?
Settings > Messages and toggle iMessage off

Have both the Nexus 6 and the iPhone 6+. I always get the top of the line Android and iOS phones for every generation. Right now, the iPhone 6+ is running circles around the Nexus 6 -- the first time I've ever felt that way about my iOS device. Battery life in particular. I've been using both phones for 30 min each this morning (on wifi)... lost 1% on the iOS device. Lost 7% on the N6.

N6 has a LONG way to go right now... if anything, feels very rushed to market.


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Apr 27, 2013
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I currently have the Nexus 6 and the iPhone 6+, am I crazy to own more then one phone? I just love pure android as well as iOS and I rather have 2 phones then owning a phone and a tablet. Of course I only have one Sim which I switch to either phone whenever I feel like using one over the other, so its not like I'm paying monthly for two phones. What's everyone's thought on this?

When I grow up, I wanna be just like you!!!!:cool:


Well-known member
Sep 15, 2010
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Just switching between 2? I can't decide between the Note 4, Nexus 6, Moto X 2014 and the iPhone 6 right now.

The Note 4 occupies my pocket more than any phone right now. The Nexus 6 is nice, but I'd rather carry the Moto X because I already have a large phone in the N4. And iPhone 6 gets some use when I'm testing an app, or I just feel like a slim smaller phone.


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Nov 28, 2014
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I have witnessed this feature abroad where provider issues two SIM cards with same number primarily one for mobile and another for data.
Its functioning is: only one at a time can receive calls (the one for mobile) but both can call out (the one for data). Since there is no fundamental difference in the two cards, it is just a special code to dial with any one of the SIM to make it the one receving calls.

It is a very good and convenient feature but in times when providers want to sell more number of connections they will try and sell 2 numbers instead of giving two SIM for same number.


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Mar 25, 2014
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I would love to hear opinions from people who own both Nexus 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. I just got my first iPhone, the iPhone 6 Plus, and I am wondering if I have made a mistake. I have not used an Android phone in years but am considering the Nexus 6.


May 15, 2010
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I would love to hear opinions from people who own both Nexus 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. I just got my first iPhone, the iPhone 6 Plus, and I am wondering if I have made a mistake. I have not used an Android phone in years but am considering the Nexus 6.

if you like the freedom to customize and tinker - then Android is for you. if you like tight integration with all of Google's services - then Android is for you.


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Jan 21, 2011
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Good to know I'm not the only one :).

Nope, you're not alone. I have both those phones as well. What's cool is, I didn't even realize my Iphone 6 Plus is unlocked. I put my Tmobile sim in just to see what would happen and it works, phone & T Mobile LTE.

My primary provider is At&t and I bought the phone on the Next program. I'm not sure if it's a mistake made by the Apple employee or if you buy a phone on the Next program it's unlocked. Either way, i'm glad to have two unlocked phones.


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Feb 22, 2011
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I am also using the iPhone 6+ as well as the Nexus 6. I just got the Nexus 6 a few days ago and I love it!!! That's where my sim is at the moment. I'll just switch out whenever I feel like it. I have noticed though that the iPhone 6+ battery OWNS the Nexus 6 battery. Hahaha. That's ok. I love stock android and am always near a charger anyway. Turbo charging is a blessing. Nothing wrong in loving both Android and iOS! ^_^


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Mar 17, 2010
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I would love to hear opinions from people who own both Nexus 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. I just got my first iPhone, the iPhone 6 Plus, and I am wondering if I have made a mistake. I have not used an Android phone in years but am considering the Nexus 6.
Having both flagship phones with me, my thoughts...

iOS has the worst notifications in the industry, but managed to make iMessage more functional than Hangouts by supporting replies in notifications. And iMessage is very very good... Apple did a really nice job with it. On the flip side, it's been how many years, and Apple still refuses to put a mail icon in the top bar when you have a new mail message waiting. And when your phone is idle, you still have to turn it on to see what you've missed. This is infuriating.

Unless you're rooted, Android has the worst device restore in the world. It is horrible and I want to set myself on fire every time I restore something without root. It takes a lot of patience to get a new device back to the way you left it on another device. I can bang out an iOS restore while having dinner and walk out the door with a fully restored device. The N6 restore took a few hours, and then I had to go back and log into everything, figure out what got missed in the restore, etc.

iP6+ camera will run circles around the N6. The N6 photos are really quite good, but you will miss more shots than you want. The iPhone camera is always ready, stupid fast, little features like burst mode make it very hard to mess up.

iP6+ battery is currently better than the N6. This might change over the life of the N6, but if you need solid battery life today, the iP6+ is it. The Qualcomm QuickCharge stuff works extremely well on the N6, but you still have to find an outlet and give up 15 min of your life if you want a "bump".

Apple Pay is very well designed, and conveniently works from the lock screen. Point phone at NFC sensor, phone wakes and prompts for fingerprint, register fingerprint and you're done. Google Wallet still needs an unlock and a PIN to start payment. That's a lot of work once you've tried it the other way.

On the flip side, iP6+ has a perfectly good NFC sensor, and Apple doesn't feel like you're ready to handle using NFC for other things yet, so it only does one thing - payments. Forget about tap to share... they're not interested right now and want you to embrace AirDrop.

If you use Google Voice at all, N6 all the way. I use GV and Voice Choice and the dialer chooses what number to present when I call out from the phone. Apple has no interest in the GV world, and would rather you use Facetime Audio. For now, on the iP6+ I have to use 2 dialers and decide which dialer to use for different people. It sucks because you lose all the nice automation you can do on Android.

I generally find myself happier on the iP6+ than I thought I'd be and then resenting Apple intensely for things like subpar notifications and questionable implementations of widgets.

It has only been a few days with the N6, and am happy every time I get a notification. I appreciate access to very nicely implemented apps like Nine for Exchange which has done corporate mail better than anyone else in the industry. And then I lament the slow camera, the lack of consistent Bluetooth MAP support for in-car notifications, and the lack of consistent focus on consumer experience.

Can't win. The iP6+ is narrowing the gap... still not there yet, but I have only a handful of reasons left not to make it a full time switch. But Apple is stubborn as all heck -- those last few things I want will come 5 generations later, and the jury is still out on whether I have any interest in waiting that long.


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2013
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Having both flagship phones with me, my thoughts...

iOS has the worst notifications in the industry, but managed to make iMessage more functional than Hangouts by supporting replies in notifications. And iMessage is very very good... Apple did a really nice job with it. On the flip side, it's been how many years, and Apple still refuses to put a mail icon in the top bar when you have a new mail message waiting. And when your phone is idle, you still have to turn it on to see what you've missed. This is infuriating.

Unless you're rooted, Android has the worst device restore in the world. It is horrible and I want to set myself on fire every time I restore something without root. It takes a lot of patience to get a new device back to the way you left it on another device. I can bang out an iOS restore while having dinner and walk out the door with a fully restored device. The N6 restore took a few hours, and then I had to go back and log into everything, figure out what got missed in the restore, etc.

iP6+ camera will run circles around the N6. The N6 photos are really quite good, but you will miss more shots than you want. The iPhone camera is always ready, stupid fast, little features like burst mode make it very hard to mess up.

iP6+ battery is currently better than the N6. This might change over the life of the N6, but if you need solid battery life today, the iP6+ is it. The Qualcomm QuickCharge stuff works extremely well on the N6, but you still have to find an outlet and give up 15 min of your life if you want a "bump".

Apple Pay is very well designed, and conveniently works from the lock screen. Point phone at NFC sensor, phone wakes and prompts for fingerprint, register fingerprint and you're done. Google Wallet still needs an unlock and a PIN to start payment. That's a lot of work once you've tried it the other way.

On the flip side, iP6+ has a perfectly good NFC sensor, and Apple doesn't feel like you're ready to handle using NFC for other things yet, so it only does one thing - payments. Forget about tap to share... they're not interested right now and want you to embrace AirDrop.

If you use Google Voice at all, N6 all the way. I use GV and Voice Choice and the dialer chooses what number to present when I call out from the phone. Apple has no interest in the GV world, and would rather you use Facetime Audio. For now, on the iP6+ I have to use 2 dialers and decide which dialer to use for different people. It sucks because you lose all the nice automation you can do on Android.

I generally find myself happier on the iP6+ than I thought I'd be and then resenting Apple intensely for things like subpar notifications and questionable implementations of widgets.

It has only been a few days with the N6, and am happy every time I get a notification. I appreciate access to very nicely implemented apps like Nine for Exchange which has done corporate mail better than anyone else in the industry. And then I lament the slow camera, the lack of consistent Bluetooth MAP support for in-car notifications, and the lack of consistent focus on consumer experience.

Can't win. The iP6+ is narrowing the gap... still not there yet, but I have only a handful of reasons left not to make it a full time switch. But Apple is stubborn as all heck -- those last few things I want will come 5 generations later, and the jury is still out on whether I have any interest in waiting that long.

I second that about the horrible restore. Is it that hard to just have a new device completely restore to the way your old one was app settings and all??

Kevin Harvell

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May 31, 2012
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I'll be switching between my Lumia 1520 and my Nexus 6. The 1520 is still larger overall, so it's nice to carry a "small" phone for a change.

Posted via my Nexus 6


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Mar 17, 2010
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Any significant differences in performance, glitches or app crashes between Nexus 6 and iPhone 6 Plus?
I've seen a few random hot boots on the N6. No good reason for them... it just suddenly rebooted on me. My iP6+ hot booted a few times until the last maintenance update.

Generally speaking both phones are very fast. Lollipop is still a little rough around the edges but anyone that's owned a Nexus phone knows that comes with the territory. Over the life of the phone, I expect the N6 to get really good with a good amount of bugs squashed in the next update.

As far as I can tell so far, there are no apps "optimized" for the N6's big screen (someone can correct me here if I'm wrong). Certainly not nearly the amount that has been seen with the iP6+.


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2010
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Any significant differences in performance, glitches or app crashes between Nexus 6 and iPhone 6 Plus?

My nexus 6 has been quite stable and enjoyable. Both are great phones. If someone absolutely forced me to choose one right now and have to sell the other, I would keep the nexus 6. (Unlike tablets, in that case I'd keep the iPad Air 2 over the nexus 9) I like the flexibility of Lollipop, and think it's much more enjoyable to use as an OS than iOS. I also love widgets.

One great example of the advantage widgets make: I recently got some Philips Hue lights that can be controlled via app. On my iPhone I have to always open the app first before then doing whatever I want to do, whereas on the nexus 6 they supplied a bunch of widgets that let me take action directly from a home screen w/o opening the app.

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