Question Passworded Archived Files?


Oct 19, 2021
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Back when I used to use Windows I could use a program similar to ZIP to put all my files into an archive, encrypt and password it. Compression was only an option. It kept my files safe and secure. I've been trying to figure out how to do that on my Note 20 ultra so I can back up my files onto a memory card, but it's so far I haven't figured out how to do this. I tried a similar program, but it didn't work. I don't trust it. When I uploaded it to Google's cloud, then downloaded it back to test it, it was corrupted and I couldn't get my files back from the file archive even though I didn't compress it at all. I did the same thing with mixed results with my memory card. Some of the archives worked and some of them didn't. Isn't there something I can use that actually works? Something that's actually stable? My files aren't safe if I can't even open them!