Persistent "check USB port for moisture"


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Dec 14, 2016
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Took my phone in the shower to cycle through Spotify. Phone now has the "check port" pop down window for like 5 hours now. The phone also acted really funky when I was streaming Bluetooth and taking a call. Screen was flickering and opening all kinds of crap. It stopped once I turned the phone off and on. Now everything seems fine accept for this persistent message. I can't find a way to turn it off either. Did I break my supposed ip68 phone?


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Mar 2, 2014
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I've had that message also, but only for about an hour. it's a safety feature so you don't plug in your device while moisture is still in the Port. 5 hours is an awful long time though


Feb 23, 2011
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Took my phone in the shower...

Do you mean you physically took it into the shower itself, under the running water? These phones are water resistant, not waterproof or designed to be in a shower. Heck, if you look at the warranty policy, water damage likely isn't covered and that IP rating is nothing more than a marketing gimmick.

If you just had it in the bathroom, but outside the actual shower, it's possible steam worked its way into it. Moisture on the screen can also cause erratic touch response and ghost touches. Try a hair drier to the port. If that doesn't work, try putting it in rice.

This may be a long shot, but I've seen reports of Samsung showing this message when they haven't been exposed to moisture at all. When it happened to my wife's S7, what fixed it was finding the USB settings (or something similar to that, related to USB) in the app manager, deleting the app data, then rebooting the phone. You may want to see if that's possible on your phone too.


Well-known member
Dec 14, 2016
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Do you mean you physically took it into the shower itself, under the running water? These phones are water resistant, not waterproof or designed to be in a shower. Heck, if you look at the warranty policy, water damage likely isn't covered and that IP rating is nothing more than a marketing gimmick.

If you just had it in the bathroom, but outside the actual shower, it's possible steam worked its way into it. Moisture on the screen can also cause erratic touch response and ghost touches. Try a hair drier to the port. If that doesn't work, try putting it in rice.

This may be a long shot, but I've seen reports of Samsung showing this message when they haven't been exposed to moisture at all. When it happened to my wife's S7, what fixed it was finding the USB settings (or something similar to that, related to USB) in the app manager, deleting the app data, then rebooting the phone. You may want to see if that's possible on your phone too.

No i took in the shower. So if it's not water proof then why does the ip68 rating state a guaranteed protection in 30 meters of water for the same period of time? Commercials show these phones in rain. I didn't hold it under the stream of water but it definitely got wet. I'm thinking like me, most are confident that they can drop their ip68 rated phone in the toilet without worry. I understand you don't want to go swimming with it, but some shower over spray shouldn't effect the phone I would think. I think I figured out how to turn the notification off. I'll give it until tomorrow and turn it back on and see what happens


Feb 23, 2011
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Re: Persistent "check USB port for moisture"

So if it's not water proof then why does the ip68 rating state a guaranteed protection in 30 meters of water for the same period of time?

I'm not familiar with this specific phone, but does LG claim 30 meters, or 3 meters? Though I doubt it really matters. For one, submersion isn't the same as being hit with flowing water. Mist, as you would get from shower steam, also has different properties. Remember, that rating is based on a laboratory test under controlled conditions, not real world use, no different than the mil-spec drop ratings. So for future reference, you should always be careful with phones around water. Unless they specifically claim it's fully waterproof and will warranty against water damage, don't put so much trust into those ratings. These are only water resistant, and there's just too many variables in the real world that could make that protection fail.


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Mar 26, 2014
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A shower stream is a jet of water that forces it's way into nooks and crannies. Don't be surprised that it gets into phone ports.

Anyhow, the danger of water is that it allows electricity to travel into areas that it shouldn't, damaging the components. You therefore want to shut down the power first of all. Then, use desiccants. Rice is the common recommendation but is petty ineffective. Craft stores sell desiccants for drying flowers. 99 cent stores have anti moisture kits that work great too. Using a hairdryer or blowing in the ports moves the water deeper in, so I don't recommend that.
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Well-known member
Apr 16, 2011
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I got the same notification on my LG G6 that would not go away. I wasn't able to charge my phone via USB cable because of this. For me, my phone was never near any water. The only way to fix it was to sent it to LG for warranty repair.


Mar 6, 2012
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Also, if there is steam in the environment in which you are using your phone, then that could be the cause of the moisture warning. I'd recommend keeping the phone away from steam or direct running water.


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2014
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these phones are very water resistant. I shower with mine all the time and video chat with my friends lol. it's not a marketing gimmick. the only reason they don't warranty water damage is because they have no way to tell if it got water damage from doing something not recommended. like shooting a fire hose at it


Feb 23, 2011
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these phones are very water resistant. I shower with mine all the time and video chat with my friends lol. it's not a marketing gimmick. the only reason they don't warranty water damage is because they have no way to tell if it got water damage from doing something not recommended. like shooting a fire hose at it
I'm sure if you asked LG, they would say it's not recommended to shower with it either.


Feb 23, 2011
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Re: Persistent "check USB port for moisture"

I'm not sure about LG, but Samsung advertises lil John pouring champagne on the s8 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Well I guess when you can afford to waste a bottle of champagne, you can afford to buy a replacement phone if you break it. Lol