Personal assistant by Pageonce?


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Nov 4, 2009
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I have it. It's the same as it was on the blackberry basically. Very convenient for giving you a snapshot of your various accounts, but you can't do much to them from the program. Most of the time I'll see something in my account that requires action and then have to log in to that specific account to make the change. Also nice that it will email you notifications for upcoming bills/changed bills.


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Oct 29, 2009
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I used to use it on my PC, but to be honest, I was very uncomfortable with having so much of my financial/bank/credit card info in one place online. I'm not normally a paranoid person, but the risk wasn't worth it. I know pretty much what my balances are at any one time.


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Oct 28, 2009
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I used to use it on my PC, but to be honest, I was very uncomfortable with having so much of my financial/bank/credit card info in one place online. I'm not normally a paranoid person, but the risk wasn't worth it. I know pretty much what my balances are at any one time.

I felt the same way when I had it on my Blackberry. Hence the reason why I didn't keep it or download it for Android. But good app nonetheless.


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Jan 4, 2010
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Setting the record straight--Pageonce's Personal Assistant is SAFE!

I?m the COO of Pageonce and I?m proud to say that since the launch of the Personal Assistant in late 2007, we?ve never had a security breach, and there?s good reason for that. The Pageonce products, including the Personal Assistant, are all designed with security in mind?adhering to the highest standards in security in order to keep your data private and secure. Security is part of our culture and we work to bring you a great service, with the peace of mind that your information will be protected. Pageonce employs military level security - the highest standards in Internet security. Our independent, multiple security layers include 256 bit data encryption, 128 bit data encrypted SSL systems and multiple firewalls.
If you?re interested in learning more about Pageonce and the Personal Assistant security, please read here: Pageonce How We Keep You Safe: mobile online account management , ID theft, ID protection, account fraud protection
I also encourage you to read the tens of thousands of 4 and 5 star reviews in all the major smartphone stores (we?re currently live on Android, iPhone, Rim & Windows platforms). Over 1 Million Registered members have helped make Pageonce?s products #1 on the major platforms. Pageonce products have received many leading awards like TechCrunch?s Best 35 Apps of 2009 & Gizmodo's Essential 50 Apps of 2009, and have been recommended by Fox News, Cnet and PC World.
If I haven?t convinced you yet, then I simply encourage you to try out our free product and start adding your non-banking accounts like your airline frequent flyer accounts and your utility and phone bills. Once you see how useful it is to let the Personal Assistant alert you to when your bills are due and when your flights are delayed, you?ll understand the benefits of the product. And, I?m sure over time, you?ll come to realize, like I did, that having my bank and credit card accounts are incredibly helpful as well. Personal Assistant alerts me when someone spends over $500 on any of my credit card, so if there was any fraudulent activity, I can stop it immediately. I can also quickly see my checking account balance to make sure I won?t bounce any checks. My banking and credit card account information never appear on my Personal Assistant and I can?t transact within Personal Assistant, so I?m not at all concerned about someone being able to steal this information or get access to my Personal Assistant. Moreover, if I ever lost my phone, I could easily delete all my information if I choose to do that, with one simple click on
Thank you and I look forward to welcoming you to the fast-growing Pageonce membership!


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Jan 15, 2010
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Great but..

This is a great application, but like others in this thread, I am concerned about security. I'm not concerned with the things that pageonce has taken into consideration. I am more concerned with losing my phone.

It would be nice if pageonce provided some measures to ensure that loosing my phone doesn't open me up to identity fraud.


I would suggest having an option for a PIN screen to get into your application and encrypted local data storage. Without these simple measures, SSL and online data security may be worthless.

Here's another suggestion, take a page from the FindMyPhone app and allow me to text my phone and destroy any local data cache and authentication information.

Phillip Givens


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Jan 4, 2010
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Personal Assistant is Safe

Hi Phillip:
Thanks for your email and your suggestions which I've forwarded to the product team to look into asap. In addition to the security measures I mention above, to address some of your additional possible concerns, here's some more security features available for you on the Android platform:

1. Password protection ? you can change the setting option to not save your password. So to enter the app each time, you will be asked to type in your password.

2. Just to be clear--the data is not saved on your phone, it is downloaded to the device, so if you cannot enter the app, you cannot access the data.

3. If you ever lost your phone and you wanted to delete all your pageonce data, you can simply do that immediately by accessing your account on Pageonce: Personal Productivity Assistant application for iPhone, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile and Android and with one click, you can delete all your data.

I do look forward to welcoming you to the Pageonce family--so, please let me know when you start using the Personal Assistant! I guarantee it will make your life easier and you'll love it like the rest of our 1.3 Million customers! Just read their testimonials for yourself...


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Nov 10, 2009
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I really like the app as I have no immediate access to my account balance on the go. My only problem, and I'm sure it has more to do with my bank and less to do with Assistant, is it shows a somewhat backdated account balance. Like around 2 to 4 days late lol.


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Jan 5, 2010
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Hi, old thread resurrection in progress...

I thought this would be the best place to post as it's the only thread that appears to be DEDICATED to assistant (aka pageonce)

Also, the guy from pageonce posting here is pretty cool. He seems to want to really help. I hope he checks back in...

recommendation:First off, I HIGHLY recommend the app (at least the free version). I had it for blackberry. I've used it for a long time. It gets better all of the time with increased account info. My local credit union wasn't there. I requested it from the developer and, viola! done.

securityI feel safe using it to store personal data. It can be enabled to access only via password. And, as stated, the app doesn't store the data the developer does. So, lost phone is NOT a security issue. Also, it's just account info - not transferring money or requesting money or anything. I know, I know.... identity theft. But, seriously - there's probably juicier stuff in my trash can out back then in this app. Unless someone is into shredding their credit card statements and all of that - they really shouldn't even imply this app somehow compromises security.

problems / questions:

1. How do you change the notification for alerts? Do you need to go pro?

2. I paid big bucks for this for my Blackberry (I think it was $20) -- sort of pisses me off that the developer won't allow that account to transfer over to another OS and requires me to now pay $7 for the pro account (I DID email them, they said basically, "sucks to be you, pay up or shut up" - but, they said it very professionally and politely).

3. No trial version to see what exactly is the difference between free and pro? If notification options are the major difference that seems sort of .... I don't know... petty. Come on, ad support this thing, embrace the Android open access philosophy and make the app free. OR, offer a donate option - you may be surprised at the generosity shown for a truly useful and well made app.


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Jun 18, 2010
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Your recommendations, reassurance around our security and feedback was awesome - thanks for posting. I'm on the Pageonce marketing team and want to address the problems/questions you posed:

1) We'd love to be able to offer all of our premium customers the ability to take their premium Pageonce app from platform to platform, but Apple, Android and RIM aren't allowing us to do that (yet).
2) Our Free apps are essentially the same as the premium apps, so if you don't mind the banner ads on the free Pageonce apps, you can simply download the free apps. All the key functionality in our premium apps are available on our free apps!
3) We currently don't permit our members to control the type and frequency of alerts, but we're working on that--so stay tuned for announcements around that soon!

Feel free to contact me directly (alison@pageonce) if you have any other follow-up questions!


PS - Jim really appreciates your comment that you think he's pretty cool, made his day!
Last edited:


Well-known member
Jun 5, 2010
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I have had Personal Assistant since the Blackberry days and I now have it on my Incredible. I really like it, it is one of the most useful apps I have. Now I only have the free version and I would gladly go for the paid version if it would support my bank account. If you guys see this I have never been able to put in my account from First Niagara bank. It will keep asking the same security questions over and over but never finish the login process. If someone can show me how to make that work I'd be happy to pay for it. But I still use it!


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May 20, 2010
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sort of pisses me off that the developer won't allow that account to transfer over to another OS and requires me to now pay $7 for the pro account

I agree. Here's the response I got from PageOnce...

"Due to the difference in the Operating Systems, and the different stores for each platform, the Premium application will need to be purchased again. Please note we do not sell the application directly to users. Each store handles the sales, billing, and distribution of the application. They are the ones who set the policies on re-downloading paid applications."

Huh?!? What a load of bull!! SplashData (SplashData - Powerful productivity software for mobile devices and desktop computers) develops similar cross-platform apps and at least gave me a discount when I switched phones. Why can't PageOnce do the same?!?


Italiano Papi
Jul 12, 2010
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Ive had it on BlackBerry, and I have it on my Captivate. One of the best apps ever. Keeps track of all your bills and keeps them updated. I believe you have to manually refresh each account with the free version and the paid version allows you to update all the accounts at the same time. Either way, the free version is perfect and does what its supposed to. Im glad they had this for android when I switched from BlackBerry.


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Jun 25, 2010
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Questions about pageonce

Hi, all
I think I know the answer to these, but thought I would ask. I would like to have pageonce on my wife's phone and mine. It's my understanding that the app simply allows one "read only" status on accounts, correct? Also, can information be loaded through my PC (which would be quite easy) or do I need to go through the laborious process of doing all that through my Hero? And if the latter, do I need to do it all over again through my wife's Hero?


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2010
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Hi, all
I think I know the answer to these, but thought I would ask. I would like to have pageonce on my wife's phone and mine. It's my understanding that the app simply allows one "read only" status on accounts, correct? Also, can information be loaded through my PC (which would be quite easy) or do I need to go through the laborious process of doing all that through my Hero? And if the latter, do I need to do it all over again through my wife's Hero?

I carry two phones. Blackberry for work and EVO for Personal use. Prior to the EVO was a WM device.
The two devices i carry have Personal Assistant on them. Each has idential account info, but using two seperate phones. I do this because originally i had the program on my BB. However it loaded slow (BB fault, not PageOnce) then on the WM device it was much faster. With my EVO it too seems to work so much better then my BB(9700 on ATT) I am not getting any errors or having any problems with having duplicate account info on seperate phones.
I was actually about to delete the program on my BB when i saw an applicatoin update on BB App world so i am testing the update to see if its any more responsive.
Oh an if anybody wonders why i have the same app on 2 different devices.
At work there are times where i dont have access to my "personal" phone.
On the weekends, i sometimes leave my "work" phone at home. LOL so i dont always have both with me at the same time.

Overall its a great application.


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Apr 26, 2012
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So, I just added this app...and it seems like it's going to be quite powerful. How though, do I enter that I wrote a check to pay a bill? And I entered some manual bills (auto debit/transfers) that I don't see on my desktop version. Will they eventually sync? No "Manual" button on the PC version....not that I can see anyway.

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