Playbak of 1080p MKV files


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Dec 4, 2013
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Does anybody have issues with playing back 1080p MKV files?

I tried many different players, including:
  • MX PLayer (with HW+ enabled and ARMv7 NEON custon codec)
  • Dice player
  • BS Player
  • Vplayer
  • VLC beta
  • MoboPlayer

None of these players could play smoothly 1080p30 video with 8 Mbs bitrate. The playback was jittery, with audio being out of sync with video. Although MX Player did the best job, performance was far from watchable. At the same time, most of these players played 720p60 MKV file with 6 Mbs very smoothly.

Are there any known limitations on which resolutions and bitrates Nexus 7 2013 can handle? Are there any tricks of trade to achieve smooth playback of 1080p videos? I was expecting much better performance with the tablet flagship from Google.


PS: I am still using OS 4.3 as I read there were numerous issues (including video performance) with version 4.4.


Mar 12, 2011
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Never had a problem, with a variety of files and players. What is the source of the files? If you have been ripping them yourself, perhaps there is something in your specific settings that trips up the players?


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2013
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Using Mx Player, I have played MKV videos of this resolution smoothly in the past, not sure about the bitrate. The stuttering could be related to the chosen audio codec.

If you upload a short clip, we can test it for you.

Posted via Android Central App


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Dec 4, 2013
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I produced both files (720p and 1080p) by down sampling MTS file from my camcorder (which is 1080p60, ~30 Mbits/sec and is too heavy for most of the players). So, I guess, it could be problem of my encoding. But to encode both files I used FFMPEG with medium preset and similar command lines (except for frame rates, bit rates and resolutions). Both files could be played well on my 5 year old home PC with various players as well as on cheap external WD player.

May I ask you, what were the highest bitrates/framerates/resulutions you were able to play on your Nexus? Have you ever reached the point, that the playback became jittery?



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Oct 26, 2010
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I have zero problem playing tons of 1080p MKV video files on my Nexus 7 and zero problems playing 720p MKV videos on my Galaxy S3 (since the screen is on 720 that's all I play on the phone) using MX Player. I haven't tried Mobo again since I ditched it after finding MX Player. HOWEVER - my 1080i (interlaced) vacation videos are useless in MX Player, they stutter like crazy for some reason due to the interlacing, and those are MP4. Oh, and I have some movies with very high bitrates and very large file sizes (The Right Stuff at a little over 13gb in size). Are your stuttering MKV's interlaced videos or progressive? You say 1080p60, but is that really 1080i 60 *fields* per second or are you really playing 1080p 60 *frames* per second? At 60 frames per second I think I can see why it's having a hard time keeping up.



Well-known member
Oct 26, 2010
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I experienced the same issue with a few mkv files. I flipped from hardware to software decoding and the files then played fine. FYI I have only used MX player.

Aaah yes, I too recall that issue though I no longer have it. I also used to have problems playing MKV files on my S3 and had to use the Software Audio Codec for playback and they would then play perfectly fine. Now after a number of updates I don't have that issue anymore and leave everything set to hardware codec playback. Funny, I'd forgotten about that for a while now. OP, try switching to software audio or video codec and see if that helps. As noted on mine it was just something with the audio causing the issue.



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Dec 4, 2013
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Thank you all.

The problem was in fact with my encoding. I used "-r 29.97" parameter with ffmpeg assuming it will drop the frame rate from 60 to 30. For some reason it did not work properly. After converting the same original file to 1080p30 using different software it played back smoothly with MX Player on my Nexus 7.