Pogo cable first impressions


Jul 14, 2013
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So I got my pogo cable from amazon yesterday and so far have been impressed. While using my tablet to surf and watch a few videos, it was able to go from around 40% to almost full in around 5ish hours. First thing I want is a longer cable. It is about the same size as the original USB cable, but I wish they would have at least added a foot or two.

Second isn't so much the cable, but the tablet: I don't like the placement of the pogo pins. I know that that is the perfect spot for a dock, but without an official dock, what is the point? Also, you probably wouldn't be able to use this charge with a typical universal dock/stand since there needs to be some clearance between the bottom of the tablet and the table without sharply bending the cable. Issue can be solved by the really hard procedure of rotating the tablet 180 degrees, but this would not be ideal since some apps don't rotate or any app that uses the camera.

Overall I am pleased with it. It is definitely something that should have come with the tablet standard, but for $25 extra, that's less than the sales tax I paid on the tablet itself.

I'll do charging time test soon, maybe today if I can kill enough of the power in time.


Jul 14, 2013
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You can always buy a generic USB extension cable......

Oh of course there are always workarounds, and as an Android user I should be used to that, but when ?better? could have been easily made in the first place, why not go with it? Overall the pros (faster charging, 'safety' of magnetic connection, faster charging, saves USB port/leaves it open, and faster charging) completely outweigh the con's (price/not included with initial purchase, length, positioning). Did I mention faster charging.

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