Really want this phone but...


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Sep 22, 2011
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I currently own an iPhone 5 before I had 2 androids. One was an htc hero then after a samsung galaxy 2 both were the phones to get at the time especially the gs2. I was very anti apple at that time and very pro android. I loved the freedom to custom, the advancements of the phone and android just being ahead of the game in terms of innovation. But I noticed especially with gs2 that the phone was golden for about 6 months then problems would start. Apps constantly crashing the phone(s) becoming sluggish, battery life shortened etc. I noticed that these problems arose when OTA updates were installed. So I went to the dark side and got an iPhone 5 last yr in march. From that point to now I've never had ANY problems at all and that's with updating to ios7. BUT I'm getting extremely board with it, looking at the same rows of just apps and apps. This htc one M8 really has my interest from the screen display to the boom sound. I've been away from android a while and was wondering if the OS for android is more stable than it has been before especially with going from one update to another. I'm not too impressed with specs of iPhone 6 either. Android has had what it's coming with for a while now. So long story short I kind of want to come back to android with htc M8.

Android Optimizer

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Jul 26, 2014
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I've been away from android a while and was wondering if the OS for android is more stable than it has been before especially with going from one update to another.

Compared to my previous phone (a Samsung Stratosphere running Android 2.X), and even compared to a tablet running 4.1.1 (Archos titanium 80) the current Android 4.4.3 is a vast improvement. Aside from one brief instance (on 4.4.2) where Google+ (google's fault) became unresponsive, and caused me to have to reboot the phone with a combination of the power+volume buttons my experience has been error free with everything running fast and smooth on the phone.
To some degree the stability level may depend on what carrier you're with: The Verizon update from 4.4.2 to 4.4.3 was extremely smooth, and problem free for most people. (The Verizon version forces Facebook for HTC Sense on, and removes the ability to disable the app/service that was able to be disabled in 4.4.2. In addition the Verizon update didn't include the new file manager app other versions were receiving, but its nothing new for Verizon to strip their models of features). Some AT&T users encountered some problems after the initial update, but most of those were resolved by system cache wipes (no data is lost during that process). Most other carrier updates, and the non-carrier updates (straight from HTC) have been reported to have gone smoothly. (I believe Sprint or T-mobile had a brief GPS issue). I highly recommend the HTC One m8 especially when compared to iPhones.


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Sep 22, 2011
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I do have Verizon my 2 yr contract ends in march of 2015 read that M9 prime will be coming out 1st Qtr of 2015. I may wait for that but that's great that OS is more stable. I've really loved the dependability of iPhone however it's lost the luster if you will. And the iPhone 6 is still behind in innovation. Screen size isn't a factor for me.


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May 1, 2010
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a simple clearing of the phone's cache's would have probably fixed your G2 right up, and fixed any of the slow downs you noticed..


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Sep 22, 2011
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I did that amongst other things. It was running whatever it was called before ice cream sandwich. It started acting up when I updated to ice cream sandwich. I had sprint during that time with gs2.


Well-known member
May 1, 2010
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you did that while in recovery, or you used some software to clear it?

you have to do it in recovery, so you can actually clean stuff when the phone is not booted to the OS


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2011
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I didn't use any software was done in recovery. Two things that I keep leaning toward in wanting M8 is screen display not size but appearance. And the boom sound. I love using my phone to listen to music especially at work.

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